›› 2015, Vol. 15 ›› Issue (6): 5-9.

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On Urban Integration of New Graduate Migrant Workers

XU Litang, FANG Zhenghong   

  1. (Institute of Marxism, Fuyang Teachers College, Fuyang, Anhui 236037, China)
  • Received:2015-09-10 Online:2015-12-31 Published:2016-01-08



  1. 阜阳师范学院 马克思主义学院,安徽 阜阳 236037
  • 作者简介:徐礼堂(1974-),男,安徽人,阜阳师范学院讲师,硕士,研究方向:思想政治教育;房正宏(1969-),男,安徽枞阳人,阜阳师范学院教授,博士,研究方向:中国政党与政治制度。
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: The graduate migrant workers refer to the new social career group divided from the migrant workers of new generation. Borrowing Entzingers fourdimensional model of migrants, the current situation of their integration was analyzed. According to the three levels of social integration theory, the obstacle of integration is analyzed. Through the characteristics of the graduate migrant workers and their dilemmas of integration, the government should get rid of the binary system and the obstacle of integration. The colleges should enforce the vocational education and practice education. The individual should pay attention to the capital accumulation and expand employment channels to realize their dreams of integration into cities.

Key words: graduate migrant worker, integration into the city, characteristics, current situation, dilemma, countermeasure

摘要: 大学生农民工是从新生代农民工群体中分化出来的新社会职业群体。借鉴恩泽格尔的移民分析四维度模型,对其城市融入现状进行分析;根据社会融合理论三个层次说,剖析了阻碍其城市融入的因素。应从大学生农民工群体特征和其城市融入困境因素着手,政府应消除二元体制,排解“融城”障碍;高校应加大职业教育,强化实践育人;个体应注重资本积累,拓展就业渠道等,以圆其“融城梦”。

关键词: 大学生农民工, 城市融入, 特征, 现状, 困境, 对策