›› 2016, Vol. 16 ›› Issue (5): 100-104.

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Tradition and Innovation of Taiwan Hakka Culture --Based on Hakka Cultural Industry in Taiwan

LI Jiqing   

  1. (College of Social History, Fujian Normal University, Fuzhou 350007, China)
  • Received:2016-03-09 Online:2016-10-01 Published:2016-11-04

台湾客家文化的传统与创新 ——基于台湾客家文化产业的思考


  1. 福建师范大学 社会历史学院,福州 350007
  • 作者简介:李积庆(1982—),男,福建南安人,福建师范大学社会历史学院博士生,研究方向:东南区域族群文化。

Abstract: Taiwan inherited the Hakka cultural tradition from mainland China in a large part. With the rise of the Hakka Cultural Movement, some Hakka culture has completed the magnificent turn from “old customs” to the “new tradition” in Taiwan. Through the investigation of Hakka cultural industry in Taiwan,it could be concluded that Tradition of Hakka culture need to use innovation to increase its vitality, and innovation cant peel off the history of Hakka culture itself but requires the use of the traditional culture to establish its own characteristics.

Key words: Taiwan, Hakka, cultural tradition, innovation

摘要: 台湾客家较多地传承了原乡的客家文化传统,随着客家文化运动的兴起,一些台湾客家文化完成了从“旧习俗”到“新传统”的华丽转身。考察台湾客家文化产业可以看出,客家文化中的传统需要借助创新来增加活力,创新同样需要借助传统不断建立自己的文化特色,而不能剥离客家文化本身的历史脉络。

关键词: 台湾, 客家, 文化传统, 创新