›› 2017, Vol. 17 ›› Issue (5): 75-81.

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The Influence of Service Industry FDI on the Export Competitiveness of Chinas Service Industry --An Empirical Analysis Based on SVAR Model

YANG He   

  1. (Chongqing Technology and Business University, Chongqing 400067, China)
  • Received:2016-12-19 Revised:2017-04-08 Online:2017-10-31 Published:2017-10-14

服务业FDI对中国服务业出口竞争力的影响 ——基于SVAR模型的实证分析


  1. 重庆工商大学,重庆 400067
  • 作者简介:杨荷(1993—),女,重庆合川人,重庆工商大学经济学院硕士研究生,研究方向:产业经济。
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: Using the 1985—2014 annual data, applying the SVAR model, the service FDI and its related factors that affect Chinas export competitiveness are analyzed. Results show that on the one hand, since the reform and opening, the increase of foreign service participation enhances the export competitiveness of service industry, which in the long run keeps unabated. At the same time, in the process of industrial structure change, the enhancement of industrial structure improves the export competitiveness of service industry. The process of rationalization of industrial structure is slow, which does not influence the competitiveness of export services. On the other hand, the improvement of total factor productivity in service industry enhances the export competitiveness of service industry.

Key words: service industry FDI, service industry export competitiveness, industrial structure change, total factor productivity

摘要: 采用1985—2014年的年度数据,运用SVAR模型,实证分析影响中国服务业出口竞争力的服务业FDI及其相关因素。一方面,改革开放以来服务业外资参与度的增强提高了服务业的出口竞争力,且这种影响在长期内趋于均衡;同时,产业结构变迁的过程中,产业结构的高级化提高了服务业的出口竞争力,产业结构的合理化进程速度较慢,对服务业出口竞争力影响不大。另一方面,服务业全要素生产率的提高增强了服务业的出口竞争力。

关键词: 服务业FDI, 服务业出口竞争力, 产业结构变迁, 全要素生产率