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    01 August 2017, Volume 17 Issue 4
    The Study of the Governance of Non Organized Squire --Based on the Investigation of an H Village
    KUANG Liangfeng
    2017, 17(4):  1-5. 
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    At present, as the rural governance, it is a private governance mechanism that exists in parallel with the villagers autonomy. It not only is different from the traditional gentry governance, also has the very big difference with the villagers autonomy. But because the squire itself has certain traditional governance, it lacks the modern system of governance legitimacy and public participation.As to its legitimacy, it is necessary to confirm the qualification of the main body of the government, and for its public and participation, we can draw lessons from the experience of the rural regeneration system in Taiwan to propose the development direction of modernization.
    Analyzing the Differences Between the Deliberative Democracy Practices at the Grassroots Level in China and the US --Taking Wenling and 21st Century Town Meeting
    BAO Cao, YAN Hong
    2017, 17(4):  6-11. 
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    The deliberative democracy practices at the grassroots level of China and USA have some differences. They exist in participant,content and procedure. The reasons are mainly subjective, such as political institution and culture, stage of society and deliberative democracy tradition. Compared with the two practices, China ought to insist its some competitive advantages and strengthen its pertinence. In addition, it is vital for China to absorb helpful experience from the US and explore how to construct and develop deliberative democracy at the grassroots level of socialism with Chinese characteristics.
    Study on the Mode of Nursing Home in China
    LI Yuhu, CHEN Zhe
    2017, 17(4):  12-17. 
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    The current service capacity of the eldercare homes in China is inadequate and the service quality is low, which cannot meet the needs of socializing elderly care service industry. In this sense, it is quite significant to study and innovate the mode of nursing home. By the crosscomparison analysis of the privatization of the public nursing home, the private eldercare homes and publicprivate partnerships (PPP), PPP has obvious advantages in enhancing the vitality of the development of pension agencies, improving the management level of nursing home and raising the level of elderly care service. Therefore, PPP should be the main mode to provide elderly care service in China.
    Research Review and Prospect of the Study on Xinhua Daily Since the Reform and Opening up
    CAO Mingchen
    2017, 17(4):  18-25. 
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    Study on Xinhua Daily has experienced three phases since the reform and opening up. The beginning stage is from the beginning of the reform and opening up to the nineties. Throughout the nineties is the development stage. The deepening stage started in the new century. Some achievements were obtained in study on Xinhua Daily both in the aspects of comprehensive research and monographic research. In order to deepen the study on Xinhua Daily, we should keep the pace of comprehensive research with the times, develop the monographic research, attach importance to management and publishing of historical materials, and break through the mode of thoughts of traditional history.
    Collective Intention and Game Theory
    LIU Haitao1,2, HUANG Jianshi1
    2017, 17(4):  26-30. 
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    The collective intention formed among the individuals caused the collective action. But it is not enough to clarify the collective intention as a special relationship among the individuals intentions. It still needs to explain why the individuals wouldnt choose to act along, but are willing to adjust their own individuals intentions to perform a collective action when facing different choices. Through analysis of the individual decisionmakings process, the collective intention is an equilibrium. At the same time, the interactive knowledge is formed among the individuals, which also constitute the inner structure of collective intention.
    On Financial Dilemma in Late Qing Dynasty and Economic Factors for the Fall of Qing Dynasty
    WANG Ziteng
    2017, 17(4):  31-35. 
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    The economic situation is an important factor in exploring the inevitability of the rise and fall of Chinese history. During the ten years of the late Qing Dynasty, the socioeconomic structure changed drastically. The increase of the tax revenue and the heavy apportionment of the Qing government increased the centrifugal force of the central and local governments. Due to the lack of modern business management theory guidance, civil banks, banks in parallel twotrack, credit bankruptcy immediately led to financial panic. In the currency reform, the Qing government neglected the objective law of economic development and overturned the abuse. Many of the reform mistakes led to sluggish economic situation, eventually leading to political collapse.
    The “Fine” Tactics Used in Running Policy of Local Academic Journals
    GUAN Yanyun
    2017, 17(4):  36-40. 
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    The problem of being “full, scattered, small and weak” has become ingrained habits in local academic journals. As a vulnerable group in academic journals to break out in the context of new media fusion, local academic journals can improve work performance by using three aspects of precise planning, precise force and fine work, which is called “fine” tactics. To change the local academic journals inveterate habits through these three aspects of work is effective. Combined with he working characteristics of new media integration, the above several aspects of work are discussed.
