›› 2016, Vol. 16 ›› Issue (4): 31-36.

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Investigation of Agricultural Production in the East Sichuan Area during the AntiJapanese War

CHEN Pengfei   

  1. (School of History, Culture and Ethnology, Southwest University, Chongqing 400715, China)
  • Received:2016-02-02 Online:2016-08-01 Published:2016-09-02



  1. 西南大学 历史文化学院,重庆 400715
  • 作者简介:陈鹏飞(1991—),男,江苏常州人,西南大学历史文化学院硕士研究生,研究方向:中国近代史。

Abstract: During the period of antiJapanese war, the East Sichuan was a special area of ecological environment and economic structure. It was mountainous without much cultivated land. The degree of fragmentation was serious. On the other hand, the backwardness of tools, shortage of livestock, lack of fertilizer and waste of water facilities seriously restricted the agricultural production in the area. During the period, the national governments “sign sanctuary” leads to the shortage of labor, and the low level of cultural knowledge further restricted the agricultural production in East Sichuan area, resulting in farmers agricultural surplus of a serious shortage, which has become one of the important reasons of life of poverty.

Key words: AntiJapanese War period, agricultural production in East Sichuan, factors of production

摘要: 抗战时期,川东是一个生态环境、经济结构比较特殊的地区,境内多山,耕地数量不足且细碎化程度严重;工具落后、牲畜不足、化肥缺乏和水利设施荒废,严重限制了该地区的农业产量。抗战时期国民政府“征壮丁”补充兵源导致的劳动力短缺以及农民文化知识水平的低下,更进一步制约了川东地区的农业生产,导致农民农业严重不足,成为其生活贫困的重要原因之一。

关键词: 抗战时期, 川东地区农业生产, 生产要素