›› 2017, Vol. 17 ›› Issue (4): 130-133.

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Analysis on University Sexual Harassment and the Way of Rule of Law from the Perspective of Unspoken Rule

LI Jiayuan, FANG Suning   

  1. (College of Management, China West Normal University, Nanchong, Sichuan 637009, China)
  • Received:2016-05-10 Online:2017-08-01 Published:2017-08-04



  1. 西华师范大学 管理学院,四川 南充 637009
  • 作者简介:李佳源(1979—),女,四川南充人, 西华师范大学管理学院副教授,博士,研究方向:教育管理、管理心理学;方苏宁(1991—),女,安徽池州人,西华师范大学硕士研究生,研究方向:高等教育管理。
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: Unspoken rule is a special cultural phenomenon prevalent in all areas of society. From the perspective of the unspoken rules of sexual harassment of colleges and universities, unspoken rules arise largely from bureaucratic system of highly centralized system that leads to formal runaway results, providing psychology of traditional culture as well as prevailing the malformation of the unspoken rule. University sexual harassment, as one of the unspoken rule form, because of its concealment and non normality, has been hidden and not fair.The long hidden sexual harassment is a special form of unspoken rule, embedded in the formal rules and traditional culture, the existence and prevalence of which damages the physical and mental health of girl students in colleges and universities, hinders the establishment of rule of law of safe campus, and destroys the social fairness and justice. Viewing the unspoken rule from the unique angle, discusses the deep reasons of the spread of sexual harassment are discussed, which is due to the rule, leading to collisions of highly centralized bureaucratic system, organizational culture and the culture of the threes absence. The key to strengthening the rule of law is the rule of “potential” according to “sexual harassment”.

Key words: unspoken rule, university, sexual harassment

摘要: 潜规则是一个盛行于社会各个领域的特殊文化现象,其产生很大程度源于官僚体系高度集权导致的正式制度脱缰,而传统文化中的畸形化也为潜规则的盛行提供了文化基础。长期隐而不发却大行其道的高校性骚扰是潜规则在高校的延伸,嵌于正式规则和传统文化当中,严重危害高校女生的身心健康,阻碍平安法治校园的建设,破坏社会公平正义。以潜规则为独特视角,发掘高校性骚扰滋生蔓延的深层原因在于高度集权的官僚体系、组织结构氛围及中庸文化三者的融合碰撞导致的明规则缺位,提出治理高校性骚扰关键在于以法祛“潜”,依法治“性骚扰”。

关键词: 潜规则, 高校, 性骚扰