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    31 October 2015, Volume 15 Issue 5
    Influence of the International Communist and the Soviet Communist Party (Bolshevik) on the SelfConstruction of CPC during the FullScale AntiJapanese War Period
    ZHANG Yunhong1, WANG Liuyu2
    2015, 15(5):  1-6. 
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    During the fullscale AntiJapanese War Period, the International Communist and the Soviet Communist Party (Bolshevik) paid close attention to the selfconstruction of CPC: to maintain Mao Zedongs leadership in the CPC; to help the Communist Party of China to carry out the education on Marxism and Leninism; to instruct CPC to expand the party organizations and improve the party system; to suggest CPC to enhance the management on cadres; to persuade CPC to correct the deviation in the rectification movement. The focus of the International Communist and the Soviet Communist Party (Bolshevik) has the positive effect on strengthening selfconstruction of CPC and leading the people to strive for the victory of the AntiJapanese War.
    Social Anthropology Properties and Historical Significance of the Theory of Marxist Anthropology
    XIE Xiaorui, ZHANG Xiaoping
    2015, 15(5):  7-9. 
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    Marxist anthropology is a special social anthropology based on the original form of the human society, the secondary form and the regenerative form in order to improve peoples free allround development. Its research method is practicing materialism and historical materialism. The Marxist anthropology is the fourth source and the fourth part of Marxism. The content of anthropology is the point of Marxist lifelong concern. Marxist anthropologys achievement in the research on the theory and method and the development of the whole anthropology influence each other. They have a great influence on the development of the whole anthropology and jointly promote the development of anthropology.
    On Promoting Residents Political Participation Under Management by CountrytoResidence Community
    SHI Yuchen
    2015, 15(5):  10-12. 
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    Countrytoresidence community is a special outcome of the urbanization process for suburban community. It differs from traditional rural community, yet has not been urbanized fully compared to modern urban community. Lacking political participation consciousness, underdeveloped political participation expertise and ignorance of individual political aspiration are currently observed in countrytoresident community. The aforementioned problems were studied. Community political participation approach was achieved by improving residents political participation awareness, establishing autonomy system with local characteristics, collaborating allround political participation management and enhancing network political participation.
    Research of Zhang Wentians National Education Thoughts
    ZHANG Jian
    2015, 15(5):  13-16. 
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    Zhang Wentians educational ideas consist of national education thoughts and cadres education thoughts, the latter of which is the main focus of academic research. Through studying Zhang Wentians research that has been published in the literature, it can be concluded that his thoughts of national education have a rich content. The national education thoughts of Zhang Wentian enrich and expand the national education thoughts of Mao Zedong, and give some enlightenment to the current national education reforms.
    Contribution and Influence of the Golden Waterway in AntiJapanese War
    YANG Jinfeng, TANG Boming, SHANG Ting
    2015, 15(5):  17-21. 
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    During the AntiJapanese War, a number of shipping companies, mainly LU Chofus Minsheng Ship Company, passed through the golden waterway from Yibin to Chongqing, Wuhan, Nanjing, Shanghai, carried a lot of people and goods from the downstream Yangtze River to Sichuan, and transported a large number of troops from the rear to the front. Meanwhile, the defenses built by destroyed sinking ship in waterway fortress made a great contribution and sacrifice for wartime transportation and military deployment. The “Dunkirk Retreat” and “Battle of Stalingrad” on the golden waterway showed the courage and wisdom for resistance of the national military and civilian, and ultimately changed the pattern of the resistance.
    Highspeed Rail Impact on the Agglomeration Level of Regional Tourism Industry in Hubei Province
    HU Jing1,2, CHENG Luping1, ZHOU Mi1
    2015, 15(5):  22-26. 
