›› 2015, Vol. 15 ›› Issue (3): 39-42.

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Value, Restrictions and Problems of Designated Residence under Surveillance --Based on the Investigation of Bribery Crime

CHEN Minghua   

  1. (Peoples Procuratorate of Jiangbei District, Chongqing 400025, China)
  • Received:2015-01-13 Revised:2015-02-11 Online:2015-06-30 Published:2015-06-30

指定居所监视居住的价值·规制·问题 ——基于贿赂犯罪的侦查实践


  1. 重庆市江北区人民检察院,重庆 400025
  • 作者简介:陈珉桦(1983-),男,重庆潼南人,重庆市江北区人民检察院职务犯罪侦查局助理检察员,法学硕士,研究方向:职务犯罪侦查实务、刑事诉讼法学。

Abstract: Currently, the proportion of designated residence under surveillance for bribery crime is higher among the duty crime. It is meaningful to delve into designated residence under surveillance for bribery crime. As for the advantages and disadvantages, we should not only think it bad or good theoretically, but should return to bribery crime investigation practice and then consider its practical values and meanings. At the same time, the designated residence under surveillance cant be abused. It must follow the principles of being “less” and “careful”.The related practical problems are discussed.

Key words: designated residence under surveillance, investigation mode, crime of bribery

摘要: 当前,贿赂犯罪适用指定居所监视居住占整个职务犯罪的比例较高,深入探讨贿赂犯罪适用指定居所监视居住极具意义。对于指定居所监视居住的利弊,不应单从理论上对其或褒或贬,而应回归贿赂犯罪的侦查实践去考量,在此基础上挖掘其现实价值及意义。同时,指定居所监视居住不能被滥用,必须受到“少用”“慎用”原则的规制。由此理解贿赂案件适用指定居所监视居住时出现的相关实务问题。

关键词: 指定居所监视居住, 侦查模式, 贿赂犯罪