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    30 June 2015, Volume 15 Issue 3
    On the Role of Graduate Village Officials in the Newtype Urbanization of Overseas Chinese Hometown in Southern Fujian --Basic Point for Deng Xiaopings “Talent Theory”
    WANG Xiaobin
    2015, 15(3):  1-4. 
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    The Third Plenary Session of the 18th CCP indicates a new direction for the development of Chinas new urbanization. The overseas Chinese hometown in southern Fujian as an integral part of the West Coast Economic Zone, its new urbanization construction on the west side of the city to build the group has a decisive role. graduate “village officials” play an important role in the southern hometown of newtype urbanization construction, but also expose some problems. With Deng Xiaopings “talent theory”, a longterm awareness of the graduates servicing the overseas Chinese hometown is established. The overall quality and skills will be improved. A variety of security systems will be complemented to help the graduates to play an active role in the villages in the southern hometown of newtype urbanization construction.
    Effective Supervision Mechanisms of Local Government in Haze Governance
    HE Yiping, WANG Huiqin
    2015, 15(3):  5-8. 
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    To strengthen supervision of local government haze governance is an effective strategy to promote the haze problem solution. At present, the main body to supervise the local governments includes the central government, the same level discipline inspection commission, the NPC and CPPCC and the public to play its due role and so far. The existing plights of the current local governments supervision of haze governance are analyzed, such as the central government is difficult to monitor the actual problems, professional supervision and mutual shielding, ineffective supervision by the NPC, etc. On the basis of the analysis, specific strategies of supervision mechanism are proposed.
    ZHU Zhixin Translated Marxism and Reason Analysis
    HE Weinan
    2015, 15(3):  9-12. 
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    ZHU Zhixin,the bourgeois revolutionist,punished “The Biography of German Social Revolutionaries” to translate some parts of The Communist Manifesto and Das Kapital in 1906.He had been called the pioneer of propagating Marxism in China.It happened under the condition of the inexorable trend of the spread of Marxism,the need of national conditions and revolution in China,the ancient modern ideological trend and ZHUs learning experience.ZHU wanted to use Marxism to find the right way for China without feudal autocracy and negative sides of capitalism.
    Positioning Analysis of Yangtze Inland River Shipping Center
    GAO Song1, MA Fei2
    2015, 15(3):  13-17. 
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    The golden waterway of the Yangtze river has an significant effect on promoting the development of China, on the basis of which, the inland river shipping center about it rose to the national strategic level. While carding development factors and defining the position is the important strategic opportunity under the ocean century. Then the series of contents on policy plans, functional properties, port capacities, development essences are analyzed with regard to three inland port cities, namely Chongqing, Wuhan and Nanjing. Insights are provided for the development of the Yangtze river economic belt.
    The Game Analysis of Overload Transportation and Regulation
    ZHOU Jie, LI Hao
    2015, 15(3):  18-21. 
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    Overloading is one of the focus and difficulties of transportation industry in China,and long plagued Chinas sustained and rapid development of the transportation industry.On the basis of the complete information static game theory,we built a threeplayers dynamic game model,discussed the interest divergence between country,prosecutors and freight transportation enterprise,obtained a result of the influencing factor of the probability of supervision,inspection and overloading.A strong theoretical support and governance mechanism for overloading are provided.
    Innovative Talent Training Mode for Urban Rail Transit Vehicle Specialty Based on ERTICCDIO Concept
    DENG Tao
    2015, 15(3):  22-25. 
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    Based on the original ideas, feature inheritance and innovation of CDIO engineering education mode, according to the guidance for the “professional comprehensive reform pilot” project during national “Twelfth Fiveyear Plan” implementation, closely around the actual requirement of urban rail transmit vehicle major talent training for the industrial structure adjustment of the national and Chongqing city, and combined with the orientation and professional characteristics of urban rail transit vehicle major for our university, the talent training mode of urban rail transmit vehicle major based on the ERTICCDIO concept is proposed, and the comprehensive reform of the important aspects such as training mode, curriculum system, teaching content, teaching quality, evaluation system, practical segment for urban rail transmit vehicle is explored, in order to adapt to socialist modernization constructions moral, intellectual, physical, and aesthetic development requirement, grasp the knowledge about design, manufacture, test, application and management for urban rail transit vehicle major, engage into the design, manufacture, test and application management for vehicle, parts and vehicle electronic as the senior engineering technical personnel.
