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    01 April 2017, Volume 17 Issue 2
    Historical Role of Marx in the Period of the First International
    ZHANG Xiaoping, WANG Bingqian
    2017, 17(2):  1-4. 
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    As the spiritual leader of the First International spiritual leader, Marx has played a huge role during the whole existence of the First International. Marx made a significant contribution to solving the main problems: helping to establish the nature of the First International, the statutes and programs of action; grasping the First International theory direction; helping the First International to organize workers movement, of which the Paris Commune caught the attention of most people; promoting the dissolution of the First International. So, Marx made outstanding contributions in the history of the First International with far reaching impact.
    On the Natures and Sources of Urban Management Law Enforcement from the Perspective of Power List System
    HE Bin1,2
    2017, 17(2):  5-10. 
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    Power list system is an effective system of restricting power, which is advantageous to the urban management law enforcement in accordance with the law. Power list system is to clearly define the nature and origin of urban management law enforcement power. Urban management law enforcement power has the characteristics of relative concentration, limitation and expansion. There are four legitimate sources of administrative power:power setting, legal authorization, administrative trust, administrative authorization. The source of the urban management law enforcement power has experienced an approach from administrative authority to administrative trust,then to power setting.Considering the natures and the lowlevel legal sources, the administrative regulations and laws applicable in the whole country should be made as soon as possible to promote the law enforcement power list system.
    On the ID Card Inspection System in the Perspective of Protecting Human Rights
    MIN Fengjin1,2
    2017, 17(2):  16-21. 
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    The public security organ involves in the objects of law enforcement, police officers and the general public in the ID card inspection, in which, the plainclothes police may be identified as fake police, the police ID card may be identified as invalid in implementation, which may cause the conflict between police officers and the general public at some certain level. Under the background of deepening the construction of public security law enforcement standardization, only through constructing the standard model of the ID card inspection, building the publicity of policing system and perfecting the right relief mechanism of the examinees, can the human rights involving in the ID card inspection be largely enhanced.
    Haihunhou Tomb Excavation:the Academic Value of New Archaeological Finds
    JIANG Jinjin
    2017, 17(2):  22-25. 
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    In November 2015, since the Haihunhou tomb was excavated, a mind-blowing news media and the Internet began to report it at home and abroad. The archaeological discovery has given much attention to the master of the tomb and related historical materials. The research results are discussed and analyzed in detail. Haihunhou tomb unearthed a large number of literature for textual research, making up for the deficiency of the literature handed down from ancient times, with high value in proofreading and error correcting. Through various studies of the excavation, it is found that it not only brought precious historical research materials, but also gives material for a newborn life literature and promotes the source information of media prosperity,which demonstrated its unique academic value.
    Discussion on Xinan Touring Troupes Contribution to Guilin Cultural City
    ZHANG Hong, LIU Xuwen, YANG Feiran
    2017, 17(2):  26-31. 
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    During antiJapanese war, Xinan Touring Troup implemented antiJapanese campaign. They set up temporary joint starting, organized children group conversazione, “cave education”, street publicity and education. At the same time, they tried to renew Xinan School and cultivate antiJapanese thoughts. They made a great contribution to the Guilin cultural movement of antiJapanese. They achieved that because of Guilins relatively relaxed political environment, correct leadership of the Communist Party of China to Xinan Touring Troupe and Xinan Touring teenagers patriotic feelings and historical sense of mission.
    White Lotus Uprising and Qing Dynastys Military Control on Northeast Sichuan
    QIN Ping
    2017, 17(2):  32-37. 
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    Emperor Jiaqing lived in a special time when Qing dynasty declined from thrivingness. When Jiaqing became the emperor, he was faced with the situation that peasantry uprising was so terrible in Northeast Sichuan. The emperor timely adjusted the military deployment of Sichuan to strengthen the military control of this region, thus reversing the circumstance of the army fight in early days. It can be said that these reform measures were a miniature of Qing dynasty to strengthen the regional control. Through this case study, Emperor Jiaqings national governance strategies are explored. Some enlightenment for maintaining the permanent stability of the regions and country can be got.
    Resettlement Housing Is also “Beautiful” --Analysis on the Architectural Planning and Design of the Bozhou Wobei New Town
    LUO Zhongxia1, HU Hong2
    2017, 17(2):  38-41. 
