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    02 January 2017, Volume 17 Issue 1
    Analysis of the Construction about the Modernization of Peoples Livelihood under the Four Comprehensive Strategic Layout
    LI huirong, YE feixia
    2017, 17(1):  1-5. 
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    The modernization of peoples livelihood is reflected in the advanced concepts,scientific methods and a wide range of body in improving peoples livelihood. The relationship between the four comprehensive strategic layout and the modernization of peoples livelihood is shown in: (1) To complete the process of building a moderately welloff society in all aspects is the target of the construction about the modernization of peoples livelihood; (2) To comprehensively deepen the reform is the motive power of it; (3) A comprehensive framework for promoting the rule of law is the important guarantee of it and an allout effort to enforce strict Party discipline is the core of leadership. The logical expression of the construction about the modernization of peoples livelihood under the four comprehensive strategic layout is that the construction about the modernization of peoples livelihood relies on the power of the people, the strong leadership of the Communist Party of China as well as the virtuous interaction of modernization in the state governance system and governance capability.
    Sharing Development: Necessary Logic of Handling the Relationship between Fairness and Efficiency
    ZHOU Jian
    2017, 17(1):  6-13. 
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    Since the founding of new China, the evolution process of guiding ideas in our economic and social development has gone from absolute inefficient equalitarianism to efficiency first and consideration to equity characterized by the rich first to help after the rich to fruitsharing scientific outlook on development, to today sharing development embodied “everyone involved, everyone tried, everyone enjoyed”.According to the different stages of development conditions, China follows different developmental ideologies, which shows how the Communist Party of China deals with the problem of the relationship between efficiency and equity deepening understanding.In the new era of deepening reform, the Communist Party of China proposes sharing development concept, which correctly grasps the necessary logic relationship between efficiency and equity. The right way is found to promote healthy economic and social development. It is of important methodological significance for completing the building of a moderately prosperous society and realizing China Dream .
    Reflection and Reconstruction of the Mechanism of Investigating and Preventing Illegal Evidence Collection in the Investigation of Duty Crime
    REN Liwei1, ZHANG Lei2
    2017, 17(1):  14-18. 
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    〖JP2〗In the judicial practice, the reason of the root of misjudged criminal case lies in the illegal evidence in the investigation stage. Through empirical investigation of the procuratorial organs in southeast district of Chongqing, it can be found that present duty crime investigation prevention illegal evidence collection mechanism is not standard in the interrogation of a criminal suspect and questioning witnesses procedure.The detention in the interrogation and inquiry place provisions are not perfect etc. The reason is that the investigation measures are not perfect, position of procuratorial and public prosecution department convergence is not sufficient. The skills of the investigation and evidence collection need improving. The forensic process and review of the evidence lack effective supervision system. Therefore, the procuratorial organs should improve the existing mechanisms for the prevention of illegal evidence collection, and strive to prevent illegal evidence from the source to improve the quality of handling cases.〖JP〗
    The Influence of the Carrier of Ideological and Political Education on the Cultivation of College Students Values and the Countermeasures
    AO Yongchun, LIU Ting
    2017, 17(1):  19-22. 
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    The carrier of ideological and political education has carrying capacity, permeability and guiding function in cultivating and practicing the college students values.At present, there are many problems about the value outlook of Chinas university students, such as diversification, instability and individuation.From the point of view of the carrier of ideological and political education, some suggestions on the five aspects are put forward to attach importance to the activity carrier, to improve the recognition degree of college students values, to deepen the management carrier and strengthen the cultivation of college students values, to carry forward the cultural carrier and enrich the content of college students values, to use the mass media to increase the transmission of values, and to strengthen the carrier force, the implementation of the values of college students practice. It plays an important role in setting up the correct values for college students, and it has greatly enriched the ways to cultivate and practice the college students values.
    Research on Feng Storage Warehouse in Southern Song Dynasty
    LIU Shiliang
    2017, 17(1):  23-28. 
