›› 2019, Vol. 19 ›› Issue (4): 45-50.

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On Effects and Knack of Visual Metaphor Composition in Print Advertisements

ZHANG Xinwei, ZHAO Jingjing   

  1. (School of Art & Design, Chongqing Jiaotong University, Chongqing 400074, China)
  • Received:2019-03-20 Revised:2019-07-04 Online:2019-07-20 Published:2019-07-04



  1. 重庆交通大学 艺术设计学院,重庆 400074
  • 作者简介:张芯玮(1998—),女,重庆交通大学艺术设计学院学生,研究方向:平面广告设计;赵菁菁(1975—),女,重庆交通大学艺术设计学院讲师,研究方向:视觉传达设计。

Abstract: Modern advertising relies heavily on visual metaphors. As a powerful expression tool, visual metaphor is able to reflect the profound value behind propaganda. Within print advertisement, metaphor can easily attract the attention of audiences and further blend into their consensuses due to its strong persuasiveness. In order to explore the systematic and scientific rules for visual metaphor creation, the influence, method, trick and taboo of metaphor design are analyzed based on visual semiotics. According to several advisable cases, it is proved that the ideas embodied in this paper can be effectively used for visual metaphor development, so as to maximize the propaganda effect of print ads.

Key words: print advertisement, visual metaphor, visual semiotics, persuasiveness

摘要: 为引起广泛关注并具有强大的说服力,现代广告在很大程度上依赖于视觉隐喻。为发掘系统、科学的隐喻创作规律,基于视觉符号原理对平面广告中隐喻设计的作用、方法、技巧以及需规避的禁忌进行分析和总结。一些成功案例表明,文中所提供的思路可以有效地用于视觉隐喻的创造与开发,从而最大程度上发挥平面广告的宣传效果。

关键词: 平面广告, 视觉隐喻, 视觉符号学, 说服力