    Logical Starting Point of Government Lifelong Responsibility for the Damage of Ecological Environment Theoretical Analysis System
    JIANG Muzhi1, HUANG Guihua2
    2015, 15(3):  26-29. 
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    In order to achieve the goal of building ecological civilization proposed by 18th Conference, the Third Plenary Session of the 18th Conference proposed the establishment of ecological environmental damage liability lifelong accountability system. The root of environmental problem in China is that the government does not function or function badly, and. from the peoples sovereignty theory, the public attribute of environmental resources and good governance theory as the logical starting point, reducing the “environmental migration……”, refuting “China environmental threat theory” or the practical needs of the National Peoples Congress on the government, should be made by ecological environmental damage liability for lifelong accountability, according to the environmental hazards size, should be investigated for different responsibilities.
    Unveiled TPP: Illusion of Trade Liberalization
    LIU Su
    2015, 15(3):  30-33. 
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    There is controversy between TPP and WTO about the conflict problem of application. Except for applicability, the theoretical basis of the relevant provisions of the MFN principle can be found in the WTO rules. Due to the lack of regulation, the TPP eroded the MTAs (multilateral trade agreements) basis, and made the WTO regulations ineffective. Therefore, China ought to disclose the TPP, making sure of its essence of the illusion of trade liberalization. On this basis, China should firm its trade position, find a different approach and refuse to be marginalized.
    On Type of Several Persons Environmental Tort --Also on Deletion of Article 67 of the Tort Liability Law of the PRC
    QI Jian
    2015, 15(3):  34-38. 
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    The article 67 of the Tort Liability Law of the PRC is used to decide the share of several persons environmental tort liability. There are four types of several persons environmental tort liability according to chapter two of the tort liability law of the PRC, namely, joint infringement, joint risk, concurrence of causality and common causal relationship. The article 67 is used to determine the share of internal responsibility size in related liabilities and it is also used to determine the share of the responsibility in coownership liabilities. However the article 67 has a limited role when it comes to decide tort liability, and it is easy to cause misunderstanding, so the article 67 should be deleted.
    Value, Restrictions and Problems of Designated Residence under Surveillance --Based on the Investigation of Bribery Crime
    CHEN Minghua
    2015, 15(3):  39-42. 
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    Currently, the proportion of designated residence under surveillance for bribery crime is higher among the duty crime. It is meaningful to delve into designated residence under surveillance for bribery crime. As for the advantages and disadvantages, we should not only think it bad or good theoretically, but should return to bribery crime investigation practice and then consider its practical values and meanings. At the same time, the designated residence under surveillance cant be abused. It must follow the principles of being “less” and “careful”.The related practical problems are discussed.
    Ratio of Labor Payment to GDP under the Background of Labor Force Transfer --A Case Study of Jiangsu Province
    WANG Dan, YANG Kang, SHU Tai
    2015, 15(3):  43-48. 
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    With the development of industrialization, the ratio of labor payment to GDP in Jiangsu province has risen since 2005, thanks to the bargaining power of workers after a lot of worker forcers move out from agriculture, and the increase of payment of workers after the improvement of labor productivity. The policy implication of the conclusions is that it is not necessary for the government to take steps to take care of the problem of pay in our society.
    Practice and Reference on Twoway Referral of Developed Countries
    WU Wenqiang
    2015, 15(3):  49-53. 
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    To establish a sound twoway referral system and deepen the reform of the medical and health system is an important task proposed at the Third Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee. It is also a necessary condition to perfect social security system. With the diversified development of the world medical service system, twoway referral system is constantly changing and updating. Therefore, to have a better understanding of how twoway referral system forms and develops, analyze its practice and innovation are analyzed. The institutional factors affecting the twoway referral will have high theory value and significance are given.
    Analysis on the Energy Efficiency of Resourcebased Cities --Based on the Research of Six Provinces in East China
    WANG Qiping
    2015, 15(3):  54-57. 
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    The energy efficiencies of 27 resourcebased cities in east China are measured by traditional DEA model and SBM model. The results show that the energy efficiency of resourcebased cities is generally low. The energy efficiency of resourcebased cities will be overestimated without considering the environmental factors. The energy efficiency of regenerative resourcebased cities is higher than the declining resourcebased cities and mature resourcebased cities. Environment pollution factors and labor inputs become the main factors affecting the energy efficiency. Resourcebased cities need to strengthen energy conservation and protect the environment.
