›› 2018, Vol. 18 ›› Issue (5): 23-28.

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Exploration and Perfection of Quick Procedure in Criminal Cases --Taking Chongqing Judicial Practice as an Analysis Sample

RAN Shiyu, ZHANG Lei   

  1. (The Fourth Branch of Chongqing Peoples Procuratorate, Chongqing 409000, China)
  • Received:2018-01-02 Revised:2018-10-09 Online:2018-10-20 Published:2018-10-10

刑事案件速裁程序的探索与完善 ——以重庆市司法实践为分析样本


  1. 重庆市人民检察院第四分院,重庆 409000
  • 作者简介:冉诗玉(1972—),男,苗族,重庆市人民检察院第四分院法律政策研究室主任,法学硕士,三级高级检察官,研究方向:刑法学、检察实务;张雷(1992—),男,苗族,重庆市人民检察院第四分院法律政策研究室科员,法学硕士,五级书记员,研究方向:刑法学、检察实务。

Abstract: After the implementation of the criminal speed arbitration pilot program, minor criminal cases are gradually incorporated into the track of judiciary reform that takes leniency and punishments leniency. At present, the problems reflected in the pilot work on criminal quickimpact proceedings mainly focus on the scope of the public hearing of court hearings being too general, the leniency of pleading guilty pleas for punishment has not been adequately demonstrated, the protection of victims rights and interests is inadequate, and pretrial proceedings and speedarbitration proceedings are not matched. Therefore, it is necessary to improve the system of nonpublic trial, improve the mechanism for the protection of rights of defendants and victims, effective procedures for adjudication and arbitration, and implement the lawyer system on duty so as to ensure completeness and effectiveness.

Key words: criminal speed arbitration, pilot work, pleaded guilty to be punished

摘要: 刑事速裁程序试点工作施行之后,轻微刑事案件逐步纳入了认罪认罚从宽处理的司法改革轨道中。目前,刑事速裁程序试点工作反映的问题主要集中在庭审程序公开审理的范围过于笼统,认罪认罚从宽处理尚未充分体现,被害人权益保护力度不足,审前程序与速裁程序不对接等方面。应当从规范不公开审理程序,完善被告人与被害人的权利保护机制,有效衔接审判程序和速裁程序,贯彻落实值班律师制度等方面进行改进,务求完备,力臻实效。

关键词: 刑事速裁, 试点工作, 认罪认罚