    Research on Traffic Congestion Management in Urban Fringe Scenic Area --Taking Ciqikou
    AN Meng1, 2,3, ZHU Ye3, ZHONG Wenhao3, CHEN Xuewu1,2
    2017, 17(4):  46-49. 
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    The unique characteristics of the urban fringe scenic area formed the unique characteristics of traffic. In the rapid development of motor vehicles, urban fringe area of traffic congestion is also highlighted year by year. Through analyzing the characteristics of traffic, the features in time, space and operation are pointed out, and deeper discussions are carried out on the causes of traffic congestion of Ciqikou. Then, combined with the study of the traffic congestion mitigation strategies, the application of the traffic congestion management in urban fringe scenic area is strengthened by the case study in Ciqikou.
    The Relationship Among Expectancy Disconfirmation, Significant Others Evaluation and Regret --Evidence from Online Shopping
    XU Yan1, ZHANG Chubing2
    2017, 17(4):  50-54. 
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    In onlineshopping situation, studies the relationship of expectancy disconfirmation, significant others evaluation and regret are studied and the mediating of extraversion analyzed. The study finds: expectancy disconfirmation and significant others evaluation both have a significant negative impact on regret, but significant others evaluation cant mediate the relationship between expectancy disconfirmation and regret; extraversion cant mediate the relationship between expectancy disconfirmation and regret, but it can mediate the relationship between significant others evaluation and regret.
    Exporting Competitiveness Evaluation on Manufactured Commodities in Anhui Province after the Financial Crisis
    XU Liting, WANG Li
    2017, 17(4):  55-61. 
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    The data on import and export of 18 categories of manufactured commodities were extracted from 35 categories in “Anhui Statistics Yearbook 2006-2016” in accordance with the SITC classification standard and to do structural analysis and competitiveness evaluation by RCA and RTA index. In 2005-2015, 7 categories are the leading commodities on exporting structure of manufactured commodities in Anhui province. But higher export competitiveness still concentrates in 6 and 8 categories with lower valueadded products, while 7 categories reflecting the high valueadded products are less competitive. So we need to stress the importance on unity of trade scale and structure, focus on diversification innovative model building to enhance valueadded manufactured goods, and for competitiveness features of different products, take different countermeasures to protect and enhance their competitiveness.
    The Relation Between StateOwned Enterprises Dividends and OverInvestment Based on the Dividend Theory
    SHI Yi
    2017, 17(4):  62-67. 
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    The Decision of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Major Issues Concerning Comprehensively Deepening the Reform was published after the Third Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee, which says that the ratio of stateowned capital revenues giving to public finance will be raised to 30% in 2020. At that time, the stateowned enterprises dividends issue has been widely concerned again. To study the benefit from the stateowned enterprises dividends, based on the dividend theory development and from a new angle, the relation between stateowned enterprises dividends and overinvestment is analyzed. Based on the dividend theory, stateowned enterprises dividends can hinder overinvestment. Finally, based on the study conclusion, related suggestions are put forward.
    Financial Depressing System and Shadow Banking
    LI Bing
    2017, 17(4):  68-71. 
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    Firstly, the definition of shadow banks is analyzed and the main characters of shadow banks are pointed out. Secondly, the process of reforming Chinese financial system and the main characters of financial system are reviewed and the depressing financial system which is the important reason for shadow banks is pointed out. Finally, its own solutions to solve the shadow banks are given.
    Film and International Politics: Power, Representation and Construction
    YUE Shengsong
    2017, 17(4):  72-84. 
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    As a culture carrier, a way of artistic representation and a way of mass media, the social value of film has been universally acknowledged. However, in the aspect of international politics, the importance of film has long been neglected by simply taking it as a way of communication. In fact, the role of film in international politics is multiintertwined. It is a mix of scientific technology, art as well as language. The crosssubject investigation of film reveals the twoway communication between politics and film, namely, on the one hand, political powers spreading and penetration into films and on the other hand, film acting as a special type of language representing politics. Certain facts of international politics, after the narration of ‘film language’, reveal the intentions of the filmmakers and affect the cognition and action of the agents who are involved in the international politics. Both communications are carried out in the practices and continuously shape the processes of international politics. The full recognition of the role of film in international politics can help us further widen the vision of language study in international politics, and overcome the limitations of traditional verbal language, which is especially significant in the ‘multimodal’ world.
