›› 2017, Vol. 17 ›› Issue (3): 135-139.

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Cognitive System and CE Translation of Emotional Metaphor --Taking “Love” in Three Sisters

ZHANG Chenchen, CAO Jing   

  1. (Public Foundation Institute, Bengbu Medical College, Bengbu, Anhui 233030, China)
  • Received:2016-10-27 Revised:2016-11-03 Online:2017-06-01 Published:2017-05-29

情感隐喻的认知系统与汉英互译 ——以《玉米》中“爱”为例


  1. 蚌埠医学院 公共基础学院,安徽 蚌埠 233030
  • 作者简介:张晨晨(1986—),女,安徽滁州人,蚌埠医学院讲师,硕士,研究方向:认知语言学、文体学及翻译;曹静(1984—),女,安徽安庆人,蚌埠医学院讲师,硕士,研究方向:应用语言学。
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: Emotion generates meaning because of metaphors regulation as well as embodied experience. It constitutes a network based on schemainstance hierarchy and instance expansion. Three Sisters translated by Howard Goldblatt and Sylvia Lichun Lin has achieved great popularity in western countries for it has fully respected the original novel, which has also enabled western readers to have a chance to see the real China. ased on the relevant theory of cognitive linguistics, the major characteristics of the emotional metaphor “love” is analyzed from the perspective of external and internal experience system respectively. Moreover, the translation strategies adopted by the translators is also discussed.

Key words: Three Sisters, emotional metaphor, schemainstance hierarchy, translation

摘要: 情感在隐喻规则作用下并通过具身体验产生意义,形成以图示—例示及例示拓展为基础的网络关系。葛浩文夫妇翻译的《玉米》在充分尊重原作的基础上让西方读者看到了真实的中国,取得了较好的传播效果。从认知语言学相关理论出发,分别从外部和内部体验系统探讨“爱”这一情感的概念隐喻认知特征,并分析葛氏译本所采用的翻译方法。

关键词: 《玉米》, 情感隐喻, 图示—例示级阶, 翻译