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    31 December 2015, Volume 15 Issue 6
    Multiple Subjects: the Rural Community Construction in the New Period of Dynamic Analysis
    WEN Qi, KAI Huajin,
    2015, 15(6):  1-4. 
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    Governance system and management ability in China under the background of modernizing the governance system and governance ability and constructing the rural community, the rural community construction and governance body develops from single form, binary from to diversified forms. In the new era, in the different stages of construction of rural community, the dynamic strength and intensity are different, thus forming the dynamic interaction model at different stages of diverse construction main body. Finally, the way to develop rural communities in the future, namely, the community dynamic interaction model of weak power of the party and government, the strong power of farmers, strong market and social force, is summed up.
    On Urban Integration of New Graduate Migrant Workers
    XU Litang, FANG Zhenghong
    2015, 15(6):  5-9. 
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    The graduate migrant workers refer to the new social career group divided from the migrant workers of new generation. Borrowing Entzingers fourdimensional model of migrants, the current situation of their integration was analyzed. According to the three levels of social integration theory, the obstacle of integration is analyzed. Through the characteristics of the graduate migrant workers and their dilemmas of integration, the government should get rid of the binary system and the obstacle of integration. The colleges should enforce the vocational education and practice education. The individual should pay attention to the capital accumulation and expand employment channels to realize their dreams of integration into cities.
    Analysis and Coping Strategies on X (Low) Efficiency of ServiceOriented Party in Colleges and Universities
    TU Shuangbin
    2015, 15(6):  10-13. 
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    The construction of serviceoriented party organizations in colleges and universities is not completely efficient at present, such as the problems of unknown sources X(low efficiency): a mufti agency, a rational choice of the Party members, inertia of the Party organizations, nonfeasance of the Party leaders, weakening service etc. By using X (low) efficiency theory properly, the existing problems and their shows in current college Party organizations are analyzed. From standardizing agent relationship, overcoming six aspects of rational choice, reasonable control of the pressure and the use of pushpull theory such as putting forward specific measures, the X (low) efficiency could be solved. The vitality and the vigor of university service type party organization construction could be reinforced.
    Pioneer Education Study
    GE Nan
    2015, 15(6):  14-17. 
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    With the deepening of internationlization and informationization, it is difficult to apply model education to teaching. Whats more, it shows a weakening tendency in reality. Pioneer education came from model education method of ideological and political education and it is an example of development and deepening of model education. Starting from summarizing the practical plight of model education and the practice of pioneer project education, the concept of pioneer education is given. The Marxist practical theory and mans overall development theory are demonstrated, which was based on peer group theory and observation study theory. The relations between pioneer and model, pioneer education and model education were further analyzed. The important value of pioneer education was explained. The basic thinking and frame of carrying out pioneer education and the main problem in the process of implementation are pointed out.
    Practice Research on Xiamen Call Taxi
    ZHU Yaobing
    2015, 15(6):  18-20. 
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    Xiamen has launched the call taxi to ease the problem of having difficulty in getting a taxi. Common taxi has the natural monopoly and call taxi has competitive market nature. Xiamens call taxi practice experience is elaborated by using experience of the domestic and foreign call taxi. The call taxi practice of Xiamen indicates that: call taxi is the development direction of the current and future, the parking space planning will be one of the most important supports for call taxi development.
    Forecast of Sichuan Province Yangtze River Container Transportation and Prospects
    XU Jinji
    2015, 15(6):  21-25. 
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    In order to accelerate the development of container transportation in Sichuan Province, the Sichuan Yangtse River container transportation forecasting method is analyzed and chosen. The growth rate method is applied to forecast the GDP in Sichuan area. On this basis, the optimal combination model of GM (1, 1) model and Verhulst model are set up. The container transportation volume of Sichuan province is analyzed. The future development of container transportation in Sichuan is predicted.
    Comprehensive Transport Planning Research of Shiqiaopu Business Center in Chongqing
    FU Qingsong1, CHEN Lijuan2
    2015, 15(6):  26-30. 