    Stages and Causes of Publication in Ming Dynasty
    SHI Chao
    2017, 17(4):  85-91. 
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    The period of Ming Dynastys opera publication from the early period of silence to the later period of prosperity has gone through three stages: the foundation period: HongwuHongzhi period (1368-1505), heyday: ZhengdeWanli period (1506-1620) , following the peak period: ApocalypseChongzhen period (1621-1644). The formation of these three periods is derived from a series of policies of Mingting and the stimulation of commodity economy, which is related to the development of the opera itself.
    The Call of the Pen: On the Subversiveness of The Blind Assassin
    WANG Yuwei, GUAN Rongzhen
    2017, 17(4):  92-97. 
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    Taking The Blind Assassin as the object of research, the subversive artistic expressions in the novel are studied. It reveals that by subverting traditional male sentence patterns, Atwood demonstrates poetic narrative of female discourse; by subverting binary oppositions created by old symbolic order, she constructs new symbolic one instead; by subverting maledominant narration, she presents female mode of thinking. It is pointed out what lies behind these subversive writing techniques is to show the innermost world and real life of women and provide guidance for female writing.
    On Gilles Deleuzes Line of Flight
    ZENG Jing
    2017, 17(4):  98-101. 
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    Deleuze and Guattaris Schizoanalysis is a critical branch of the contemporary western postmodern theories. The concept “line of flight” is a significant one of many in their theory, which can be held as a key to their thoughts. Among the three types of lines they conclude, line of flight is prior to the rest. It aims at deconstructing dichotomy, scrutinizing being while advocating becoming. Through analysis, it is stated that line of flight is not about escapism, retiracy or reclusion, but rather for deterritorialization, daring to criticize the limitation of dominant ideological system so to shake off negative social determinants, to empower the potential revolutionary mentality. Line of flight is an approach to the Other, a way to collaborate with the Other, a possibility to renovate.
    Verb Reduplication in Translated Chinese: A Corpus Pattern Analysis Perspective
    XU Jiajin1, QIAO Wei2
    2017, 17(4):  102-110. 
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    Verb reduplication, a common morphological process, does not have its English counterpart in English, thereby posing potential challenge to EnglishChinese translation. The present study attempts to compare the morphosyntax and semantics of the typical reduplicated verb “kankan” between translated Chinese and native Chinese from the Corpus Pattern Analysis (CPA) perspective. The corpora adopted consist of a parallel corpus of 6 million Chinese characters and English words, and a native Chinese corpus of 200 million Chinese characters. The English source language texts were cited as well. The research demonstrates that the CPA method works well in profiling the lexical patterning nuances between translated and native Chinese through a finegrained lens.
    The Developmental Features of Learners Chunks in Written Corpus
    LIU Guobing
    2017, 17(4):  111-116. 
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    Based on the spoken materials collected from the English majors in the past four years, the developmental features of Chinese EFL learners chunks in their spoken English are reported. The results indicate that there is an inverse increase between the length of learners spoken chunks and their number and type. Chinese EFL learners depend too much upon the n.+v. chunks, n. chunks and v. chunks, but use less prep. chunks. With the development of learners English ability, they use more and more chunks in their spoken English.
    Contrastive Study of Lexical Features in Chinese Novels
    YU Tao1, TANG Meihua1,2
    2017, 17(4):  117-122. 
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    The lexical differences caused by the gender factor are described through empirical studies based on comparing the selfbuilt corpus of Chinese novels of female writers with that of Chinese novels of male writers, with the purpose to discover the unique lexical features of female writers. The results show that the lexical richness and lexical density in female novels are lower than those in male novels. Thus, female novels are less informational and difficult than male novels. The result of keyword analyses shows that: nouns pertaining to entertainment and study, personal pronouns and auxiliary words of tone are more frequently used in female novels; nouns indicating interpersonal relations, business and profanity, deictic pronouns and adjectives are less frequently used by female.
    Discourse Construction of Chinese Universities Institutional Identities
    ZHANG Baicheng
    2017, 17(4):  123-129. 