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    Resettlement houses are the houses based on the housing resettlement of those residents whose houses are demolished and relocated by the government in the urban construction. The design and construction reflect the development level of a citys politics, economy and culture. Taking the design of Bozhou Wobei New Town as an example, combining Bozhous local features, it tries to create a modern green urban district with an all round architectural image and humanized design, trying to arouse the attention of the people for the design, construction, development of the resettlement houses, setting up a good image of the city , promoting the healthy development of the urban environment.
    On the Planning of a New Round of Urban Rail Transit Network in Chongqing City
    LIU Haizhou, ZHOU Tao
    2017, 17(2):  42-46. 
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    The problems existing in the current railway track in Chongqing are summarized and analyzed. Some new concepts, ideas of the rail line network planning revision of other cities are also summarized and analyzed. Assessment of Chongqings existing problems in the planning of urban rail network is carried out. Some ideas and suggestions on the main city of Chongqings new round of rail transit network planning revision are put forward.
    Xian Rail Communication Network Planning and the Sustainable Development of the City Layout Research
    HONG Dou1, XIN Tuo2
    2017, 17(2):  47-50. 
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    With Xian railway traffic, the second line of smooth traffic operations, Xian has a lot of less traffic congestion problem. However, in the heart of Xian as an international metropolis and the AsiaEurope continental bridge economic belt, the existing fast orbit transportation construction programming can not meet the requirements of the urban development. So the present situation and development characteristics of Xian are analyzed, combing the city layout and the relationship between the rail transit network layout. It is concluded that Xian should use in the urban planning after the rail transit TOD guide urban development mode, to achieve the sustainable development of rail transit network planning and city layout.
    Study on Landscape Design of Urban Bridges from the Perspective of Cultural Ecology --Taking the Design of Huaian Shuimen Bridge
    GU Weiguo
    2017, 17(2):  51-56. 
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    Urban bridge urban waterfront as an important traffic artery, not only has the communication function of the river on both sides of the traffic channel, but also as a special landscape form of the city, is an important part of the city image and environment, urban culture or civilization in a special presentation mode. Bridge landscape design under cultural ecology is discussed from this perspective in order to comprehensively grasp the link between urban cultural ecology and the ecological environment. With the experience of the urban bridge landscape design and creation, the countermeasure mechanism of putting the regional cultural factor into bridge landscape concept design is put forward.
    Research on Early History of Lizhi Route
    LI Jiuchang
    2017, 17(2):  57-62. 
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    Although Lizhi Route was renowned in Tang Dynasty, it was not new at the time. With reference to literature and archeological documents, beginning and carving out Lizhi Route had close relation with Ba culture. It was already utilized during the preQin Dynasty and frequently played an important role in the traffic.
    A Rethinking of “Supply Creates Demand”
    LIU Xinyuan1, LIU Xiuguang2
    2017, 17(2):  63-67. 
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    Says law, stated as “supply creates demand” by Keynes, has long been criticized by modern mainstream economics to be valueless theoretically and practically. However, supply and demand are dialectically interrelated in real economic world. Therefore, “creating something with no demands is equivalent to creating something with no value” is the very verity of Says law. If supply surplus exists in economy, it reflects the aimlessness of social production and will undermine macroeconomic growth and its sustainable development. Thus, in terms of the serious production surplus in certain fields of China economy, it is necessary to moderately expand aggregate demand and implement structuredreform strategy from the supply side.
    On the Competition and Integration of Internet Finance and Traditional Finance
    FU Chunhong
    2017, 17(2):  68-70. 
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    Taking the advantages of the convenience, opening, inclusiveness and refinement, Internet finance brought no small impact on traditional finance. The traditional finance should learn from each other with internet finance through cooperation, harmony and symbiosis and enhance the development of products and services. Depending on the idea and the technology innovation of the enterprises, the governments policy guidance and normative, the rational investors choose to jointly promote.
    Fujian InlandCoastal Coordinated Development Research Under Regional Industry Transfer Perspective
    DONG Dandan
    2017, 17(2):  71-76. 
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    Taking the coordinated development of Fujian inland coastal areas as the research object, from the regional industrial transfer perspective, literature research, quantitative analysis and other research methods are used. First the unbalanced economic development in inland and coastal Fujian province are elaborated in terms of geography, history, policy, industrial structure and the human environment. It is demonstrated that the industry transfer can make the economic gap between regions shrinking to achieve balanced regional development from theory and practice, and finally on the status of the districtlevel industrial transfer in Fujian province. Problems of Fujian province industry transfer in thinking, policies, mechanisms and others are found. Concrete suggestions are given.