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    Through the introduction of around Shiqiaopu business center in Chongqing high-tech zone and the existing traffic difficulties and the constraints of improvement, combined with improved business center both at home and abroad advanced experience, the improvement ideas of Shiqiaopu business circle in each component transportation system are put forward. It is hoped to have a good reference for urban commercial center traffic improvement.
    On the Problem of Hidden Extended Custody
    LI Yonghang
    2015, 15(6):  31-35. 
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    There are many phenomena of hidden extended custody in China, which can be divided into three species on the manifestations, extending detention period, borrowing detention period and indefinite detention period. Many reasons cause hidden extended custody. It mainly includes the judicial concept of investigators and the judiciary deviation, the legal shortcomings, the relevant mechanism that has not been set up, the high rate of custody, and the unreasonable allocation of judicial resource. To solve the problem of hidden extended custody, the correct concept of justice should be established to improve relevant legislation and mechanism, improve the system of bail and optimize the allocation of judicial resources.
    Ecological Compensation Mechanism of Tibet Sustainable Development and Utilization of Grassland Resources
    TANG Xuejun, CHEN Xiaoxia
    2015, 15(6):  36-40. 
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    The Tibet Autonomous Region was listed as the countrys major grassland ecological protection areas, thereby inevitably there comes out its obligation to provide services grassland ecological protection and the right to obtain the relevant grassland ecological protection subsidy. While analyzing the regions ecological compensation system, it was found that there was the absence of relevant ecological compensation laws, the the narrowness of compensation body, the lowness of compensation standards, and the singleness of compensation form, the imperfection of the social security system. The measures to broaden compensation subject scope, improve and clear compensation standards, improve the regulatory system and other ecological compensations are put forward.
    A Study on the Influencing Mechanism of Urban Residents Leisure Skills on Subjective Wellbeing --Taking Hangzhou as an Example
    JIANG Yan
    2015, 15(6):  41-47. 
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    Field research was done in Hangzhou and data were analyzed by SPSS software in order to explore the influences of urban residents leisure skills on subjective wellbeing. According to the results, the urban residents leisure skills were generally low and had significant and positive influences on subjective wellbeing. It is important to help improve residents leisure awareness and skills with the help of communities via convenient social media network, and thus improve residents subjective wellbeing.
    Research of Farmer Storage Will and Its Influential Factors in the Background of Urbanization --Based on the Survey of Rural Areas in Central Region of Jiangsu Province
    LYU Xin
    2015, 15(6):  48-52. 
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    Farmers grain storage for national food security plays an important role, but in recent years the number of farmers grain storage has been diminishing, which threatens grain security of China. So there is necessity to study the specific factors of farmer storage. The statistics is analyzed from the research of questionnaires from 14 major cities and a county of the central region in Jiangsu province. It was found that the number of farmers grain storage showed a decreasing trend now and also in the future. By constructing logistic model, it was found that the number of farmers, average years of education of agricultural labor force, per capita grain consumption, distance from the nearest place of grain purchase, storage time and ways of grain storage which is the core variable are all factors that affect farmer storage will.
    Analysis of the Quality of Hotel Rooms from Perspective of Customer Satisfaction --Taking Taizhou City of Jiangsu Province as an Example
    WANG Hui1, ZHU Fakao2, MIU Yongzhan2
    2015, 15(6):  53-56. 
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    By taking the star hotels and hotel chains as examples, questionnaire and statistical analysis are used to give a survey about customer satisfaction for the room hygiene. The results show that room satisfaction is higher on overall, but some dissatisfaction is implicated. For example, guests do not use the towels and cups of the hotels. It suggests that differences between the overall satisfaction of customer satisfaction and room sanitation have statistical significance. So the reasons are mainly caused by the customer cognition, room quality, the ineffective supervision and so on. Finally, a specific recommendation about how to improve the quality of guest rooms in hotels is given.
    Preliminary Exploration on the Integration of Occupational Pension System Build Issues
    LI Yougen
    2015, 15(6):  57-60. 
