›› 2015, Vol. 15 ›› Issue (6): 18-20.

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Practice Research on Xiamen Call Taxi

ZHU Yaobing   

  1. (Xiamen Urban Planning & Design Institute, Xiamen, Fujian 361012, China)
  • Received:2015-07-01 Online:2015-12-31 Published:2016-01-08



  1. (厦门市城市规划设计研究院,福建 厦门 361012)
  • 作者简介:朱耀兵(1983-),男,湖北通山人,厦门市城市规划设计研究院工程师,注册城市规划师,研究方向:城市交通规划。

Abstract: Xiamen has launched the call taxi to ease the problem of having difficulty in getting a taxi. Common taxi has the natural monopoly and call taxi has competitive market nature. Xiamens call taxi practice experience is elaborated by using experience of the domestic and foreign call taxi. The call taxi practice of Xiamen indicates that: call taxi is the development direction of the current and future, the parking space planning will be one of the most important supports for call taxi development.

Key words: call taxi, call car, parking space planning, empirical study

摘要: 为缓解出租车打车难问题,厦门市推出了电召出租车。本文分析了普通出租车具有天然垄断而电召车是完全竞争的市场属性,并借鉴国内外电召车的先进经验,介绍了厦门市电召出租车的实践经验。厦门市电召出租车的实践表明:电召出租车是现阶段及未来出租车的发展方向,电召出租车的泊位设置将是支撑电召出租车发展的重要硬件。

关键词: 电召出租车, 专车, 泊位规划, 实证研究