›› 2015, Vol. 15 ›› Issue (5): 60-63.

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Parody of Genre and Subject Consciousness of Female in Margaret Atwoods Lady Oracle

LI Juan   

  1. (School of Humanities, Yunnan University, Kunming 650091, China)
  • Received:2015-03-29 Online:2015-10-31 Published:2021-04-16



  1. 云南大学 人文学院,昆明 650091
  • 作者简介:李娟(1979- ),女,云南省文山人,云南大学人文学院副教授,博士,研究方向:英美文学与加拿大英语文学。

Abstract: Lady Oracle is one of the representative works of Margaret Atwood who is a famous Canadian writer of contemporary English literature. The heroine of the novel Joan with complex life experience is a Gothic novelist and places her hopes and dreams on writing Gothic novels. Lady Oracle is a parody of Gothic novel, and it shows obvious postmodern characteristics such as multiple subjectivity and complexity of the feminine consciousness in a series of selfimages.

Key words: Margaret Atwood, Lady Oracle, subject consciousness, Gothic novel, parody

摘要: 《神谕女士》是加拿大当代作家阿特伍德的代表作品之一,这部小说在文体上戏仿哥特小说,同时体现出对女性主体意识复杂性的思考。女主人公琼成长经历曲折,以写作哥特小说来寄托梦想,哥特小说文体在作品中形成了书中之书的叙事模式。在琼所呈现出的一系列多形态的、不同的自我形象中,可以看出阿特伍德在写作中对多元的、复数的主体的解放。由此,《神谕女士》显现出明显的后现代艺术特征。

关键词: 玛格丽特·阿特伍德, 《神谕女士》, 主体意识, 哥特小说, 戏仿