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    20 October 2018, Volume 18 Issue 5
    Significance of Marxs Outline on Feuerbach to Ideological and Political Education
    CHENG Xiuxia1,2
    2018, 18(5):  1-6. 
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    Practice is the basic foundation and essential characteristic of ideological and political education while environment is the realistic field of the development of humans thought and the formation of their behavior. Education is the effective means of an individuals socialization and full, free development. Insight on human essence is the ultimate purpose and final destination of ideological and political education. Based on human essence, with the goal of realizing an individuals full development, this education is a practice carried out in a certain environment. Therefore, social practice must be forcefully performed and a good environment must be cultivated so as to improve the effectiveness of such education.
    A Response to Marxs Critique of Religion in Teología de la Liberación by Gutiérrez
    XI Wang1, ZHANG Hang2
    2018, 18(5):  7-14. 
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    Liberation theology is usually regarded as a radical revolutionary thought. It is the product of Marxism gradually entering the field of religion in Latin America. However, Marx himself held a strong critical attitude to religion. To absorb and apply Marxism, religion must resolve its own contradictions with this criticism. Gustavo Gutiérrez, a Peruvian Catholic priest, adopted a religious interpretation of Marxism which turned Marxs religious critique into a political and historical critique. In his book, Gutiérrez didnt put Marxs critique of religion opposite to Catholic Church, but expressed his confirmative response to Marxs critique of religion through a threedimensional liberation of politics, history and spirituality. The critique of religion has been transformed into social and historical criticism, and the religion itself has become the origin and motivation of the struggle.
    Study on Rural Discipline Inspection System for Anticorruptionin Dual Rationality --Taking Leshan
    ZHANG Maoyi
    2018, 18(5):  15-22. 
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    In view of the rural grassroots corruption risk increase in recent years,the “last kilometer” of power supervision is reached through the exploration village discipline inspection mechanism in Leshan, Sichuan province. Under the dual rational investigation, the design and function of this system based on individual rationality perspectives present three modes: rule center, game theory and principalagent and public reason also provides security for the system. At the same time, due to doubling the limits of rational existence, the mechanism also suffers from a series of difficulties.The redesign and perfection of the system based on the dual rational will be beneficial to get out of an effective anticorruption road in the countryside.
    Exploration and Perfection of Quick Procedure in Criminal Cases --Taking Chongqing Judicial Practice as an Analysis Sample
    RAN Shiyu, ZHANG Lei
    2018, 18(5):  23-28. 
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    After the implementation of the criminal speed arbitration pilot program, minor criminal cases are gradually incorporated into the track of judiciary reform that takes leniency and punishments leniency. At present, the problems reflected in the pilot work on criminal quickimpact proceedings mainly focus on the scope of the public hearing of court hearings being too general, the leniency of pleading guilty pleas for punishment has not been adequately demonstrated, the protection of victims rights and interests is inadequate, and pretrial proceedings and speedarbitration proceedings are not matched. Therefore, it is necessary to improve the system of nonpublic trial, improve the mechanism for the protection of rights of defendants and victims, effective procedures for adjudication and arbitration, and implement the lawyer system on duty so as to ensure completeness and effectiveness.
    On Local Government Official Service System in Song Dynasty --Taking the Foreign Envoy as the Center
    HU Mingying, WANG Xiaolong
    2018, 18(5):  29-35. 
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    The local governments welcome to foreign envoys is the ceremonial activities of Song dynasty, which was hosted by local governments to maintain diplomatic relations and had a political utility. Its funds mainly came from Gongshi money and self-financing of the local government. The vehicle, location and limits of the reception for a person are also different from another, which has specific legal edicts to regulate. However, there are lots of illegal behaviors in the actual operation, such as illegal bad loan, embezzlement and waste and so on. The increasing political, economic and cultural exchanges between countries at the same time, expand Song dynastys fiscal spending, pollute the officialdom, reduce the administrative efficiency, bringing heavy burden to the ordinary people in Song dynasty.
    Chongqing Air Defense Education and Propaganda During the AntiJapanese War
    XIANG Qian
    2018, 18(5):  36-42. 
