›› 2017, Vol. 17 ›› Issue (1): 97-101.

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Thought is Deadly -- Deconstruction of “Thought” in Nineteen EightyFour

TANG Jun, LI Huiping   

  1. (School of Foreign Studies, Hefei University of Technology, Hefei 230009, China)
  • Received:2016-06-06 Online:2017-01-02 Published:2017-02-22

思想的致命性 ——对《一九八四》中“思想”的解构主义分析


  1. 合肥工业大学 外国语学院,合肥 230009
  • 作者简介:唐军(1972—),女,安徽霍邱人,合肥工业大学外国语学院副教授,硕士生导师,研究方向:认知语言学;李慧萍(1992—),女,安徽宁国人,合肥工业大学外国语学院硕士研究生,研究方向:英语语言文学。
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: George Orwells antitotalitarianism is a prominent theme in his masterpiece Nineteen EightyFour. The binary opposite of the orthodox thought and the unorthodox thought and the deconstruction feature of “double think” in the text reflects the potential and strong threatening power of the unorthodox thought, and a fact that “double think” keeps threatening the domination of totalitarianism in spite of its identity being the totalitarian societys tool for controlling people. It is further revealed that “thought” is deadly both for the people and the totalitarianism, and that the deconstruction features of “thought” weakens the degree of totalitarian societys horror.

Key words: Nineteen EightyFour, antitotalitarianism, thought, deconstruction, deadly

摘要: 乔治·奥威尔的反极权主义思想是其作品《一九八四》的一个显著主题。小说文本中“正统思想”与“非正统思想”这一二元对立和“双重思想”的解构主义本质,折射出“非正统思想”的潜在强大威胁力,以及“双重思想”作为极权社会的统治手段不断在威胁其统治地位的事实,揭示了“思想”对人自身和极权主义统治的致命性。“思想”的解构本质削弱了奥威尔所渲染的极权主义恐怖氛围。

关键词: 《一九八四》, 反极权主义, 思想, 解构, 致命性