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    As the national storage warehouse of grain sealed by the royal court in Song dynasty,set first in the twentysixth year of Gaozong Shaoxing (1156), Feng storage warehouse was expanded twice during Xiao Zong and Li Zong period. The grain mainly came from “purchase”,mostly for military and pensionary use, but gradually for royal family, temple use, deviating from the original purpose of “supporting the army and guarding against flood and drought”. The establishment of Feng storage warehouse not only brought inconvenience to the national financial management, but also increased the burden of the people. Yet it played a positive role in the disaster relief and stability of the social order.
    Hakka Immigrants in Qing Dynasty and Taiwan Society
    ZHAO Wei1,2
    2017, 17(1):  29-34. 
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    Taiwan is an inalienable part of China since ancient times. Taiwan is also an immigrant society at the same time. In the early immigrants, Hakka people as an ethnic group cannot be ignored. They not only made great contribution to Taiwans economic development, but also had a profound impact on Taiwanese society. From the economic development of Taiwan in Ding dynasty, culture communication and ethnic relations further demonstrate the importance of this influence, and provide a reliable historic witness across the Taiwan straits that it is a part of China.
    On the Cognitive Roots of Skepticism --Taking the Agrippas Five Arguments
    HE Yunsong
    2017, 17(1):  35-38. 
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    Taking the Agrippas five arguments, a concrete analysis on the cognitive roots of skepticism is conducted, whose common feature is taking a one-sided approach to issues. It is summarized finally that there are three levels of problems on epistemology, which also exist in skepticism.
    Orthodoxy Under Perspective of Astrology in the Period of the Three Kingdoms
    LI Wenzhi
    2017, 17(1):  39-43. 
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    By astronomical phenomena, astrology can predict the things in the world and is closely related to destiny kingship.The discussion of orthodoxy is also launched around the kingship of destiny, so the arguer of orthodoxy often pays attention to astrology. Through analysis of the treatment of astrology when the arguer discusses orthodoxy, not only can see their subjective intention and position be seen, but also can the different meanings of astrology in different ages be understood.
    Relationship Between Passion and Subjective Wellbeing in Athletes: Mediating Role of Positive Emotion
    YANG Zongyou
    2017, 17(1):  44-49. 
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    The present research used the dualistic model of passion to examine the relationship between passion, positive emotion and subjective wellbeing from athletes perspectives. Moreover, in this study we were interested in understanding the mediating role of positive emotion between athletes passion and subjective wellbeing.Results are in two aspects. First, there were positive correlation among harmonious passion, obsessive passion, positive emotion and subjective wellbeing, and a higher correlation was found between two types of passion. Second, both types of passion can positively predict positive emotion and subjective wellbeing independently; furthermore, the effects between passion and subjective wellbeing were fully mediated by positive emotion. Most findings coincide with previous researches, whereas the positive relationship between obsessive passion and positive emotion was different. Since the two types of passion are highly correlated, it is no surprise that obsessive passion may positively predict the positive emotion and subjective wellbeing. However, further testing is needed for the findings.It is concluded that two types of passion are able to help athletes experience positive emotion within a sport context, and further enhance subjective wellbeing of athletes.
    Pondering over the Regulation of Online Booking Vehicle
    REN Qiliang, WU Lixia, SU Lixiao, JIN Lei
    2017, 17(1):  50-53. 
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    Under the background of the “Internet plus” era, the emergence of the online booking vehicle which makes up the flaw of traditional taxi quantity insufficient, provides people more convenient, quick and thoughtful service, and greatly improves the peoples quality of travel. But as emerging Internet products, online booking vehicle exists such problems: development position is not clear; the main responsibility is difficult to implement; and passenger safety and legitimate rights and interests are short of protection in the process of development. Based on these problems some regulation suggestions on online booking vehicle are put forward from the online booking vehicle drivers, vehicle, quantity and quality of service. Only are these problems properly solved, can online booking vehicle industry be promoted to develop healthily and orderly.
    Impact Difference Analysis of Transportation Industry to the Regional Economy Based on Theil Index
    XIONG Ping, SHI Yishou
    2017, 17(1):  54-59. 
