›› 2016, Vol. 16 ›› Issue (6): 97-101.

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An Ethical Literary Analysis of Juneteenth

XU Wei1, XU Tianshu2   

  1. (1.Wannan Medical College, Wuhu, Anhui 241002, China; 2. Hefei University, Hefei 230601, China)
  • Received:2016-05-13 Online:2016-12-01 Published:2016-12-23



  1. 1.皖南医学院,安徽 芜湖 241002;2.合肥学院,合肥 230601
  • 作者简介:许炜(1978—),女,皖南医学院讲师,安徽师范大学外国语学院访问学者,硕士,研究方向:非裔美国文学和移民文学;徐天戍(1982—),女,合肥学院副教授,硕士,研究方向:英美文学。
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: In Juneteenth, the second novel of Ralph Ellison, an African American writer, the author portrays the black priest, Hickmans perseverance in black ethics, which focuses on the pursuit of truth, goodness and holiness, and yet in the meantime, represents Bliss, the white boy adopted by Hickman, who struggles between black ethics and white ethics, then orients his life to the latter and becomes a senator, though finally assassinated by his illegitimate son. From the perspective of ethical literary criticism, the two protagonists final ethical choices to reconstruct the ethical picture that black ethics is not identified is analyzed, and thereby, revealing Ellisons black ethical appeal reflected in the novel.

Key words: Juneteenth, ethical literary criticism, black ethics, white ethics

摘要: 非裔美国作家拉尔夫·埃里森在长篇小说《六月庆典》中,一方面塑造了黑人牧师希克曼对求真、求善、求圣的黑人伦理的坚守;另一方面塑造了希克曼收养的白人小男孩布里斯挣扎于黑人伦理与白人伦理之间,最终以白人伦理定位人生,成为参议员,却被私生子刺杀。本文从文学伦理学批评视角出发分析二位主人公最终的伦理选择,再现历史语境下黑人伦理不被认同的伦理图景,藉此揭示小说中折射出的埃里森的黑人伦理欲求。

关键词: 《六月庆典》, 文学伦理学批评, 黑人伦理, 白人伦理