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    The Japanese invaders took advantage of their air force, making largescale indiscriminate bombing in China during the AntiJapanese War.The threat of air strikes from the Japanese planes is looming since the capital was moved to Chongqing.Therefore, it was urgent to strengthen the air defense knowledge propaganda and education among civilians. The national government popularized the antiaircraft common sense by establishing defense organization, holding exhibition of air defense and so on.To some extent these measures reduced the personnel and property losses, inspired the peoples enthusiasm of antiJapanese war and became an important part of the wartime mobilization.
    Study on Parking Planning Strategy in the Process of Urban Renewal
    MO Xuanyan, JIANG Ke
    2018, 18(5):  43-48. 
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    Liangping district of Chongqing is taken as an example. Firstly, the current situation of the development of the old downtown in Liangping district is analyzed from the overall perspective. It is found that the lack of predictability in parking planning, low supporting standards, nonstandard parking and supply and demand imbalances are the main reasons of parking difficulty in the old downtown. Secondly, parking generation rate model and other methods are used to predict the total demand for parking in the old downtown in the future.At last, planning strategies are proposed from the balance of parking supply and demand perspective, such as ensuring the supply of parking space, enhancing the comprehensive utilization of parking land, improving parking standards, strengthening parking order management, building intelligent parking system.
    Discussion on the Conflict and Its Cause in Life Cycle of Construction
    TANG Bingsong
    2018, 18(5):  49-56. 
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    A full understanding of conflict in PM is the basis for efficiently managed conflict. The general features of conflict has been introduced. Then, the characteristics and performance of conflict in civil engineering has been summarized. Besides, this manuscript has systematically reviewed some probable conflict in life cycle of project. Especially, the stakeholders of conflict and its evolution in life cycle are also focused, which can profoundly reveal the cause and influence factor of conflict. Meanwhile, the incompleteness of contract is the contractual factor for conflict. The contract updating is common use for conflict management. Guanxi can be taken as another factor for conflict, which should be concentrated seriously. Trust, promise, communication and cooperation, all of these factors to conflict should be emphasized in conflict initiation and propagation.
    Comparison between Competitiveness of Information Technology Intensive Service of China and ASEAN
    WANG Feilan
    2018, 18(5):  57-62. 
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    Using the annual data of telecommunication, computer and information service from 2005 to 2016, the development of information technology intensive service of China and ASEAN is researched. TC, RCA, NRCA and MS index are calculated. The competitiveness between information technology intensive service of China and ASEAN is evaluated and compared. The countermeasures that China and ASEAN take information infrastructure cooperation as an impetus to information service trade cooperation, further open up the field of service trade, and implement differential cooperation are put forward according to the competitiveness level of ASEAN countries.
    Study on the Development Path of Hot Spring Tourism Resources Based on Intensive Concept --A Case Study of Anhui Province
    JIANG Bingrui1,2, YANG Zhao1,2, LIU Bin1,2
    2018, 18(5):  63-70. 
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    Hot spring tourism is an important consumer hot spot in the leisure time. It is also an important means to solve the whole season tourism products for “allforone tourism” due to its seasonal difference,which has attracted wide attention of the academic circle.Taking Anhui province, it is concluded that there are two problems in the shortage of industry chain, and institution building for resource management and the support of industry development, through the analysis of hot spring tourism enterprises status and coding analysis of the group discussion.Thus, guided by the idea of intensive, constructing the hot spring great tourism industry chain and building institution these two path were proposed to make resource utilization more compact, efficient and orderly, and finally reach intensive development.
    Analysis on Fujians Cross Boarder Ecommerce Industry Based on Patulous ESRSCP Dynamic Model
    ZENG Liang
    2018, 18(5):  71-77. 
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    Cross boarder Ecommerce is a kind of brand new foreign trade mode which has flourishing potential. Its state of development will have critically decisive effects on Fujians foreign trade industry and foreign trade companies transformation. The effects that the establishment of Fujian free trade zone and related policies bring on Fujians cross boarder ecommerce industry structure, the reaction of the companies, and the whole industry performance are analyzed.
