›› 2021, Vol. 21 ›› Issue (1): 54-62.

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Study on Inland Nodes of the “Belt and Road” International Trade in Land and Sea:A Case Study of Chongqing Inland Port

ZHAO Guanghui   

  1. 1.Institute of Transportation Economics and Technology, Guiyang 550025, China; 2.Shanghai Maritime University, Shanghai 201306, China
  • Received:2020-06-29 Online:2021-01-20 Published:2021-01-15



  1. 1.贵州交通经济技术研究院,贵阳 550025;2.上海海事大学,上海 201306
  • 作者简介:赵光辉(1976—),男,贵州省交通运输厅特聘专家,贵州交通经济技术研究院院长,上海海事大学经济管理学院教授,管理学博士,博士生导师,交通运输部管理干部学院现代交通运输发展研究中心首任主任,交通运输部青年科技英才,研究方向:交通技术经济与人才管理。
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: The new channel of international trade in land and sea is a new national strategy. It will turn the Beibu Gulf into an inland port and link the inland port as a node to achieve interconnection with the countries along the border. On the basis of choosing representative classical cases at home and abroad, this paper makes a comprehensive analysis on the motivation, main functions, operation mode, operation effect and operation guarantee of inland logistics functional areas. On this basis, the development conditions and successful experiences for the development of inland ports are summarized. Based on the background of promoting the development of the western region, adjusting the industrial structure and transforming the mode of economic development, this paper makes an analysis of the latest policy orientation and its impact on the development of the western region in China. From the point of view of economic development status and location characteristics of the western region, this paper analyses the important role and significance of the development of inland ports in Western cities. Finally, taking Chongqing, a typical city in the west, as the research object, the paper systematically studies the operation mode and development strategy of inland port, clarifies the advantages and problems of the development mode of Chongqing inland port, and gives suggestions on the safeguard measures of Chongqing inland port, so as to provide reference for other cities in the west to build inland port.

Key words: transport powerful country, new channel of international land and sea trade, inland port (waterless port), transportation economy

摘要: “一带一路”国际陆海贸易新通道将我国北部湾港变成内陆出海口,将内陆港作为节点实现与沿线国家互联互通。在选择国内外代表性经典案例基础上,综合分析内陆型物流功能区产生的动因、主要功能、运营模式、运营效果及运营保障等。在此基础上,总结适宜发展内陆港的条件和成功经验。结合国家推进西部大开发与调整产业结构和转变经济发展方式的大背景,分析我国西部大开发的最新政策导向及其影响。从西部地区经济发展现状和区位特点角度,分析西部城市发展内陆港的重要作用和意义。最后,以西部典型城市重庆为研究对象,系统研究内陆港运营模式及发展策略,明确重庆内陆港发展模式的优势和问题,并给出重庆内陆港保障措施的建议,为西部其他城市建设内陆港提供借鉴。

关键词: 交通强国, 国际陆海贸易新通道, 内陆港(无水港), 交通经济