    Path of New Generation Peasant Workers Innovation Ability Cultivation --Based on the Perspective of Higher Professional Education
    YAN Xiuchun1, ZHANG Yangming1, XU Yi2
    2015, 15(3):  58-60. 
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    The new generation peasant worker is the important component of Chinas labor force, their innovation ability is very important for our national economy. The higher professional education has good teachers, training system and training base. We can improve training mode, promote the cooperation between school and enterprise to cultivate the innovation ability of the new generation of the peasant workers.
    Orientation of Vocational Marketing Talents Cultivation from the Perspective of Fuzhou Regional Economic Development
    LU Fang
    2015, 15(3):  61-65. 
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    STP marketing strategy model is introduced from the perspective of Fuzhou regional economic development, taking FZ College as an example, based on the segmentation of demand market of marketing talents, by analyzing market environment, competitors and the existing resources and capabilities of FZ College. The selection of marketing personnel training target market is studied. It is pointed out tthat the orientation of vocational marketing talents cultivation should keep a foothold on key industry of regional economic development and integrate various resources of government, businesses and colleges to form a core competence of personnel training and cultivate the needed marketing professionals for local economic development.
    On the Value of Specialized Vocabulary of Hu Sanxings Notes in Zizhitongjian for Compilation and Revision of Chinese Dictionaries
    ZHOU Qin
    2015, 15(3):  66-69. 
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    Theres rich material explaining specialized vocabulary in Hu Sanxings notes in Zizhitongjian, which covered military, medicine, craft, inquisition by torture, trade and business and so on. Hu Sanxings accurate and scientific notes on specialized vocabulary, that could improve headword and sense item omission, inaccurate and different explanation, were significant literature for compilation and revision of such as the Chinese Dictionary.
    Ecological Thought of The Maine Woods
    WU Changqing, CAI Kaihui, BAI Yangming
    2015, 15(3):  70-73. 
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    The text of The Maine Woods is analyzed from the ecological perspective. The ecological thought of The Maine Woods is stated and the ecological inspiration to people is analyzed. Thoreau’s understanding of the nature and thinking of the relationship between nature and man gets deeper. He emphasizes the values of wild forests and promotes harmony between man and nature. It reflects the original criticism of anthropocentrism and simple opinions of naturalism.
    Interpretation of Muriel Sparks Nevertheless Principle
    WU Meng, MA Longyun
    2015, 15(3):  74-77. 
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    Nevertheless principle, defined by Muriel Spark as the “core of a thoughtpattern”, runs through her literary creation. An accurate interpretation of this principle plays an important role in recovering her peculiar composing thoughts. Taking “nevertheless principle” as its research subject, the inherent connection between this principle and two vital factors——Sparks birth place and her religious belief—is studied, aiming at enclosing the core connotation of “nevertheless”. In addition, with further analysis, it is pointed out that this principle bears the characteristics of postmodernism, incarnating Sparks attempt to depart from the realism tradition.
    The Discussion upon the Seven Big Forewords in Hanshu Yiwenzhi
    HUANG Yun
    2015, 15(3):  78-82. 
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    Hanshu Yiwenzhi is the earliest existing bibliography and the programmatic culture summary from pre Qin to Han dynasty in China.The author wants to know about the academic thought of Hanshu Yiwenzhi through the seven big Forewords.The seven big forewords are short but characteristic.They can take the pulse of the pre Qin and Han dynasty academy and have many new discovers,which have extremely high academic value.
    A Study of the Influence of Confucian Values upon the Creative Leadership: On the Basis of Confucian Social Backgrounds
    REN Jie
    2015, 15(3):  83-85. 
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    The most significant function of the creative leadership is to buildup of organisational culture which is able to satisfy the specific characteristics of the creative organisations and to stimulate creativity of their members. A specific social background and the impact of its core value system exerted within this background have a fundamental cultural influence upon the process of leadership. From the perspective of the cultural influence, this paper explores features of the creative leadership within the Confucian culture. Meanwhile, the positive influence brought by Chinese Confucian values and possible resistance is examined. It aims to enhance the theoretical foundation of the functions of the creative leadership and provide helpful ideas in this domain.
    Appearance of Soviet Russias Greatnation Chauvinism and Reason
    LI Meirong
    2015, 15(3):  86-89. 