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    By using the herfindahlhirschman index and space gini coefficient, the paper measures the agglomeration level about tourism industry of Hubei province in 2005—2012 was measured. The agglomeration level changes of tourism industry after highspeed opening were compared.The different impact of tourism and related industries were analyzed. The results show : 1) after the highspeed rail opening in 2009, the agglomeration level of tourism industry has increased significantly in Hubei province; 2)There are obvious differences in the influence that highspeed rail impacts to the tourism industry cluster in Hubei province, and the degree to business service industry and the accommodation catering industry is the largest; 3)Nationally, the agglomeration level of tourism industry in Hubei province is low, and the growth rate is slow; 4) The agglomeration degree of tourism industry is imbalanced in Hubei province, the agglomeration level of tourism industry has been increasing in transportation hub cities, such as Wuhan, Yichang; Finally, based on the present agglomeration situation of the tourism industry in Hubei province, some conclusions and suggestions were made.
    The Advocating of Binary and Distinguishing Casualty in Criminal Law
    MI Qishen
    2015, 15(5):  27-31. 
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    The casualty in criminal law should contain conviction casualty and sentencing casualty and each has its own content. This advocating can effectively fill the vacancy of casualty in criminal law, make up for the deficiency of the system of current criminal law. It effectively changes the current situation that applies specific results in spite of lacking theoretical foundation, making the theory and practice united. Under the advocating, following the special rules of the sentencing casualty is the inevitable requirement of standardizing sentencing activities, realizing the principle of suiting punishment to crime and realizing judicial protection of human rights.
    Right Efficiency of Illegal Evidence Exclusion
    GAO Songlin, SHI Suo
    2015, 15(5):  32-36. 
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    The rights efficiency of the illegal evidence exclusion is the ratio of excluding illegal evidence between the actual effect in the judicial practice and ideal rights of exclusion of illegal evidence that law granted to the defense. The illegal evidence exclusion set by criminal procedure law set a larger right for the defense, and increasing with the advancement of the procedure process. But in the actual excluding programs, the efficiency is receded along with the advancement of the procedure process, therefore leading to the right efficiency of the illegal evidence elimination gradually declining in the process of litigation, and ultimately falling to the lowest in the trial stage. This embarrassment caused by law, system and defense strategy is away from expects of legislation. Embarking from the procedure structure to study the right efficiency of the illegal evidence exclusion has functional significance for the perfection of the system, and should set about the three aspects which guarantee the right efficiency of the prosecuting and defending parties in the whole procedure, restrict the judges discretion and perfect the defense right exercise mechanism to realize legislate expectation of the illegal evidence exclusion system.
    Research on Optimizing Hotel Employees Perceived Value
    CHEN Xuejun1, ZHENG Xiangmin2
    2015, 15(5):  37-40. 
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    Employees perceived value is a new concept, which has become an important concept in organization behavior research area. First, based on the perceived value concept of Zeithaml, hotel employees perceived value concept is put forward. Secondly, the mechanism of creating employees perceived value is explained. Thirdly, fourdimensional path of creating employees perceived value is constructed. Finally, four countermeasures to optimize hotel employees perceived value are put forward.
    Empirical Analysis of Evaluation of Scientific and Technological Innovation Ability of Wanjiang City Belt
    WANG Xiaomeng
    2015, 15(5):  41-44. 
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    Wanjiang City Belt is a planning area of taking the industrial transfer as the theme. It plays an important role in promoting coordinated regional and social and economic development. At the same time, in the advanced manufacturing, new energy, new materials and other new industries scientific and technological innovation have made brilliant achievements. Based on the 2008-2013 Wanjiang City Belt raw data of scientific and technological innovation and actual situation, scientific and technological innovation ability evaluation index system was constructed by using the grey correlation and principal component analysis to analyze the data. According to the analysis conclusion, the policy suggestions and countermeasures were put forward to improve innovation ability of the Wanjiang City Belt.
    Copper Crafts of Brand Image and Purchase Intention Impact Mechanism and Empirical Research
    YANG Xianchuan1, LIU Zhejun1,2
    2015, 15(5):  45-49. 
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    Starting from the relationship between the copper crafts of brand image and purchase intention of the customers, after the detailed comparative study of the evaluation of brand image model, a relatively mature Biel model was selected as the copper handicrafts brand image measurement model, then using the method of combining literature and empirical research, with AHP analysis, the copper handicrafts brand image was evaluated from four dimensions, namely, corporate image, user image, product image and symbol image. The brand images influence mechanism on consumer purchase intention was deeply studied. On the basis of empirical research, the related proposal for the construction of the copper handicrafts enterprises was put forward.
