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    20 July 2020, Volume 20 Issue 4
    Organic Governance: Development Direction of Social Governance on the Perspective of National Governance Modernization
    YIN Wen
    2020, 20(4):  1-7. 
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    The inadequacy problem between the social management system and social development has become increasingly prominent in the rapidly transforming Chinas society. Scholars have considered and explored social governance from different perspectives. Based on the analysis of the Chinese ancient spiritual values and social internal order, as well as the research on the practical development of western social governance theory, China has embarked on a path of social governance by its development, which is organic governance. Compared with the past mechanical governance, organicity is the biggest feature of organic governance. It uses the “geese formation” governance method to exert the “1 + 1>2” governance effect. In the process of mechanical governance turning to organic governance, it has played a role in correcting, purifying and absorbing.
    Evolution of Hot Spots and Themes in the Study of National Governance Capacity in China (2013—2019)
    HUANG Mingtao
    2020, 20(4):  8-16. 
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    In order to have a comprehensive understanding of the hot spots, key points and evolving trends of the research on national governance capacity in China, this paper used Citespace 5.5 R2 software to analyze 813 CSSCI literatures in CNKI database in the past seven years from the aspects of annual publication, subject distribution, important journals, highyielding authors, highcitation papers, content layout and hot keyword clustering. It was found that the third plenary session of the 18th CPC central committee was held at the end of 2013. Since 2014, there has been an explosive increase in literature, and the hot topics have changed year by year, which is closely related to current politics. In the end, four directions that should be paid attention to in the future research on China’s national governance capacity were pointed out.
    “Smart Use of Power”: the Way to Break through the Predicament in the International Communication of “Belt and Road”
    WANG Yulong1,2
    2020, 20(4):  17-23. 
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    The “Belt and Road” initiative has got a lot of international consensus. But at the same time the international spread of “Belt and Road” faces reality concern— “self” weak construction and “the other” strong deconstruction. It has three reasons: including loss of transmission power and context voice and the lack of three aspects in content production, and media hegemony in the public opinion field squeezes our discourse space. China can use “smart power” to solve “Belt and Road” international communication trouble. China should use the comprehensive application of “hardware” and “software”, and adopt the integrated approach of “hard” and “soft”. By seeking out the “smart spot”, China should try to grasp “when”, “efficiency” and “degree” to break through the predicament.
    On the Compound Legal Status of the Carpool Platform and Its Civil Liability
    XU Sheng
    2020, 20(4):  24-31. 
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    The legal status and the definition of civil liability of carpool platform are related to the fair settlement of related disputes and the smooth development of tailwind business. The legal status of carpool platform is compound, which integrates information media service broker and carpool travel organizer and manager. As an intermediary, the carpool platform bears the agreed intermediary obligations and liabilities for breach of contract. As an organization manager, the platform bears the legal security obligations and tort liabilities. In case that the carpool platform fails to fulfill its security obligations, it should assume the unreal joint obligation with the direct infringer rather than supplementary liability.
    Connotation and Judicial Cognizance of Escape Behavior of Traffic Accident Crime
    WANG Qiqi
    2020, 20(4):  32-40. 
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    The connotation of hitandrun crime should be grasped from the perspective of legal obligation. After the hitandrun crime, the hitandrun personnel have two obligations that must be fulfilled: the legal obligation of rescuing the victim and protecting the scene and protecting public security. When cognizance escape behavior is recognized in judicatory practice, its specific occurrence opportunity should be grasped. The escaping behavior has the form of attempted escape and suspension, and the escaping behavior and the surrendered behavior should be evaluated separately. As for the circumstances of conviction and sentencing of escaping and the relationship with other circumstances of conviction, it is necessary to judge that the escaping act is the circumstances of conviction or sentencing of the crime of causing traffic accidents in combination with the specific causes of causing traffic accidents.
    Research on the Development Strategy of Timesharing Car in China Based on SWOT Analysis
    CHEN Bo
    2020, 20(4):  41-46. 
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    As a kind of sharing economy, timesharing car has exposed some problems in the development process, and it is necessary to formulate effective strategies to make timesharing car develop for a long time. Therefore, this paper studied the development strategy of timesharing car and analyzed the current status of the domestic timesharing car market through SWOT analysis methods, and proposed six development strategies based on the analysis results from two aspects of advantages and disadvantages. The strategies can provide the operational capabilities for timesharing car enterprise as well as some ideas for government management.
    The Game Analysis of Overload Transportation and Government Supervision with the Study of the Overload Control Mechanism
    CAO Changhui, LI Hao
    2020, 20(4):  47-52. 
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    The collapse of viaduct in Wuxi, Jiangsu province in 2019 once again exposed the regulatory problem of overload. Based on the analysis of the practical difficulties of overload transportation management, this paper constructs a game model between the transportation enterprises and the supervision departments, analyzes the benefit balance and the influencing factors between the transportation enterprises and the supervision departments, and puts forward the freight sharing platform mechanism and its auxiliary measures based on the sharing mode to realize the effective management of the supervision departments, which can be used for reference for the supervision departments to manage overload significance.
    A Research Based on the Gini Coefficient of Transportation Fairness and Coupling Coordination of the Regional Economic Development
    WANG Renxiang1, WANG Yue2
    2020, 20(4):  53-59. 
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    From the perspective of transportation infrastructure construction, this paper measured the Gini coefficient of transportation in the east, central, west regions in China, evaluated the fairness of transportation, and studied the relationship between transportation fairness and regional economic development by establishing a coupling coordination model. The results showed that the Gini coefficient of transportation in the whole country and the three regions of east, central and west showed that a general downward trend, which is in the stage of highquality development with middle average to high average degree; the coupling and coordination development of the two systems are well developed, but the coupling and coordination of the western region is still backward.
