›› 2017, Vol. 17 ›› Issue (2): 86-90.

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Alternative Imagination and Narration of Cultural Revolution --A Review of WANG Xiaonis 〖STBX〗1966〖ST〗

XU Xiang   

  1. (College of Humanities, Xian Peihua University, Xian 710125, China)
  • Received:2016-08-23 Revised:2016-09-06 Online:2017-04-01 Published:2017-04-23

另类的“文革”想象与叙述 ——评王小妮《1966年》


  1. 西安培华学院 人文学院,西安 710125
  • 作者简介:徐翔(1981—),女,河南南阳人,西安培华学院人文学院副教授,研究方向:中国现当代文学。

Abstract: The cultural revolution as a significant event happened in the 20th century in China, bringing people endless disasters and the trauma difficult to heal. For a long time after the cultural revolution, for the need to pour out the pain and reflect the history, the cultural revolution is always the speech topic of countless people.Therefore, the cultural revolution has entered the field of literature, and has become a unique literary identity in the new period. Different writers have made different annotations of history. WANG Xiaonis 〖STBX〗1966 is more unique. In order to ease the brushwork, the novel depicts the living beings in the special bigotry and the little people living under the tide of history and experience, which shows an alternative imagination and narration of the cultural revolution.

Key words: WANG Xiaoni, imagination of the cultural revolution, personal narrative, romantic and poetic

摘要: “文革”在中国二十世纪的社会历史发展进程中是难以回避的重大事件,亲历其中的人们对文革的记忆更多的是毁灭性的灾难和难以言说的心灵痛楚。在文革后的很长时间内,出于倾诉内心痛楚和反思历史的需要,文革被无数人不断地言说。文革因此进入了文学视野,成为新时期文学一个独特的文学标识,不同的作家都对那段历史作出了不同的注解。王小妮的《1966年》别具一格,以举重若轻的笔法描绘了那个特殊年代里的众生百态,描绘了历史大潮下小人物的生存体验,展现了一种另类的“文革”想象和叙述。

关键词: 王小妮, “文革”想象, 个人叙事, 浪漫诗意