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    With the further deepening of Chinas market economy reforms, as the second pillar pension, Chinas occupational pension system will eventually be integrated. From the view of occupational pension, literature research is used to analyze several basic questions of the design of occupational pension system and the design of occupational pension system is put forward, namely, the organs and institutions, enterprises and other employers participating in the financing; using funds made funding model defined contribution plan; contribution rate target set by the employer and employee share of 10% to 15% and substitution target rate is set to 40% to 50%; the implementation of market-oriented operation in the operation of occupational pension funds.
    Thoreaus Poetic Writing
    CHEN Caiyi
    2015, 15(6):  61-63. 
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    Though not an outstanding poet, Thoreau was poetic. He worked poetically and appreciated nature poetically, which made him write poetically. Many ancient and modern poems were cited in his essay writings and some of his poems are inserted into the writings timely and naturally thus having created a new way of writing combining both essays and poetry. His essays are also poetic even though no poetic lines appear.
    Pearl S. Bucks Ego in The House of Earth Trilogy
    SUN Bingtang, YUAN Shuo
    2015, 15(6):  64-67. 
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    The author must have bearing on his/her novel and the protagonist in the novel must mirror the authors experiences, ideas and outlook toward the life. Pearl S. Bucks ego is revealed by exploring the protagonist, the wife of Wang the Tiger in The House of Earth Trilogy. It aims at assisting the readers to have a better understanding and appreciation of both the novel and the author.
    Images of Male Characters in Sula from Perspective of PostColonialism
    HUANG Changping
    2015, 15(6):  68-71. 
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    In Sula, Toni Morrison creates a series of black people who are struggling between the black culture and white culture. The novel centers on the black females; however, the black males, long ignored by the critics, share the same importance. Therefore, the analysis of the main four kinds of black male characters in the novel reveals that, because of the affliction of mainstream culture, the black males cannot possess complete identity and unavoidably become victims.
    A Search for Identity and Home --An Analysis of In the Falling Snow from a Postcolonial Perspective
    SUN Pengpeng, SUN Ni
    2015, 15(6):  72-74. 
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    Caryl Phillips is one of the famous black immigrant writers in contemporary Britain. His representative novel In the Falling Snow describes the identity crisis of Caribbean immigrants in England, as well as their cultural identity and the pursuit for home. The novel not only reproduces the cultural dilemma faced by black British immigrants. More importantly, it also reflects the writers pondering over the way for diaspora ethnic groups to maintain their cultural identity. By analyzing black immigrants and their descendants sense of loss and of belonging nowhere in culture from the post-colonial perspective, it is revealed that only by identifying their own national culture can they succeed in establishing their cultural identities.
    On the Word “Shuo” to Discuss the Reasoning Features of Ancient Chinese Novels
    ZHANG Xiangli
    2015, 15(6):  75-78. 
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    In the word “xiaoshuo”, “xiao” means that the form is short and the content is trivial, but “shuo” means explaining and illustrating. The comparison of “shuo”, “yu”, “sushuo”, “liyu” can confirm this idea. The meaning of “shuo” restricts that the works named after “xiaoshuo” give priority to explain and describe. The early works of “xiaoshuo”, such as Qingshi Zi, Yiyin Shuo and Yinyun Xiaoshuo all have the distinctive characteristics of reasoning.
    Taiwan Television Culture Research: An Analysis about the Cultural Backgrounds and the Main Characters
    WANG Lixin, QUAN Caiyi
    2015, 15(6):  79-82. 
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    Due to historical, political and other factors, the complex and diverse ecological patterns were formed in Taiwans culture.Which deeply impacts the development of Taiwan TV industry. Specifically, the blend of politics, economy, and the game of multi-cultural elements have made Taiwan TV industry a game field for the various social forces. Thus the special Taiwan TV cultural features are formed.
    Modernization Change of Ho Cheng Bank
    LYU Shujie
    2015, 15(6):  83-86. 
