›› 2016, Vol. 16 ›› Issue (4): 6-10.

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Listing Type Responsibility: A New Paradigm of Accountability

WANG Jinyu   

  1. (Department of Law, Anhui Normal University, Wuhu, Anhui 241003, China)
  • Received:2016-03-04 Online:2016-08-01 Published:2016-09-02



  1. 安徽师范大学 法学院,安徽 芜湖 241003
  • 作者简介:汪金玉(1989—),男,安徽桐城人,安徽师范大学法学院硕士研究生,研究方向:当代中国政府与政治。

Abstract: List system is the responsibility of the government to deepen the reform of administrative innovations, which is the embodiment of implementing the objectives and requirements of “legal duties must be”. It is also the systematic response to how the modern government constructs the effective running system to breakthrough the plight of the traditional running system. From the creation of the list of origin responsibility, accountability and other aspects of the characteristics of start list system, it focuses on the responsibility to promote the purposes of the reasonableness and necessity and on how to improve and perfect the responsibility system and use the list as a starting point, boosting government accountability system development. Feasible suggestions are put forward.

Key words: responsibility list, accountability system, new paradigm

摘要: 责任清单制度是政府深化行政体制改革的创新举措,是践行贯彻“法定职责必须为”目标要求的集中体现,是现代政府探索突破传统问责制体制困境而构建运转有效问责机制的制度性回应。从责任清单创设渊源、问责特点等层面入手,探讨责任清单制度施行推广的紧迫性与必要性;就如何健全完善责任清单制度,并以此为抓手助推政府问责制发展提出建议。

关键词: 责任清单, 问责制, 新范式