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    Based on the texts of 184 Chinese universities institutional introductions on their websites,the present study investigates the discourse strategies utilized in the texts and the institutional identities constructed by using those strategies. It is found that three discourse strategies have been employed in the texts, namely referential, predication and intensification, through which eight institutional identities have been constructed: outstanding university, university with affinity, university full of emotion and energy, active social actor, builder of university development, explorer of university development, implementer of university development, and participant in university development. By adopting various discourse strategies, Chinese universities construct multiple institutional identities to highlight their multifaceted characteristics and serve the purposes of information dissemination and selfpromotion.
    Analysis on University Sexual Harassment and the Way of Rule of Law from the Perspective of Unspoken Rule
    LI Jiayuan, FANG Suning
    2017, 17(4):  130-133. 
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    Unspoken rule is a special cultural phenomenon prevalent in all areas of society. From the perspective of the unspoken rules of sexual harassment of colleges and universities, unspoken rules arise largely from bureaucratic system of highly centralized system that leads to formal runaway results, providing psychology of traditional culture as well as prevailing the malformation of the unspoken rule. University sexual harassment, as one of the unspoken rule form, because of its concealment and non normality, has been hidden and not fair.The long hidden sexual harassment is a special form of unspoken rule, embedded in the formal rules and traditional culture, the existence and prevalence of which damages the physical and mental health of girl students in colleges and universities, hinders the establishment of rule of law of safe campus, and destroys the social fairness and justice. Viewing the unspoken rule from the unique angle, discusses the deep reasons of the spread of sexual harassment are discussed, which is due to the rule, leading to collisions of highly centralized bureaucratic system, organizational culture and the culture of the threes absence. The key to strengthening the rule of law is the rule of “potential” according to “sexual harassment”.
    Research on the Mode of Postgraduates Innovation and Practice Base Construction Based on the View of Internal Organization of University
    DONG Shaojiang, ZHONG Li, XU Xiangyang, HAN Xi
    2017, 17(4):  134-137. 
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    Aiming at the problem that the construction of the training base is not standard, the mode is fuzzy, the mechanism of feedback and evaluation is imperfect of some local universities, a new model based on the system perspective is put forward. he organization system is made by clarifying the construction goal, ideas and measures. Through the establishment of the characteristics of the training system, as well as get the needs of enterprises to clear the graduate base model, through the process of timely feedback, after graduation survey of social satisfaction and employment analysis, the training quality of the cultivation of the base is determined. All of this is used to promote the quality of the training of local universities graduate students.Taking the construction of Chongqing Jiaotong Universitys mechanical engineering training base, the details are discussed.
    Research on the Path of “Empowerment” of Special Students in Colleges and Universities from the Perspective of Campus Stratification
    ZHENG Yuankai1,2
    2017, 17(4):  138-141. 
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    With the rapid development of Chinas economy, class differentiation made by the imbalance of economic development, social resources of different social levels is more and more obvious. Campus stratification is a microcosm of the social stratum differentiation, which is a new problem in college student management. A “empowerment” mode is built for the disadvantaged students in colleges and universities in order to effectively deal with the negative impact of the campus stratification.
    An Exploration of the Construction of Teaching and Learning Resources for English Course of Applied Higher Institutions from the Perspective of “Internet+”
    WANG Wenqiu1, MA Yuhua1, ZHAO Yingji2
    2017, 17(4):  142-145. 
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    The status quo of the construction and application of teaching and learning resources for English course of applied higher institutions has been analyzed. Based on L2 acquisition theories, modern FL education theories, modern FL teaching and learning theories, with modern computer and network technology, taking three universities as an example,the construction of teaching and learning resources for English course of applied higher institutions from the perspective of “Internet+” has been explored from the construction of English teaching materials corpus, the construction of teaching and learning resources corpus for English course, and the development of network course.
    Discussion on Literature Information Consulting Services in Institute of Colleges and Universities
    LI Xiaoling
    2017, 17(4):  146-149. 
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    To discuss the scientific literature information consulting service in professional scientific research of colleges and universities, reference for the literature information consulting services for colleges and universities is provided. Taking southwest institute in waterway engineering of Chongqing Jiaotong University,the main task of scientific research literature information consulting services consulting service patterns consulting service system construction, consulting service problems and countermeasures, the problems existing and advice in the literature information consulting services, etc. at colleges and universities are oliscussed.