Journal of Chongqing Jiaotong University Social Sciences Edition ›› 2021, Vol. 21 ›› Issue (3): 72-77.

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The Decline and Awakening of Intellectuals --Interpretation of The Nocturnal Truck from the Perspective of Critical Metaphor Analysis

LIU Haibo1, WANG Yunhua2   

  1. 1.The Center for Studies of Fujian and Taiwan,Fujian Normal University,Fuzhou 350007,China; 2.Fuzhou Technology and Business University,Fuzhou 350715,China
  • Received:2020-06-28 Online:2021-05-20 Published:2021-06-03

知识分子的沉沦与觉醒 ——批评隐喻分析视角下小说《夜行货车》解读


  1. 1.福建师范大学 闽台区域研究中心,福州 350007;2.福州工商学院,福州 350715
  • 作者简介:刘海波(1981—),男,福建师范大学博士研究生,福建开放大学终身教育服务中心讲师,研究方向:闽台文化及台湾文学;王运华(1980—),女,福州工商学院讲师,研究方向:文学及认知语言学。
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: The Nocturnal Truck,one of representative works of the famous writer CHEN Yingzhen,contains numerous metaphorical language and images. Based on the perspective of critical metaphor analysis,the paper tries to interpret and analyze the target domain that conceptual metaphors aim to map in the novel. Through the analysis, the authors profound criticism includes the infiltration and erosion of western neocolonialism,the pathology of capitalist commercial society,the spiritual alienation and distortion of human behind protagonists love story. The significance of conceptual metaphor in highlighting the theme,shaping characters and improving the readability are also summarized.

Key words: conceptual metaphor, critical metaphor analysis, The Nocturnal Truck, CHEN Yingzhen

摘要: 小说《夜行货车》是台湾作家陈映真的代表作之一,小说叙事文本中蕴含着大量隐喻性语言及意象。基于批评隐喻分析视角解读小说中的概念隐喻及意象,分析其映射的目标域,揭示小说在叙述爱情故事的表象下,对西方新殖民主义的渗透侵蚀、资本主义商业社会的病态及人的精神异化的批判。同时呈现概念隐喻在凸显小说主题、塑造人物形象、增强作品可读性等方面的作用,扩展概念隐喻在该小说解读中的阐释力。

关键词: 概念隐喻, 批评隐喻分析, 《夜行货车》, 陈映真