    Integration Policy of Industry and Education Based on the Matching Between the Talent Cultivation and the Industrial Development
    LI Pandao1, WANG Jinjin2
    2020, 20(4):  60-70. 
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    Using the method of literature and logical deduction, based on combing relevant literature, the actual situation of talent supply and demand in China is analyzed, and the problems existing in the process of talent cultivation under the background of integration of productioneducation are pointed out.The basic path of reforming the talent training model is put forward through the integration of production and education. It is believed that the current supply and demand structure of talents is seriously misaligned, the industrial demand and the university supply do not match, there are problems such as imperfect government policies and evaluation systems, disciplinary professional settings and social needs, and teaching methods and education development goals. Reforms should be made in terms of improving supporting policies, adjusting professional settings, and reforming teaching methods.
    The Development and Layout of Thirdline Construction Enterprises in Chongqing Region
    WANG Yi
    2020, 20(4):  71-75. 
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    Chongqing region became the key area of thirdline construction because of the important strategic position. Under the macro layout policy of “relying on mountains, spreading and concealment”, the heavy industry in Chongqing area during the thirdline construction was distributed along the Yangtze river with five main urban areas such as Shapingba, Yuzhong, Nanan, Jiangbei and Jiulongpo as the centers, forming three distribution areas, that is the northwest Chongqing, the central of Chongqing and the southeast of Chongqing. The layout of thirdline construction enterprises were too centralized and scattered. The distribution of thirdline construction enterprises changed the industrial layout of Chongqing, making the gravity of industrial development in Chongqing expand from the main urban areas to Jiangjin, Nanchuan, Qijiang, Yongchuan, Changshou and other places along the river gradually. At the same time, the distribution of thirdline construction enterprises made the core area and the radiating circle of urban development of Chongqing expand from the main urban area to other places along the Yangtze river and equalize the regional structure of urban system of Chongqing by promoting the rise of a number of industrial towns such as Beibei, Changshou, Fuling, Xipeng and other places.
    Analysis of Trade Situation and Potential Between Chongqing and ASEAN --Based on the Provincial Panel Data under the Background of New Western LandSea Corridor
    DU Fangxin, HUANG Liqun
    2020, 20(4):  76-87. 
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    New western landsea corridor is a major strategic connectivity corridor for ASEAN countries. The construction of this corridor will organically connect “Belt and Road”, so that it will form a complete closed loop through the western region. As the operation center of this new corridor, Chongqing shoulders the important responsibility and historical mission. Therefore, under the background of new corridor construction, taking Chongqing as the research object, this paper analyzes its trade condition with ASEAN countries, and then calculates its trade potential with ASEAN countries by using the extended gravity model, analyzes in different classification, and finally puts forward countermeasures respectively on the perspective of Chongqing.
    On YU Guangzhongs Translation Viewpoints: An Ecotranslatological Perspective
    ZHOU Fangheng
    2020, 20(4):  88-93. 
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    The translation study has long been focusing on YU Gungzhongs translation practice to the neglect of his view points. As a new kind of research paradigm ecotranslatology holds that the translator is supposed to adapt to translational ecoenvironment and achieve his mission of “making a difference through translating” by retaining the superior version instead of the inferior. As YUs ideas bear quite resemblance to it, this paper offers a new perspective of his translation viewpoints, hoping that the readership will better understand them.
    A Reflection on Current Translation Studies in China
    XIE Ke, SHAO Mi
    2020, 20(4):  94-99. 
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    After obtaining independent discipline status, translation studies has been developing rapidly and made recognized achievements. Any discipline including translation studies cannot achieve perfection and problems will arise in the process of its development. Some serious problems have emerged in present translation studies in China, such as weak problematic awareness, unlimited expansion of disciplinary boundary and imbalance between applied translation studies and literary translation studies. A reflection on translation studies and finding the countermeasures can help sweep away the obstacles and promote the development of Chinas translation studies.
    Reflective Consciousness: Arguing for the Motivation of Language Emergence
    CHEN Songyun1,2
    2020, 20(4):  100-104. 
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    Conscious thinking, a mental activity performing reflection on thinking, facilitates the fundamental transformation of human cognition. It characterizes abilities of recalling past events, recollecting something that is not perceptually present, obtaining mental representation associating with the past, and imagining and evaluating possible future. The reflective consciousness of human being endows us with the ability to reflect on mind and form conceptual thinking. The acquisition of this ability ultimately contributes to language emergence. The motivation of language emergence lies in this unique reflective consciousness of human beings.
    A Study on the Translator Behavior of Macao Newspaper
    ZHONG Mingguo, YANG Fengmin
    2020, 20(4):  105-112. 
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    Macao Newspaper presided over by LIN Zexu in Guangdong is the earliest translated Chinese newspaper in Chinas modern history, and it is a document with extreme rich historical significance. There have been a lot of studies since its inception, but in terms of translation, due to the lack of original English sources, researchers are unable to conduct a more comprehensive and indepth systematic analysis of it. Based on the theory of translator behavior criticism and the 177 pieces of news recorded in “The World LIN Zexu Seenthe Original and Translation of Macao Newspaper” written by SU Jing in 2017, this paper draws on the theory of translator behavior, analyzes the translator behavior manifested in Macao Newspaper, and reveals the historical and cultural motivation behind it.