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    The vogue of greatnation chauvinism is a traditional characteristic in Russian history. But when the academic circles pay attention to this phenomenon, they mainly focus on the Tsarist government and the Stalins administration period, neglecting greatnation chauvinism when Lenin led the Soviet Russian action. Through Lenins Soviet Russia to Polands war and to Outer Mongolias military action, it is proved that its greatnation chauvinism has not stopped in Russias entire development phase. The reason of Soviet Russias greatnation chauvinism is analyzed.
    How Can a Bad Tree Bear Good Fruit --The Reflection of Kants Philosophy of Religion to the Core Problem of Christianity
    HUANG Ruoran
    2015, 15(3):  90-92. 
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    After the three criticisms, Kant expounded his studies in his book Religion within the Bounds of Bare Reason, and made the lazy people as one of the main aims of moral education. Based on analysis and criticism of Christian theology of existing moral theory, he tried to set up reasonbased religion, namely moral religion.For moral law at the core of the problem of “move to good”, Kant further analyzed the freedom of good with the ultimate evil of human nature owed the turn from evil to goodness under the free will and to rational relegion on the basis of that gift, and then he made a new explanation.
    Four Ideologies of the PreQin Periods Creation --
    DING Jie1, MA Shanshan2
    2015, 15(3):  93-97. 
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    In the Eastern Zhou Dynasty, the ideologies in running the country of preQin philosophers have provided inexhaustible power to the development of creative activities. Around the ideas of Tao and substance, righteousness and profit, spirit and matter, nature and human, philosophers who followed Confucianism, Taoism, Mohism, Legalism made respective expositions. They reached agreement in some points, while on the other points of view they are opposite. By absorbing the sufficient spiritual nutrient in the process of the collision and fusion among these viewpoints, the Chinese ancient creation developed and formed series of important ideas such as “syncretism of outwards and inwards”, “humanbenefited utility”, “thinking highly of things”, “return to original nature”, etc. These ideas constituted the spirit connotation of Chinese ancient creation.
    Cognitive Model Research Based on the Selfstrengthening Function and Personnel Training
    XIE Yi
    2015, 15(3):  98-101. 
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    To grasp peoples cognitive law has a great significance on the personnel training. Based on the research result of biology and life science, the selfstrengthening function that exists in the cognitive organ itself is revealed from the perspective of cell evolution. Then cognitive model is established according to cognitive features of various stages individual, and corresponding training strategy is proposed. Finally, a brief summary and comparison of each stages cognitive characteristics is made. The knowledge of biology, life science, education science and cognitive theory is united.
    Enlightenment of the Functional Theory of Empathy on Moral Education in Universities
    QI Guiyun
    2015, 15(3):  102-105. 
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    For empathy has motivation function and information function on prosocial behavior, it has always been considered a significant inhibitory effect on prosocial behavior in the study of psychology. Generally, great importance has been attached to moral cognition education, while moral emotion education has been ignored during moral education in colleges and universities, which lead to college students general lack of empathy. Using the theory of the function of empathy for reference, colleges and universities should cultivate and improve students ability of empathy in the process of moral education. On the one hand, experiencing teaching in moral education should be strengthened to stimulate moral motivation; on the other hand, students ability of perspective taking should be improved to activate moral cognition.
    PoliticsIndustryUniversityInstituteEmployer Cooperation for Training Postgraduates Innovative Talents
    TU Yaqing, YANG Huiyue, MAO Yuwen
    2015, 15(3):  106-109. 
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    From the survey of innovative postgraduate training in thirty five universities, it is conclude that there is still much work to do in improving the talenttraining quality. The survey shows that insufficient professional practices, single cultivation model and a mismatch between their abilities and the employers professional requirements are considered to be the defects of the current postgraduate education. In these defects, training mode plays a key role in improving talenttraining quality. According to the components of innovative faculty and desires of the postgraduate to be trained, a postgraduate training mode with cooperation of government, enterprise, university, institute and employer is proposed based on the analysis of the influencing factors of talenttraining quality. Connotation and mechanism of the mode are expounded in detail. Four pieces of advice in the implementation of the proposed model with governmententerpriseuniversityinstituteemployer cooperation are put forward combined with the earlier practice experience.
    Development and Promotion Tactics of the Universitys Strategic Management
    ZHANG Yingyu
    2015, 15(3):  110-113. 
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    The strategic management is a management concept and model for seeking the future development of University. In the last ten years, the scholars have made intensive study of the strategic management theories in our country, many universities have also made the strategic planning, actively explored the strategic management. Studying the leap-development course of the world-class universities, it can be found that the strategic management has been used as an important means to promote the rapid development in many famous universities. In view of the universitys strategy management problems that existing in the implementation process, three ways are put forward to actively impel the university strategic management in China, which are paying attention to the strategic leadership, enhancing strategic implementation, strengthening the strategic assessment and monitoring.
