›› 2014, Vol. 14 ›› Issue (4): 41-45.

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Registration and the Transfer of the Real Right of Special Personal Property --Commenting on Article 24 of the Real Right Law of China and Article 10(4)of the Judicial Interpretation of Contract of Sales

QU Lingmin   

  1. (School of Law, Shandong University, Jinan, Shandong 250100, China)
  • Received:2014-03-02 Online:2014-08-30 Published:2016-04-06

登记与特殊动产物权变动 ——兼评《物权法》第24条与《买卖合同司法解释》第10条第4项


  1. 山东大学 法学院,山东 济南 250100
  • 作者简介:瞿灵敏(1988-),湖北利川人,山东大学民商法硕士生,研究方向:物权法、人格权法、侵权法。

Abstract: Delivery is the requirement of validity of the real right change of special personal property, registration just make the real right to get the conditions to fight against a third person in good faith. In the transfer of the real right of special personal property, registration does not contribute the transfer of real right, the reason why registration can fight against a person in good faith is because the buyer gets the real right based on delivery. Registration without the foundation of real right does not have a confrontation forces, it just produces a claim. “Delivery enjoys priority registration” is a wrong title to the article 10(4) of the Judicial Interpretation of Contract of Sales. Item 4 just repeats real rights to enjoy priority to the creditors rights.

Key words: special personal property, real right change, resistance effect of registration, delivery

摘要: 交付是特殊动产的物权变动的要件,登记只是取得对抗善意第三人效力的条件。在特殊动产物权变动中,只有登记并不产生物权变动,因登记而取得对善意第三人的对抗效力是建立在已经因交付取得物权的基础之上的,没有物权基础的登记并不产生对抗效力。《买卖合同司法解释》第10条第4项并非确立了“交付优先于登记”规则,而是对物权优先于债权一般法理的重申,登记而未受领交付特殊动产者只享有债权,不得对抗未登记的物权。

关键词: 特殊动产, 所有权变动, 登记对抗, 交付