    Comparative Analysis of Regional Basic Education Equality of the Yangtze River Economic Belt Level
    CHEN Wei
    2015, 15(5):  50-54. 
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    Through the collection of relevant data of the Yangtze Economic Belt provinces in recent ten years in the allocation of educational resources, eight indexes of average education funds, the average public funding for education and the student campus area, average motion field area, and the average number of computers per student books quantity, ratio of students to teachers, vocational teachers qualification rate were chosen, SPSS software factor was used to make the comparative analysis from the level of regional elementary education resources deployment equalization of the Yangtze River Economic Belt of elementary school, junior school, high school education levels. The regional basic education of the whole level of equalization of the Yangtze River economic belt was obtained. Corresponding countermeasures and suggestions were put forward.
    New Exploration on A Priori --Comment on Dufrennes The Notion of A Priori
    WANG Huanhuan
    2015, 15(5):  55-59. 
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    In The Notion of A Priori,Dufrenne absorbs the thought of a priori and ontology in The Phenomenology of Aesthetic Experience, whats more, he gives a more detailed information and accurate argument and a natural way to ontology. A priori is divided into two parts, which are further divided. Ontology is found from the equality and familiarity between man and the world which is hiding in the relation from the objective and subjective of A Priori. But there are also some problems, including unclear concepts, trying to go back a distorted empiricism and traditional substantive ontology.
    Parody of Genre and Subject Consciousness of Female in Margaret Atwoods Lady Oracle
    LI Juan
    2015, 15(5):  60-63. 
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    Lady Oracle is one of the representative works of Margaret Atwood who is a famous Canadian writer of contemporary English literature. The heroine of the novel Joan with complex life experience is a Gothic novelist and places her hopes and dreams on writing Gothic novels. Lady Oracle is a parody of Gothic novel, and it shows obvious postmodern characteristics such as multiple subjectivity and complexity of the feminine consciousness in a series of selfimages.
    Time and Space Arranged in a Crisscross Pattern with Rhythm in Relaxation --On Narrative Structure and Rhythm in For Whom the Bell Tolls
    ZHANG Yuan
    2015, 15(5):  64-68. 
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    As far as narrative structure and narrative rhythm are concerned, For Whom the Bell Tolls deserves to be Hemingways most successful and greatest novel, showing to full length Hemingways understanding of Spain for 18 years. The surface structure of space-time cuts in cross section a fragment of life, making the structure fairly compact. Application of stream of consciousness helps to shape characters in time and space longitudinally and probe into profound and serious problems as the historical record. This will undoubtedly increase the thickness and heaviness as well as tension of the work. Irregular and uneven form as well as treatment of ‘tense narration or soothing touch in situation, adding with continuation, reference and change in context, taking form of rhythm in relaxation, all these show the authors free and skilful artistry.
    A Study on BackTranslation in Chinese American Literature --Based on the Chinese Translation of Shanghai Girls
    WANG Tiantian, ZHEN Changhui
    2015, 15(5):  69-72. 
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    With the translation of works by SinoAmerican writers, “backtranslation in culture” becomes a focus. Based on Lisa Sees Shanghai Girls, from the perspective of backtranslation, the original and its Chinese version are compared, aiming at explaining that backtranslation is a kind of mutual blending between two cultures and opening up a new horizon in the translation of ChineseAmerican novels.
    A Study of Paradox Phenomenon in Oscar Wildes Fairy Tales
    JIANG Xianghui1, DING Jinghui2
    2015, 15(5):  73-77. 
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    The paradox phenomenon in Oscar Wildes fairy tales is studied in the perspective of his formal ontology with the purpose of finding the new resources of interpretation for the paradox phenomenon in his fairy tales. On the basis of Martin Luthers thought but aestheticism, a research on the phenomenon of combination of aesthetic form and ethics and religion in Oscar Wildes early fairy tales within a new interpretation framework and the function of this paradox phenomenon was made.
    Study on Construction of Discourse Power of Chinese Western Literature in the New Silk Road Times
    LI Mengmeng, YANG Yiduo
    2015, 15(5):  78-81. 
