›› 2016, Vol. 16 ›› Issue (4): 92-96.

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Comparison of the Chu Mu Set of “Chensan and Wuniang”

LI Huan   

  1. (College of Chinese Language and Literature, Jiangxi Normal University, Nanchang 330022, China)
  • Received:2016-01-15 Revised:2016-02-22 Online:2016-08-01 Published:2016-09-02



  1. 江西师范大学 文学院,南昌 330022
  • 作者简介:李欢(1991—),江西南昌人,江西师范大学文学院2014级中国古代文学专业硕士研究生,研究方向:元明清戏曲。
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: The story of Chensan and Wuniang creates a pair of “love” who dare to break the feudal ethics, pursue love and marriage freedom, which attracted many lovers. Now, opera is thought to be the oldest version, Chensan and Wuniang drama has at least seven texts. Based on Chensan and Wuniangs seven versions of the opera project, respectively, from the external morphology, namely the purpose of retention, consolidation, deletions and additions as well as the name and number of purpose, internal structure, including a head set and other aspects to consider compare logic, analysis and argumentation are made in order to find out the objective set and arrange causal origin, hoping to find evidence of its “line of succession for five hundred years”.

Key words: Chensan and Wuniang, chu mu, chu shu, the name of chu mu

摘要: 陈三五娘故事塑造了一对为“情”敢于冲破封建礼教、追求婚姻爱情自由、倾心相爱的男女。戏曲被认为是最古老的版本,目前陈三五娘的戏曲至少有7个文本。本文立足于陈三五娘戏曲7个版本中的出目,分别从外部形态,即出目的保留、合并、删减和增加及出目的名称和数目;内部结构,包括出目设置逻辑关系的考虑等方面,进行比较、分析和论证,试图找出出目设置和安排的因果渊源,希冀找到其“一脉相承五百年”的佐证。

关键词: 陈三五娘, 出目, 出数, 出目名称