›› 2019, Vol. 19 ›› Issue (4): 78-83.

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Analysis of the Influence from Big Data Technology to the Evaluation on Insurance Risk --From the Aeronautical Reconnalissance Dispute Between Germany and Britain During World War II

ZHAO Liang   

  1. (Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing 102488, China)
  • Received:2018-06-05 Revised:2018-06-12 Online:2019-07-20 Published:2019-07-04

大数据分析对保险风险评估模式的影响 ——从二战时期德国与英国的航空侦察之争说起


  1. 中国社会科学院研究生院,北京 102488
  • 作者简介:赵亮(1982—),男,中国社会科学院研究生院金融系博士研究生,中国进出口银行职员,金融风险管理师,注册管理会计师,研究方向:金融科技、风险管理、产业金融。

Abstract: By the comparison on the model aircraft reconnaissance between Germany and Britain air force, the difference of concept is also found in the traditional actuarial evaluation and big data evaluation. Under the limiteddata circumstances, the traditional insurance industry evaluates the risk based on the actuarial measurement, while the new method with big data analysis can make scenario, diversified and customized analysis through the multidimensional data processing, providing more accurate, flexible and costsaving resolution. For the foreseeable future, the insurance industry can combine the advantages of the two models, enlarging the scope of insurance, constructing more robust insurance system and facilitating the benefit and utility for the whole society.

Key words: actuarial science, artificial intelligence, big data analysis

摘要: 比较二战时期德国与英国航空侦察模式,分析人工智能时代下大数据保险精算模型和传统保险精算模型的区别。与传统的保险精算通过概率对风险成本进行测算不同,大数据保险分析依靠获取“全量数据”,对数据集的数据对象多维化以及进行数据关联分析,实现保险风险定价评估的成本与精度的组合优化,即有效匹配保险场景需求,拓展可保风险范围,增加保险体系的有效供给,更好地增进社会福利和效用。

关键词: 保险精算, 人工智能, 大数据分析