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    The new silk road times is a period with harmonious development of economy, society, culture and humanity. As an embodiment and representation of the national spirit and humanities implied by Chinese west literature within the areas of silk road, Chinese west literature stands as a fundamental role in the areas development. Several movements westward in the past, though bringing huge impetus to west literature and making the literature creating groups stronger, problems such as vague concept and identity anxiety crisis, have been existing. In the new silk road times, after Chinese west development, the west continues to attract the worlds attention. In this fast growing period, west literature should take each opportunity, by showing itself charm, to reconstruct its internal and international discourse power.
    OutofProvince Sichuan Residents and the 1936-1937 Drought Relief
    XIAO Xue
    2015, 15(5):  82-87. 
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    While the socalled “land of abundance”, Sichuan province, had suffered from a serious drought during 1936 to 1937 , the indifference that the government and the public showed in the first period of the drought relief process had driven the relief in an unoptimistic situation. At this crucial time, many outofprovince Sichuan residents had taken their responsibility to join in the relief process. Thanks to their participation in the relief process, the daunting situation had changed a lot as they set up relief funds, and raised money through active promotion. Besides, they also dealt with Liu Xiang and Chiang Kaishek by playing an important political role which means on one hand they helped Sichuan provincial government to get the financial support from the center government, while on the other hand, they helped the center government to take control of Sichuan province.
    Social Function of Village Temple Fair --Taking Beiloukou Village Guandi Temple Fair in Shanxi Province as an Example
    LI Meirong
    2015, 15(5):  93-96. 
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    As a special civil activity of traditional Chinese society, village temple fair is rooted in the grassroots rural community deeply. It has effects on all the aspects of life including the production of rural residents. At the same time, village temple fair presents various social functions according to its unique performance of activities. Guandi Temple fair of Beiloukou village in the north of Shanxi Province presents a unique regional feature because of its special location. As a case study, the effects of the temple fair on the local population’s material and spiritual life were investigated, thus an important role that village temple fair plays in the village economic and cultural development being revealed.
    A Probe into the English Peasantry before and after the Black Death
    LIU Li
    2015, 15(5):  97-100. 
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    The Black Death was an important watershed in the development of society of medieval England and had an important influence on the transition from the traditional to the modern society. It is an important factor to of the collapse of British serfdom and deepened the British Societys feudalist crisis. But the changes in British society did not begin with “shock” transformation of the Black Death, but were the results of the long term development of the society before and after it. The farmers were set free from the control of the traditional lords. They came to the historical stage from the bottom of the society. They became one of the main forces of social development and promoted the overall transformation of British society. The changes of the English peasantrys social life before and after the Black Death were elaborated from the angle of the long period of historical research. The relation between the Black Death and the British social development was explored for verification from the scholars in this field.
    Reflections on the Strategic Planning of Regional Higher Education --Based on the Analysis of A Master Plan for Higher Education in California(1960-1975)
    QU Tao1, WANG Xiaohui2
    2015, 15(5):  101-105. 
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    A Master Plan for Higher Education in California(1860-1975) is a successful example of regional higher education strategic planning, which takes effects respectively by three forms of validity of constitutional regulations, state laws and professional engagements. It is worth learning to clear the critical issues, uphold the college autonomy concept and carry out indepth research practices. There are opportunities and challenges in the area of regional higher education. Therefore, education strategic planning should be adhered to the concepts of governance, peopleoriented and system theory. We should make reasonable expectations and arrangement of the regional colleges and universities orientation and guide the healthy and harmonious development of regional higher education.
    Analysis of Ideological and Political Theory Teaching Effectiveness from Communication Perspective
    OUYANG Biao, YE Liying
    2015, 15(5):  106-109. 
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    From the perspective of communication studies, ideological and political theory class teaching in colleges and universities is human-to-human transmission around the information interaction between teachers and students, as a result, by using the basic theory of communication study the basic elements of the communication process, the influence factors were analyzed. The effectiveness strategy of the communication process was explored to enhance the effectiveness of the communication process, which is of great significance.
    SWOT Analysis of Vocational Ideological and Political Theory Courses Based on Specialty
    LI Shouke
    2015, 15(5):  110-114. 