    Review of the Development Course of Chinese Media Research Since the Reform and Openingup (1978—2018)
    OUYANG Hongsheng1, TANG Ximu2
    2018, 18(5):  78-87. 
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    With the political, economic, cultural and social development over the past four decadessincethe reform and opening up, media research has experienced four stages of starting, expanding, independence and prosperity. This paper first systematically sorts out thedevelopment stages of Chinese media research over the past 40 years, and reexcavates and organizessignificant events and achievements during the research. Then it dissects characteristics of different stages and elaborates on the specific contents and value orientation of the media research of them, demonstrating the important guiding role of media research in media practice.
    MustSee TV: South Asian Characterizations in American Popular Media
    THAKORE Bhoomi K(UK)1, CAO Qinghua(Trans.)2
    2018, 18(5):  88-93. 
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    In the 21st century, representations of South Asians in American popular television have increased significantly. However, there has been very little critical analysis on the ways in which these characters are created and produced. In this review, I use literature from the sociology of race/ethnicity, immigration, and critical media studies to identify the concept of “(ethnic) characterization.” While it may be assumed that these representations are created unconsciously, I suggest that media producers intentionally use particular ethnic characteristics that are identified and discussed in contemporary sociological literature. As a result, I argue that these types of media characterizations are relevant to the discipline of sociology.
    The Significance of the Multilingual Phenomenon in Taiwan Movies
    QUAN Caiyi
    2018, 18(5):  94-99. 
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    Different languages, including dialects and foreign languages, are often regarded as a representation of political culture, such as the hierarchy of rights, class of identities. Therefore, languages can become a symbolic element in movies to expound historical experience, to render the atmosphere of the times, to represent regional culture and to metaphor political rights. The phenomenon of multilingual mixing in contemporary Taiwan movies is a typical example of the use of this symbolic element, which also provides a kind of experience for the use of dialects in the mainland movies and breaks the stereotypes of dialects representing the marginal communities and the backward cultural traditions.
    Escaping and Maze in the Turn of Age --A Modernity Interpretation of the Film Text of Tharlo
    YANG Youqing
    2018, 18(5):  100-104. 
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    Tharlo is a masterpiece of modern Chinese Tibetanlanguage film directed by Pema Tseden. According to the life and love of sheep herder Tharlo, this film represented state of life and situation about Tibetan people in modern society. Tharlos love pursuit and failure as well as his loss of memory, Symbolized that the traditional life which Paying attention to emotional relationship has been defeated by modern urban rationality based on the principle of money. These also were metaphors which contain the truth of subject and its collapse in modernity process. As a national fable of contemporary Tibetan peoples life, Tharlo drew the discomfort, escape and change of Tibetan area people who have taken turns disciplining by political discourse and urban rationality based on the principle of money. It also represented modernity experience and the dilemma of reality of identity anxiety, collapse of value system and subject fission and so on, which the whole Tibetan had to face under the impact of modernity.
    An Interpretation on the Chinese Images in The Touch
    LV Lipan
    2018, 18(5):  105-110. 
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    The Touch written by Colleen McCullough describes what happened during the gold rush in Australia, which depicts different Chinese images based on the multiculturalism in Australia. Images such as Sung Chow, who is a well-educated Chinese elite, Jade, a Chinese female, and other Chinese workers in general are analyzed, which provokes a thorough thinking on the influence of Chinese and their contributions to Australia.
    Dislocation, Anxiety and Loss --Analysis of the Male Characters Dilemma of Gender Identity in Carvers Fictions
    LU Haixia
    2018, 18(5):  111-115. 
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    Raymond Carver, honored as “father of minimalism”, wins much attention for his unique writing skills. However, the profound themes and meanings contained in his short stories are also worth much concern, including the eternal theme in his fictions—male identity dilemma. Carver implants what he witnesses, percepts and experiences in his novel creation, indulges himself in telling stories of lower class males stuck in the dilemma of gender identity, presents readers a series of male images of role dislocation, and devotes to depict the trapped male characters masculine anxiety and identity loss.
    Lingering Nightmares: A Study of the Traumatic Narrative in Paul Austers Man in the Dark
    WEI Ting
    2018, 18(5):  116-120. 
