›› 2020, Vol. 20 ›› Issue (4): 71-75.

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The Development and Layout of Thirdline Construction Enterprises in Chongqing Region

WANG Yi   

  1. School of Marxism, Sichuan International Studies University, Chongqing 400031, China
  • Received:2019-10-16 Revised:2019-12-19 Online:2020-07-20 Published:2020-07-24



  1. 四川外国语大学 马克思主义学院,重庆 400031
  • 作者简介:王毅(1987—),女,四川外国语大学副教授,陕西师范大学博士后,嘉陵青年学者,研究方向:历史经济地理、中国近现代史。
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: Chongqing region became the key area of thirdline construction because of the important strategic position. Under the macro layout policy of “relying on mountains, spreading and concealment”, the heavy industry in Chongqing area during the thirdline construction was distributed along the Yangtze river with five main urban areas such as Shapingba, Yuzhong, Nanan, Jiangbei and Jiulongpo as the centers, forming three distribution areas, that is the northwest Chongqing, the central of Chongqing and the southeast of Chongqing. The layout of thirdline construction enterprises were too centralized and scattered. The distribution of thirdline construction enterprises changed the industrial layout of Chongqing, making the gravity of industrial development in Chongqing expand from the main urban areas to Jiangjin, Nanchuan, Qijiang, Yongchuan, Changshou and other places along the river gradually. At the same time, the distribution of thirdline construction enterprises made the core area and the radiating circle of urban development of Chongqing expand from the main urban area to other places along the Yangtze river and equalize the regional structure of urban system of Chongqing by promoting the rise of a number of industrial towns such as Beibei, Changshou, Fuling, Xipeng and other places.

Key words: thirdline construction, Chongqing region, industrial development, industrial layout, enterprises

摘要: 三线建设是20世纪60年代中期中央为备战和调整工业布局,在三线地区开展的以国防工业为中心的大规模经济建设。在“靠山、分散、隐蔽”布局方针下,重庆地区三线建设企业以沙坪坝、渝中、南岸、江北及九龙坡等五大主城区为中心,沿江呈梅花状散点分布,形成渝西北、渝中及渝东南三大分布区,布点过于集中,又过于分散。这种空间分布格局改变了重庆地区的工业布局,使重庆工业发展的重心由主城区逐步沿江拓展到江津、南川、綦江、永川、长寿等地。该工业布局形态推动北碚、长寿、涪陵、西彭等一批工业城镇兴起,使重庆城市发展的核心区及其辐射圈由主城区沿江拓展,城市体系的地域结构均衡化。

关键词: 三线建设, 重庆地区, 工业发展, 工业布局, 企业