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    SWOT analysis is used to analyze vocational ideological and political theory courses based on specialty, to help accurately determine the situation facing the teaching reform process to reduce disturbances and obstacles. Through the use of PEST analysis method to analyze the opportunities and threats faced by the teaching reform in the external environment of political, economic, social and technological aspects, analyzes the internal systems were analyzed using internal value chain value chain analysis, the value of lateral and vertical value chain strengths and weaknesses in the chain. A SWOT analysis chart is located and four future development strategies are pointed out. On the basis of the analysis, the teaching reform in the future development trend is discussed
    Analysis on the Current Situation of College Students Social Justice View
    JIANG Hui
    2015, 15(5):  120-123. 
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    Conception of social justice is not only a basic idea, but also a kind of value judgment. Based on the research background of college students view of the society justice clearly, and also based on the definition of social justice perspective and the theory of conceptual category problem, using the questionnaire survey supplemented by interviewers who conducted a random sampling survey on anonymous reading students of four universities in Fujian province, the basic situation of the social justice view was understood from the aspects of fair cognitive, fair justice and fair behavior. The thinking of the cultivating college students rational social justice concept is given.
    A Comparative Study of Chinese and American Graduate Education Management System
    ZHAO Qian
    2015, 15(5):  124-128. 
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    Compared with the United States graduate education, the quality of our graduate students are generally not high, mainly due to the imperfection of the graduate education management system. The graduate education management system of the United States is researched from the entrance system, teaching system, research training system, incentiveelimination system, funding system. Finally, comparative analysis of postgraduate education of the United States and China summed the problems and deficiencies of Chinese graduate education management system.
    On the English Version of Manifesto of Lo Binwang against Wu Jao from the Perspective of Poetics
    GAO Wei, WEI Shuang
    2015, 15(5):  129-131. 
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    As a representative of the school of cultural translation, Lefevere attaches great importance to poetics, which is helpful and feasible in translation practice. Manifesto of Lo Binwang against Wu Jao is one of the classic works in Chinese literature and is recorded as well as translated by Lin Yutang in his biography──Lady Wu. In terms of literature translation, it is worthwhile to study the significance of various styles of poetics representation of a literary version in English. The poetic features of Lin Yutangs version in English are explored from the perspective of poetics in different levels, such as by collecting and analyzing the English translation on the level of words, sentence patterns, rhetorical figures of speech and historical allusions. It probes into the poetic strategies, as well as the influence of the translators poetics on his English version.
    Literal Translation: Transcending Itself in Contradiction
    CHEN Peng
    2015, 15(5):  132-134. 
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    Zhiyi, or literal translation, as one core concept in translation studies, has been generally considered to be a kind of translation skill. Actually, literal translation, like a living organism, keeps growing and evolving in contrast to any other similar concepts in order to bear out that literal translation, as one part of contradiction, is rejuvenating and full of its vigor, which is achieved by competition and differentiation along with other pertinent concepts in the same contradiction whole.
    Memetic Understanding of Familiar Phrases
    HUANG Yuejin
    2015, 15(5):  135-139. 
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    Familiar phrases, as a special kind of fashion language, are generally spreading among social fields, producing various types of familiar phrase memes from the perspective of pragmatic functions of subjective expectations. Cognitive devices of familiar phrase memes triggering in verbal communication were tentatively interpreted and the subjective psychological intention and orientation of social value were explored. The research is therefore conducive to enhancing the speakers effectiveness of language expression, fostering their highquality capacity of public speeches, and promoting peoples awareness of familiar phrases and reexamination of their understanding in this linguistic phenomenon.
    An Empirical Study of College English Listening to Improve Speaking Teaching Model Based on Chunk
    ZHENG Zimin
    2015, 15(5):  140-144. 
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    This study is based on the theories of chunk and shortterm memory, comprehensible input hypothesis and comprehensible output hypothesis. Taking college English listening and speaking class in Fujian University of Technology as an example, the empirical study explores the feasibility and validity of listening to improve speaking teaching model. The findings from the analysis of experimental data indicate that listening to improve speaking teaching model based on chunk has a significant influence on the development of students’ listening and speaking skills and it can effectively improve students listening and speaking competence.