    Application of MultiObjective Programming Method in Determining the Optimal Capital Structure --Taking New Hope Liuhe Co. Limited
    LIU Jiajia, ZOU Nengfeng
    2017, 17(2):  77-81. 
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    Determining the target capital structure is conducive to the development of enterprises. The way of multiobjective programming is a method of researching efficient use and distribution of resources, which can be used to determine the optimal capital structure. The important factors are analyzed at first and then calculated according to the real financial data. Finally, the programming model to calculate the answer is established.
    Subversion and Resistance of Imperial Center Culture --J.M. Coetzees Diasporic Writing Characteristics
    DU Wenhui
    2017, 17(2):  82-85. 
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    Postcolonial diasporic writer J.M.Coetzee rewrites the classic Robinson Crusoe from the female narrative perspective, and reveals the essence of imperial colonial culture through Elizabeth Costello. Coetzee displays his writing characteristics of subverting and resisting the authority in order to fulfill his purpose of reconstructing imperial center culture by standing the marginal position.
    Alternative Imagination and Narration of Cultural Revolution --A Review of WANG Xiaonis 〖STBX〗1966〖ST〗
    XU Xiang
    2017, 17(2):  86-90. 
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    The cultural revolution as a significant event happened in the 20th century in China, bringing people endless disasters and the trauma difficult to heal. For a long time after the cultural revolution, for the need to pour out the pain and reflect the history, the cultural revolution is always the speech topic of countless people.Therefore, the cultural revolution has entered the field of literature, and has become a unique literary identity in the new period. Different writers have made different annotations of history. WANG Xiaonis 〖STBX〗1966 is more unique. In order to ease the brushwork, the novel depicts the living beings in the special bigotry and the little people living under the tide of history and experience, which shows an alternative imagination and narration of the cultural revolution.
    Research on the Reform Trend of the Fiscal and Taxation Legal Talent Training Model
    WANG Tingting1, FAN Weiguo1,2
    2017, 17(2):  91-95. 
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    On the way to promote the reform of tax system and to enhance the rule of tax law, cultivating higher and higher level of fiscal and taxation law talents through the teaching reform of tax law has become an important force to promote Chinas economic and social development. However, the current tax law teaching in China is still faced with several problems such as low status, content lag, method mechanical and assessment mechanism single, which cannot satisfy the rigid requirement of the development of times. Therefore, we must enhance the independent value of the tax law course, enrich the teaching content, innovate the tax law teaching method and reform the evaluation system. Only when we break the deadlock in the field of tax law teaching and cultivation of talents in colleges and universities, could we provide effective guarantee to promote the construction of the fiscal and taxation legal talent.
    “Post 95s” College Students Honesty Education
    ZHENG Zhifeng
    2017, 17(2):  96-99. 
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    The network age was a protruding feature of the environment in which the “post 95s” college students grew up. On the one hand, the network brought convenience for their life. On the other hand, it also made their real life chaotic.The honesty of the “post 95s” college students coincides with their growth environment. Considering their thought and behavior, for the betterment of their ideological recognition, through promotion of their inner accomplishment the outer system and the rectification of the environment, the college is able to and should enhance the honesty of the network age college students.
    A Discussion about the Influence of Post Modernism Thoughts on the Value Orientation of College Students
    HAO Dandan, PAN Li
    2017, 17(2):  100-104. 
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    College students value orientation has greatly changed by the influence of the thoughts against foundationism, rationalism and centralism, which are the features of postmodernist ideological trend. According to the survey, college students pay attention to the collective cooperation and pursue personal independence and individual freedom. Students moral values are more open and inclusive. Some students moral values deviate from the traditional moral demands. The survey also shows that students political value orientation tends to diverse. They pay attention to democratic participation, taking an active part in the election and network political commentary. But some students degree of recognition to the socialist system and the guiding status of Marxism is low. So college students value orientation needs guidance.
    Female College Students Network Media Contact and Dependence --Based on the Survey of Two Universities in Chongqing
    CAO Ruigang
    2017, 17(2):  105-109. 
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    The development of the Internet has greatly expanded the depth and breadth of the users contact with the network media, especially for college students. As a special group, female college students have their own psychological and behavioral characteristics. Through the questionnaire survey and the interview method, selecting two representative universities in Chongqing, a detailed analysis of the female college students contact characteristics of Internet media and network media dependent psychology behind the cause of anxiety are conducted.