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    From the differences of the development of transportation industry in China, the difference impact of transportation on the regional economy is analyzed using Theil index method to measure the difference between areas and regional internal, to calculate Theil index respectively select passenger volume, passenger turnover, freight volume, freight turnover for weighting, and to analyze the contribution of different regional differences to the overall difference. The results show that the transportation industry in China has significant influence on the regional economic development, especially that the regional internal differences, the eastern region of the difference have the largest contribution, but there is a downturn in the contribution of the difference and the difference between regional contribution is on the rise.
    Research on the Optimization of Logistics Distribution of “Last Kilometer”
    SUN Mengli
    2017, 17(1):  60-62. 
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    With the development of electricity suppliers in recent years, express business develops successfully. The success of courier companies focus not only on both sides of online shopping, but more on the delivery service of “last kilometer”. According to the current condition of delivery service of SF Express, from the perspective of “last kilometer ” delivery service, a research and optimization for delivery service of SF is launched.The corresponding optimization strategy for SF Expresss distribution service at the present stage is put forward to achieve the goal of optimizing the “last mile” delivery service.
    On the Exhibition of Goods along the Railway Production in Nanjing National Government Period
    GUO Jinping
    2017, 17(1):  63-68. 
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    In the period of Nanjing national government, the ministry of railways held exhibitions of goods produced along the railway four times in order to expand the passenger and cargo flow, increase railway transport capacity and promote the development of goods along the railway. Based on the consideration that the railway and goods produced along the railway were in a kind of coexistence and common prosperity, the ministry of railways carried out public opinion mobilization from the perspective of the industrial salvation, the benefit of railway exhibition to agriculture, industry and commerce, and the importance of railway transportation respectively. The four railway exhibitions expanded the railway transportation efficiency and promote the development of the railway to a certain extent. Due to the constraints of propaganda, geographical, the ills of the railway itself and other factors, the overall effect was not satisfactory. The improvement of railway transportation depended on the joint efforts of the production, transportation, marketing and other multiple forces, but the key lay in a radical reform of the ills of the railway itself.
    Research on the Evaluation and Spatial Differentiation of County Economic Competitiveness in Xiangxi Prefecture
    LIU Bin, TANG Xinping
    2017, 17(1):  69-73. 
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    14 indicators of the countys economic competitiveness are selected, combined with grey relational analysis method, to evaluate the Xiangxi county economic competitiveness on 4 time-section. Then the spatial differentiation of competitiveness is studied. Results show that the relative gap of competitiveness keeps narrowing year by year, but the absolute gap is still obvious, and the overall competitiveness is weak. Spatially, competitiveness of the western part of Xiangxi area is stronger than that of the eastern part. Radiating capacity of the central city is not enough, and point-axis growth model has not yet formed, based on which suggestions have been proposed to improve economic competitiveness of counties in Xiangxi autonomous prefecture.
    Hot Spots and Frontiers Research in the Field of Ecological Economic Research --Analysis Based on CitespaceⅢ
    BI Xuecheng, SU Qin
    2017, 17(1):  74-81. 
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    1379 published papers in the field of ecological economic research are selected from the web of science from 2006 to 2015 as the research object, the ecological economics research hot spots and frontiers are analyzed through information metrology method.The results show that the economic policy formulation and implementation, and the business management of ecological and economic model are the hot spots in the field of ecological economic research during the period of 2006-2015.The business management mode, economic growth pattern and ecosystem services constitute the knowledge base in the academic field. The ecological economic research can be divided into four stages according to the burst keywords. Each is different from another in its important points..
    A Grey Relation Analysis of Science and Technology Innovation and Industrial Upgrading in Fujian Province
    YU Dahang, HUANG Huanzong
    2017, 17(1):  82-86. 
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    The transformation and upgrading of industry is the main task of scientific and technological innovation in the new economic norm. Based on their coupling relationship,the Fujian Province scientific and technological innovation and industrial upgrading coupling research on evaluation index was constructed. The system includes the characterization of scientific and technological innovation and industrial upgrading targets of the system, illustrating the degree of coupling of the two, using grey relation coupling model of coupling degree calculation. The results show that there is obvious coupling relationship between Fujian province innovation and industrial upgrading, technological innovation on industrial upgrading of positive effect obviously.