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    As a legacy of financial institutions, Ho Cheng Bank officially opened in Chongqing in May of 1934. In May of 1937, to expand its business scope, it was decided to be reshuffled. Its reorganization was the mark of its transition to a modern logo. In January of 1938, it was formally reorganized, completing the transition to a modern financial institution. The creation and development of Ho Cheng by the eve of the antiJapanese war was sorted out. The reason of its official reorganization was analyzed. The characteristics of changing modern banks are shared to provide modern financial industry reference.
    Review on the SlowMoving Process of Anhui Provinces Industrialization and Its Reasons --Taking Wuhu as an Example
    YU Zhiguo
    2015, 15(6):  87-92. 
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    From 1900 to 1930, real value of Wuhu external trade has been growing. After 1931, it began to decline. In this process, the commercial excessive prosperity in Wuhu and the other major cities of Anhui province resulted in too low investment and serious imbalance of the industrial structure. The modern industrialization process was slowly moving. Anhui province lags behind the national average. In the 1930s, Wuhu began to decline because of decline of trade and especially rice business. Industry is the basis of business development, but the development of the economy of Anhui province had violated the principle. Twenty years after the WWI was the period of rapid development of Chinas modern industry, however, Wuhu and the other cities of Anhui province still played the role of the regional commodity distribution center and failed to seize the favorable opptunity to vigorously develop the modern industry of excessive commercial development. Ultimately the decline is inevitable.
    Research on the Real Living Conditions of the Inferior Examinee in Late Qing Dynasty --Analysis of Nanbu Archives
    LI Qinghong
    2015, 15(6):  93-98. 
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    In Qing dynasty, inferior examinees (candidates at the bottom of the Chinese imperial civil service examination system) are unable to express their aspirations. Most examinees spent the rest of their life chasing a ticket to the upper society. But academia paid little attention to this problem. It`s necessary to show the living conditions of those inferior examinees. The volumes about inferior examinees occupy a great share of Nanbu Archives, which provides abundant materials to uncover their real living conditions from the aspects of native place, residential address, age, livelihood and occupation. Furthermore, Nanbu Archives is extremely helpful for perceiving the local knowledge of Nanbu county in late Qing dynasty.
    Wisdom of Laozi --Talk About Beyond the Great Wisdom of Time and Space: New Explanation to Taote Ching
    WANG Bin
    2015, 15(6):  99-101. 
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    Laozis wisdom goes through the historical time and space. Chinese classic Taote Ching has an irreplaceable function today. Tao is a need at present time. It has subtle guidance to the real social phenomenon. Its essence is of extremely modern significance and value. Beyond the Great Wisdom of Time and Space: New Explanation to Taote Ching is a tool book that inherits excellent Chinese culture. It is a guide for one to do good things and cultivate ones morality. It is also a good book for the whole public.
    On Six Principles of Comprehensive Reform for Universities in China
    WANG Zhongming1,XU Liang2,ZENG Kaifu2
    2015, 15(6):  102-105. 
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    After Third Plenary Session of the 18th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, higher education in China has been transitioning gradually from simple, extensive and partial reform to comprehensive reform, which was carried out by some national universities recently. Guided by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, comprehensive reform in universities should stick to such principles as governing by law, persisting in traditions, focusing on institution, designing systematically, mobilizing scientifically and looking to the future.
    New Role of Government under the Streamline Administration and Delegate Power in College Students Entrepreneurship
    ZHUANG Yimin
    2015, 15(6):  106-109. 
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    In recent years, the state attaches great importance to the employment problem of college students and introduced a series of measures to encourage entrepreneurship of college students, but in operation process, department division is unclear, lacking publicity and cumbersome procedures. Under the new norm of decentralization, the government should rebuild the top systems, build entrepreneurial atmosphere, create a participation and guidance, provide public service and rebuild the education system, play the functions of the government to promote entrepreneurship.
    On Relationship between University Soft Power and Campus Culture
    WANG Taotao1, LEI Juan2
    2015, 15(6):  110-112. 