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    Paul Austers Man in the Dark (2008) illustrates the tremendous impact of “9·11”and Iraq war on the life of an ordinary American family. The victims retrospective narration is examined and the social significance of Man in the Dark in bearing witness to traumatic histories, healingtrauma and raising ethical concerns are illustrated. It is found that the novel is not restricted to “representing” the trauma incurred by 9·11, but directs at “curing” the cultural trauma and thus eliminating it in the long run.However, the protagonist Augusts narrative therapy proves ineffective and the trauma incurred by war is hard to heal.
    Pain Depression and Crazy Indulgence --Analysis of Queen LVs Characters
    QIN Wei
    2018, 18(5):  121-126. 
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    Queen LV played many roles in her life. When she married with LIU Bang, her highest life ideal is to look after her family. LIU Bang proclaimed himself king, so she could maintain her own interests through tactics. LIU Ying was almost abolished several times, making her hatred almost reach the verge of collapse. In the process of transforming from repression to indulgence, the subjectivity of her female consciousness gradually highlights, though she is not a female subject with the sober female subjective consciousness. By analyzing the change of Queen LVs social role, from the angle of feminism, her transformation from pain of oppression to the crazy indulgence, and characters are analyzed.
    Application of Virtual Corpora to Teaching and Research of ESP
    LI Huayong
    2018, 18(5):  127-132. 
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    Entering the corpora 3.0, the virtual corpora provide convenience to the ESP teaching and research. There are strong theoretical grounds and natural advantages for the application of virtual corpora to ESP teaching and research. Based on the Wikipedia Corpus, many kinds of ESP virtual corpora can be easily created. In ESP learning, students can learn the keywords and expressions of specific ESP fields, enhancing their reading ability of ESP. In ESP teaching and research, teachers can create various ESP virtual corpora on the Wikipedia Corpus to conduct the research of language characters in ESP, and build up the corpora resources for the ESP class.
    Structural Research on Multimodal Metaphors in “Anticorruption and Cleargovernment” Series of Public Service Advertisements
    SUN Hongyuan, Wang Minfei
    2018, 18(5):  133-136. 
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    It is an important aspect of the Partys construction that the “anticorruption campaign” series of public service advertisements can convey the core values of party integrity in a humorous way. The series of “anticorruption and anticorruption” ads contain the destruction of metaphor, animal and plant metaphor, safe metaphor and so on. Based on the theory of cognitive metaphor, more than 30 ads from Peoples Forum are chosen to inspect the type of multimodal metaphor and the corresponding modal configuration elements in the semantic types of “anticorruption” slogan articles, and the culture modal and semantic cognitive basis of public service ads are further discussed.
    A Bibliometric Visualization Analysis of the Domestic Cognitive Poetics Research from 2006 to 2016
    ZHANG Zhicai
    2018, 18(5):  137-142. 
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    Cognitive poetics has been more than 10 years of development in China since 2006. CNKI is used as the source database, from which 315 papers are found under the theme of “cognitive poetics”. Analysis of the annual distribution , the author, the source of journals and keywords frequency distribution are carried out, and then the highfrequency keywords coexist network map are drawn. Based on these findings, important issues such as the theory system construction of the cognitive poetics, research paradigm, and localization are further discussed with a view to provide a meaningful reference for future research.
    Analysis on the Overseas Propaganda of Chinese Films from the Aspect of the Register Features of Film Titles
    GUO Jing
    2018, 18(5):  143-148. 
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    In recent years, Chinese film industry has developed rapidly. However, its overseas propaganda is not effective. The paper collects the titles of 100 American films and 50 Chinese films with highest box office as its studying objects and analyzes them from the perspective of the register features of pronunciation, words and texts. And the factors which influence the overseas propaganda of Chinese films in consideration of titles include the lacking of rhetoric devices, the overly simple words, the single form of expression, and the missing of connection. Therefore, in order to improve the propaganda effect of Chinese films, the title translation should properly use rhyming, simile and other rhetoric devices, apply words that are more difficult, adopt diversified expressive form like words, phrases and even short sentences, and add the logical connections between serial movies.