    A Study of Spatial Imagery in Anne Sextons “Love Poems”
    WANG Lili, GAO Peng
    2017, 17(1):  87-91. 
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    Anne Sextons fourth published volume of poetry, “Love Poems”, was one of her most popular and widelyaccepted collections. Through it, the poetess expresses her love philosophy which is so unusual that its barely observed in any other love poems. Poetic imagery is an important carrier of the poetess different spatial cognition and perception. A study of spatial imagery in this volume is an attempt to analyze how they help present the poetess extraordinary love philosophy, and meanwhile stimulate readers vivid and rich imagination to appreciate this fascinating volume.
    Marxs View of Freedom and Hurstwoods Tragedy
    YANG Peipei, LI Wenjun
    2017, 17(1):  92-96. 
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    〖JP2〗At the turn of the 19th and the 20th century,Theodore Dresser in Sister Carrie successfully designed a character named Hurstwood with modern significance who benefits from the fast deveoped economy and enjoys the affluent and comfortable life. However, freedom is the essence of human being. Marx once said that freedom degree depends on the material condition created through labor. But, as the wealthy life gradually becomes common and the spiritual life slowly tends to be easy, when one tries to realize his freedom, he still will limit to the social relation, rationality and morality. Although Hurstwood obtains more rights of freedom through basically attaining his own fully development and more wealth, he finally tastes the consequences of abandoning.〖JP〗
    Thought is Deadly -- Deconstruction of “Thought” in Nineteen EightyFour
    TANG Jun, LI Huiping
    2017, 17(1):  97-101. 
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    George Orwells antitotalitarianism is a prominent theme in his masterpiece Nineteen EightyFour. The binary opposite of the orthodox thought and the unorthodox thought and the deconstruction feature of “double think” in the text reflects the potential and strong threatening power of the unorthodox thought, and a fact that “double think” keeps threatening the domination of totalitarianism in spite of its identity being the totalitarian societys tool for controlling people. It is further revealed that “thought” is deadly both for the people and the totalitarianism, and that the deconstruction features of “thought” weakens the degree of totalitarian societys horror.
    Development and Application of a Competencies Maturity Model of Engineering Teaching Faculty in Colleges and Universities under the Interdisciplinary Engineering Education Perspective
    LIU Yan, LIU Rong, WANG Yumin
    2017, 17(1):  102-107. 
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    The interdisciplinary education is an effective way to cultivate innovative talents, and the competency of faculty is the basis and key element for interdisciplinary education. The competency of engineering teaching faculty being used as the object, through literature review and questionnaire, a competency index of engineering teaching faculty under interdisciplinary education perspective is set up. A competency model of engineering teaching faculty is established by using the Delphi method to propose a four dimension ability system in teaching, practice, research, environmental behavior validated by confirmatory factor analysis. A twodimensional teaching competence maturity model is constructed by dividing the maturity into 5 levels, namely, initial stage level, growth stage level, the basic competency level, competency level, and excellent grade level from lower to higher.
    Research on Activity Dilemma and Effective Psychological Guidance of College Students in Social Practice
    CHEN Qun, XIAO Yahui
    2017, 17(1):  108-111. 
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    College students are the core participants and the ultimate beneficiaries of social practice. The strength of their subjective activity plays a direct impact on the quality of the results of practice, and in turn affects the amount of their own benefit. Currently, the destruction of external practice environment and the lack of internal driving force blend each other, together constitute dual dilemma of restricting college students initiative in social practice. Through a series of strategies including cognitive adjustment, peer support, target control and time management, a positive influence on the psychological condition of college students is studied so as to help them successfully solve the dilemma and effectively enhance the effect of social practice.
    On Poor College Students Aid Work from Perspective of Mass Line
    GAO Xuan, HUANG Huaping
    2017, 17(1):  112-115. 