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    Beginning from the basic connotation of culture and soft power, the relationship between culture and campus culture, the national soft power and university soft power was discussed. It is believed that campus culture is the total wealth created in the process of the campus development, including spiritual culture, system culture and material culture. As a subset of culture, campus culture has three functions, including behavior oriented, integration and inheritance. It is a different expression with the same concept between campus culture and university soft power. The university soft power can be divided into guiding force, cohesive affinity, attractiveness and vitality.
    Role Localization of Teachers and Studentsat College from Perspective of Game Theory
    MA Ming
    2015, 15(6):  113-115. 
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    Theres a very significantly realistic meaning to rationalize the relationship between teachers and students for creating a harmonious campus environment and for the growth and completion of university students. The role orientation of teachers and students are analyzed based on the Game theory and received results of Nash equilibrium. For different results, the best different strategies were selected to explain the scientificalness and rationality of the opinion of variables of binary subjects of dynamic relationship of teachers and students.
    A Review and Prospect of English and American Literature Teaching for the New Century
    SUN Ni, XIE Jingqiu
    2015, 15(6):  116-120. 
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    English and American literature teaching of higher education is faced with various difficulties under the influence of utilitarianism and mercantilist view with the impact of economical globalization. In view of the existing situation of English and American literature teaching, many English teachers and experts have done a lot of researches in order to find out the solution to these difficulties since the new century. This paper attempts a brief review of studies on English and American literature teaching at home as well as a prospect for its future.
    On the Application of IT Methods in Teaching and Studying EC Translation
    CHEN Youxun
    2015, 15(6):  121-125. 
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    In light of the actual situations in domestic universities, EC translation in China should be reformed to focus on the translating process and better reflect the characteristics of professional translation, which can be readily facilitated by introducing IT methods into the classroom activities.
    Comparative Study of Emotion Metaphors for Happiness in English and Chinese Fairy Tales from Cognitive Perspective
    SONG Gairong, CHANG Xiaoting
    2015, 15(6):  126-129. 
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    Happiness as one of the abstract emotions is usually expressed by metaphors which are built on human perception. The rich existence of happiness metaphors in English and Chinese fairy tales not only builds the bridge for children to understand happiness, but also starts a discussion on the development of childrens cognitive ability. The research on happiness metaphors in English and Chinese fairy tales is carried out by comparing the similarities and differences of happiness metaphors and its causes in English and Chinese fairy tales from the perspective of ways of humans cognitive ways — conceptual metaphor, so that people will know better its application in fairy tales.
    A Study of FourWord Lexical Bundles in L2 Untimed Writing
    DUAN Yilei1, MA Guanghui2, LIU Yan2
    2015, 15(6):  130-134. 
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    This study employs corpus linguistic techniques to investigate how fourword lexical bundles are used in L2 untimed writing. It shows that most of the native speakers written bundles either have a low output rate or do not occur at all in L2 writing. Learners do use a number of highfrequency fourword exemplars in their writing; however, some of them are native speakers oral bundles and the majority are relatively infrequent in native speakers discourse. Given that learners bundle use deviates considerably from native speakers use, EFL teachers should attach importance to bundle instruction in which corpus evidence can be utilized.
    Research of Tourism Materials Translation under the Cognitive Schema Theory
    LI Qingming, TONG Tingting
    2015, 15(6):  135-139. 
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    Schema theory is applied to the tourism materials translation, which describes the psychological process of tourism materials translation and analyzes the relation among translators, texts and readers, thus demonstrating the important role of translators. Based on the characteristics of tourism materials translation, the important role of schemata in CE tourism materials is illustrated from the perspective of linguistic schema, content schema and form schema, hoping to discover a new perspective and approach to improving the quality of such translations.
    Development of ESP Academic Word Lists --A Case Study of Maritime English
    ZHAO Zhigang
    2015, 15(6):  140-145. 
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    A contrastive analysis of the theories, functions and procedures of some established word lists was made and the theoretical foundations, technical procedures and pedagogical implications in creating ESP academic word lists were discussed. With the Maritime English Academic Word List (MEAWL) as an example, the process of creating an ESP academic word list was introduced in detail and the pedagogic implications of ESP academic word lists in the light of the pedagogic process of corpus was discussed.