    Psychological Problems of Interdisciplinary Postgraduates and Countermeasures
    YU Qing1, SHI Ling2
    2015, 15(3):  114-116. 
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    Interdisciplinary postgraduate is chosen as the object. The main psychological problems caused by hard cooperation with prestigious advisor, heavy pressure from schoolwork, bottlenecks in research practice, graduation and employment pessimism and so on are analyzed. A solution and recommendation of educators is given from the system between the guide, homeschool peer education and selfeducation of postgraduate levels.
    Researching of Information Work of College United Front Under Network Situation
    CHEN Qiaoyan
    2015, 15(3):  117-120. 
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    Information united front work is an important part of information work of college unite front, is the premise and foundation of the united front work. With the rapid development of Internet, information work of college unite front has different kinds of new situations and problems. Under the network situation, the article analyzes information work of college unite front is faced with the “hardware” and “software” problems, it must seize the opportunities and meet the challenges brought by the network. To strengthen information work of college united front should follow four aspects such as the system management, information systems, the network carrier, and team building.
    A Critical Review of the Second Language Vocabulary Acquisition in China over Fifteen Years
    XIA Huiyan, ZHENG Xi
    2015, 15(3):  121-124. 
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    Vocabulary is of great importance to L2 learners. L2 vocabulary acquisition is not only a basic task for L2 learners but also one of the key elements to improve L2 levels of learners. In order to understand the present situation of the studies of L2 vocabulary acquisition in China, and enrich the theoretical discussion and pedagogical practice of L2 vocabulary acquisition in China, related published studies in 11 source journals of linguistics and applied linguistics in the past few years are reviewed. Moreover, a statistical analysis of the characteristics of these studies in Chinese context is provided in terms of the numbers of published studies from research subjects, research methods and research focus. Based on these analyses, the directions for the studies of L2 vocabulary acquisition are given with an aim to guide future studies in this area.
    Attribution Analysis and Countermeasures for Aphasia in College English Class
    WANG Shuai
    2015, 15(3):  125-129. 
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    Many students in college English classes remain mute and keep silent, causing the aphasia in classes, which has been an urgent problem in the college English teaching. Based on the instructional practice and text research, it is presented that the performance of the aphasia lies in language, psychology and culture. Meanwhile seven reasons of the aphasia are analyzed from the perspective of the macro, meso and micro. The targeted countermeasures to the aphasia in culture, psychology, teachers and students are proposed, which aims to help dispel the aphasia in college English class and improve the instruction of college English class.
    On Cognitive Mechanism of Multimodal Promotional Discourse
    WANG Xiaoping, LIANG Yanhua
    2015, 15(3):  130-135. 
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    In view of the categorical features of multimodal promotional discourse, the cognitive c mechanism is analyzed from the perspectives of multimodal metaphor, multimodal metonymy and their interactions. The functions of metaphor and metonymy in multimodal discourses, as is shown by the research findings, bear their own emphases. Metonymies serve as cohesive devices in the organization of the discourse, while metaphors are found to play irreplaceable roles in the representation of the propagandas theme and more importantly function as important coherent devices. The two, performing their own functions with mutual effects on each other, create and manifest the thematic meanings of the discourse with the strengths of various modalities and make the whole discourse innately cohesive and coherent.
    On Translation of “Shenxian” in Hong Loumeng --A Semantic Analysis Based on Parallel Corpus
    ZHU Fang
    2015, 15(3):  136-140. 
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    Based on the semantic theories, especially the seven types of meanings proposed by Geoffrey Leech, the study methods of corpus is applied into the discussion about the translation of Shenxian in the Hong Loumeng. After defining the semantics of shenxian, and on the basis of the five meanings in the semantic theories, the similarities and differences between the two versions respectively by Yang Xianyi and Hawkes are studied.
    Characters of Epistolary Autobiography Writing
    XIANG Tianyuan
    2015, 15(3):  141-144. 
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    Epistolary autobiography is an emerging branch of the biography writing. However, the researches as well as the writing of the West and China on it are still insufficient. Hence, this paper selects this point by using The Selected Letters of Henry James and Henry James: A Life in Letters are selected as the examples to analyze the value of epistolary autobiography.