    On College Students Media Literacy Cultivation Network Discourse Context
    ZHANG Xuezhen, LIU Shulan
    2017, 17(2):  110-114. 
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    Nowadays, the network discourse power is becoming fiercer and fiercer. College students are the main force of the network, and the cultivation of their media literacy becomes an urgent problem to be solved. This right of discourse in network context under the media literacy education of the college students is challenged greatly: the invasion of western hegemony of Internet information; university network ideological construction lag; the sense of social responsibility of public media deletion; government network management oversight. The present situation of media literacy of college students is introduced. The use of media resources of the motivation, methods, effectiveness and ability to critical problems is analyzed. Finally, from the network discourse of the right to speak, initiative, the right of expression and supervision in four aspects, the media literacy education of the college students cultivate, an effective solution to the path is put forward.
    Innovation and Exploration of Ability Training Mode in Quick Design of Architecture
    DONG Lili1, PENG Yunni1, YU Wenwen2
    2017, 17(2):  115-119. 
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    Quick design ability is a chief ability for architecture students that can enter a higher school, obtain employment, pass the licensing examination smoothly. However, it is hard to promote the quick design ability effectively by using it as an adjunctive treat way in traditional architecture design teaching nowadays. Therefore,to optimize architecture quick design teaching time, it is necessary to improve its content, innovate its pattern to make it become an independent treat system. The aim is to achieve the promotion of students integrative ability in architecture quick design and bring a new enlightenment in traditional teaching of architectural design course.
    On the Role of Narrative Projection in the Reading of Dictionary of the Khazars
    HAN Bin1,2
    2017, 17(2):  120-124. 
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    Story and narrative projection are basic human cognitive abilities to understand literary and non-literary communication. Human beings use story or fable to identify certain simple stories in the world and then project them to more complicated and more abstract stories. In the process of reading Dictionary of the Khazars, readers verify each entrys meaning by their personal schema-based stories and narrative projections, and finally construct the meaning of the novel.
    Translators Subjectivity in Translating Chinese Classics Based on the Perspective of Translation Ethics
    JIA Liping, SU Xinjian
    2017, 17(2):  125-129. 
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    The translator is the subject of the translation of Chinese classics and the full play of their subjectivity has an important influence on their translation. The return of translation ethics provides both a new perspective for the study of his subjectivity and a norm for the play of his subjectivity. Based on Chestermans models of translation ethics, how translator plays the role of subjectivity in translating Stories to Awaken the World in terms of ethics of representation, of service and of communication is analyzed in an attempt to provide helpful ideas for translating Chinese classics.
    Compilation of EnglishChinese Parallel Corpus of Shijing with Multiple Translated Versions
    WU Xiaolong1, GAO Bo2
    2017, 17(2):  130-134. 
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    The compilation of EnglishChinese parallel corpus of Shijing with multiple translated versions is elaborated, focusing on discussions of selecting, parsing, tagging, annotating, and aligning the English and Chinese texts. The compilation of the corpus aims to expand a brandnew perspective and way for the study of the English translation of Shijing, thus promoting the multidimensional study of the English translation of Shijing and the spread of Shijing worldwide, and providing reference for the research of the English translation of other classic poetry works.
    Questionnaire Survey and Its Revelation on the Status Quo of Engineering Translation Talent
    WANG Min, LI Yi
    2017, 17(2):  135-140. 
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    Taking 50 Chinas overseas engineering enterprises as the subjects, the status quo and future need of engineering translators are studied by questionnaire survey online. The survey covers the status quo of engineering translators, translation requirements, other work assigned to engineering translators, future need of engineering translators and enterprises suggestions to the cultivation of engineering translators. Based on the results, suggestions for universities to improve the cultivation of engineering translators are provided from the aspects of cultivation target, content, mode and teaching staff, so as to turn out qualified personnel required for engineering translation.
    Research on “Double 11” Advertisements of Emerchants under Postmodern Consumer Society
    QIU Jin1,2
    2017, 17(2):  141-144. 
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    This paper sorts out the past5year “double 11” advertisements of the major Emerchants such as Tmall, Jingdong Mall, Suning Ecommerce, etc. and summarizes the linguistic features of the “double 11” advertisements of the Emerchants from the perspective of the postmodern consumer society, in order to expose the generative motivation of the “double 11” advertisements. The present study aims to bring some enlightenment for commercial competition in the postmodern consumer society.