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    From the perspective of the mass line to look at the poor college students aid work, there exists the problems of paying more attention to material needs and ignoring spiritual needs of poor students in the aid process, knowing little of what the poor college students really need, making mistakes in identifying the aided, lacking necessary empathy. This is mainly because we have not really carried out the mass line—the students are the most important in the college.The mechanism of the evaluation and the incentive are not perfect. The staff neglect campus cultural construction. Therefore, we must change the concept of assistance to insist on the mass line. We should be familiar with the students situation, reflecting constantly and establishing a system to increase enthusiasm.
    On “Complex Science and Philosophy” Course Practice
    ZHOU Kaifa
    2017, 17(1):  116-121. 
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    :A new created interdisciplinary general education course Complex Science and Philosophy was presented, and the course design, content structure and teaching organization were described. Based on the data collected by questionnaire, interview and classroom teaching evaluation scale, the SPSS descriptive statistical analysis was used to evaluate the effectiveness of the learning model based on complex system modeling and simulation platform. The results indicated that it is very necessary and successful to create the new interdisciplinary general education course Complex Science and Philosophy. The teaching strategy used is practical and effective. This course enhanced the students curiosity, extended their knowledge, and achieved some blend of arts and science.
    Teaching Practice Based on Mutual Aid and Discussion in the Graduation Project of Port and Waterway Engineering
    XU Fang, WANG Xuejun, ZHANG Yuqiang, LIU Ling, MENG Caixia
    2017, 17(1):  122-125. 
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    The specific application of the mutual aid and discussion type teaching method in 2016 annual construction groups graduation project of port and waterway engineering, Chongqing Jiaotong University, is introduced. In order to cultivate high quality professional technical personnel and management personnel in engineering, better innovation approach and reference is provided.
    On English Translation of Foregrounding Languages in Local Drama --Taking Shangluo Huagu Drama “Bright Moonlight”
    SUN Lili1,2, PENG Zhimin1
    2017, 17(1):  126-129. 
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    Although local culture translation has focused more and more on the proposal of One Belt and One Road Plan, the foregrounding languages in local drama make it seldom known by foreigners. The translating principle and methods for Shangluo Huagu drama translation are proposed on the basis of translating some foregrounding languages in “Bright Moonlight” from the perspective of quantitative and qualitative prominence. The translation skills of equivalent replace, transform, shift and abandonment were applied to provide a new perspective to Huagu drama translation and produce a good English version with literariness and perfomability.
    Analysis of Translation of Company Overviews of Chinese Insurance Company from Perspective of Communication Studies
    QIU Jin, XIE Ke
    2017, 17(1):  130-135. 
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    The essence and the most significant issue of translating materials for international publicity are pointed out and some basic principles that merit attention in translation are put forward. 40 company overview translations and English texts on Chinese, British and American insurance company websites are surveyed from the perspective of communication studies and three problems on Chinese insurance company websites are pointed out, that is, inappropriate content, inappropriate rhetoric and failure to exert the advantages of internet media. Then alternative translation strategies such as compiling and retranslating are offered. Finally, a retranslated version of a company overview is provided for reference.
    A Cognitive Approach to Chinese New Vocabularies
    SONG Yuhan
    2017, 17(1):  136-140. 
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    Language is the product of human cognition. Therefore, the emergence and largescale derivation of new vocabularies is closely connected with the cognitive psychology of human being. Generally, the new meaning from old vocabularies or the direct emergence of new vocabularies is caused by metaphor or metonymy while the largescale derivation of new vocabularies is the result of coeffect of categorization and noncategorization.
    Analysis of Sham Pragmatic Presupposition Application in Speech from the Perspective of Communication --Based on TED Talks
    XU Shan
    2017, 17(1):  141-144. 
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    Speech shows are very popular on all kinds of media at present. Their success attributes largely to the use of Sham Pragmatic Presupposition(SPP), which helps to realize the audiences psychological desires and meets the audiences knowledge-seeking, psychology acceptance, entertainment pursuit and socialization needs from the perspective of communication.