›› 2016, Vol. 16 ›› Issue (4): 97-101.

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Differentiate in Bo of the “Gan Tang” Song

XU Feng   

  1. (School of Humanities, Tongji University, Shanghai 200092, China)
  • Received:2016-02-01 Online:2016-08-01 Published:2016-09-02



  1. 同济大学 人文学院,上海 200092
  • 作者简介:徐峰(1982—),男,上海市人,同济大学人文学院哲学系博士研究生,研究方向:经学史、经典文本与历史语言学。

Abstract: The “Gan Tang” song in The Book of Odes has always been considered as a hymn to Shao Gong Shi for his virtue. Ancient Confucian scholars think there are three explanations of Bo in Zhao Bo. First in the time of King Wen, Zhao Gong was an earl of one state which was actually commanded by King to control Yongzhou. Second in the era of King Wu, who became shanggong and one of the Er Bo which managed the empire into two parts with Zhou Gong Dan. Third in the time of King Cheng, who became one of the three councilors together with Zhou Gong Dan to assist the king. This song is recorded the story in King Wen, and uses the word “Zhao Bo” to praise him for his benevolent achievements in the area of Shaonan.

Key words: The Book of Odes, Gan Tang, Zhao Bo, Er Bo, San Gong, Fang Bo, Zhou Bo, Mu Bo

摘要: 《诗经·甘棠》历来被认为是一篇美召伯之德的诗作,对于其“伯”有三种理解:文王时,召公是“一州一牧二伯”的伯爵之伯,实是受文王之命佐治雍州;武王时,召公居上公与周公一起分陕,为东西二伯分治天下;成王时,召公位列三公尊为“太保”与周公一同执斧钺辅佐成王,亦是二伯。《甘棠》所记当是文王时召公与周公并分岐邦之事,而非武王分陕之事。诗云“召伯”正是以“二伯”身份来称颂召公当年在召南之地的德政功绩。

关键词: 诗经, 甘棠, 召伯, 二伯, 三公, 方伯, 州伯, 牧伯