›› 2016, Vol. 16 ›› Issue (6): 74-77.

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Analysis on the Status of EU Economy Development and Its Countermeasures

WANG Ying   

  1. (School of International Diplomacy, Beijing Foreign Studies University, Beijing 100089, China)
  • Received:2016-03-28 Revised:2016-05-24 Online:2016-12-01 Published:2016-12-23



  1. 北京外国语大学 国际关系学院,北京 100089
  • 作者简介:王颖(1991—),女,吉林抚松人,北京外国语大学国际关系学院2015级外交学专业硕士研究生,研究方向:跨文化与国别研究、大国关系与中国外交。

Abstract: After the development of more than half a century, the member states of the EU continue to increase, not only unifying the Euro as the single currency, but also highly integrating the internal policy, and forming a unified foreign economic and business policy. At present, as the major economy of the world, the EUs total amount of economy can keep pace with the US, and keep the leading position in the world economy system in the aspect of the foreign trade, economic investment and aid projects. For the EU and its inner member states, economic activities are existing in linkage between the internal and international. At the same time, the EU occupies an important position in the international strategy. So it has the important value to deeply research the EUs economic development.

Key words: EU economy, development status, existing problem, countermeasure analysis

摘要: 经过半个多世纪的发展,欧盟成员国不断增加,不仅统一了单一货币欧元,而且将其内部政策高度一体化,并形成统一的对外经济和商业政策。目前,欧盟作为全球重要的经济体,其经济总量可以和美国并驾齐驱,在对外贸易、经济投资和项目援助方面在世界经济体系内处于领先地位。对于欧盟和其内部成员国而言,经济活动存在于其内部和国际之间的联动。同时,欧盟在国际战略中占有重要位置,对欧盟经济发展的深入研究具有重要的价值。

关键词: 欧盟经济, 发展现状, 存在问题, 对策分析