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    20 January 2021, Volume 21 Issue 1
    Reconstruction of the Wildlife Protection Law With the Concept of “Ecological Civilization” --Taking COVID19 Epidemic Prevention as the Entry Point
    ZUO Rongchang1, YANG Yan2
    2021, 21(1):  1-7. 
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    After investigation, WHO announced that the COVID19 originated from animals rather than laboratory manufacturing and no intermediate host was found. In order to prevent risks, China urgently needs to resolve the existence of the Wildlife Protection Law that it is difficult to hold legal responsibility for eating wild animals, the poor connection between the wild life protection law and the criminal law, and the phenomenon of whitewash after poaching,the relevant legal supervision mechanism is not perfect, and the emphasis is on use over protection. In order to prevent the COVID19, it is particularly important to scientifically establish a wildlife fasting system, highlight public health and epidemic prevention content, establish a scientific domestication system, strengthen the effective connection between the wildlife protection law and the criminal law, strengthen the legal supervision of the procuratorate, and practice the “ecological civilization” development concept.
    Research on the Essence of Joint Crime --The Standpoint Based on the Doctrines of Criminal Law
    GAO Yunlin1,2
    2021, 21(1):  8-15. 
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    The theory of joint crime and the theory of joint action is mainly the theory that Japanese criminal law scholars launch for dispute on the specific provisions of “joint principal offender” in Japanese criminal law. From the specific views of Japanese scholars on the joint theory of crime and behavior, it is difficult to directly explain the “joint crime” stipulated in Article 25 of the criminal law of China. The concept of joint crime in article 25 of criminal law is the theoretical summary of the essence of joint crime. The essence of joint crime should be explored from the concept of joint crime.
    Research on the Justice of Judicial Execution in the Network Era and Its Reform Route
    HE Yuze
    2021, 21(1):  16-24. 
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    Under the background of judicial reform and the construction of “smart court”, the reform of execution procedure has entered a new stage of informatization. However, as far as the current construction of executive justice is concerned, it still needs to be improved. On the one hand, there is the lack of technology utilization in the network era in the reform. On the other hand, there is the lack of the clear target of justice in the process of technology construction and application. Therefore, in the process of judicial reform in the future, we should further strengthen the development and application of relevant technologies, and at the same time, clarify and strengthen the pursuit of justice value in the process of reform, so as to promote the judicial execution to a higher level of justice.
    On Enhancing the Effectiveness of College Students Entrepreneurship Ideological Education
    LU Zhirong
    2021, 21(1):  25-31. 
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    The connotation of practical effectiveness of college students entrepreneurship ideological education includes the effect of education and the efficiency of education. The entrepreneurship ideological education of college students has the characteristics of multidimension and multidimension, externality and implication, balance and nonbalance, etc. Based on the analysis on the main factors influencing the education effectiveness, from the promptness, we propose to keep pace with the times, enhance the scientific nature and the development of diversity in unity, pay attention to emotional investment, the construction of a harmonious relationship between teachers and students, focus on the unity, pragmatic, innovative entrepreneurial idea education content method, pay attention to solving practical problems, try our best to meet the students reasonable professional demand, go hand in hand to enhance students entrepreneurial education effectiveness.
    Research on the Images of Scientists from the Perspective of Model Education
    CAI Yukun
    2021, 21(1):  32-38. 
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    According to the concept of role model in the occupational sociology,this paper explores whether the images of the outstanding scientists will influence the attitude about the science and scientists.The results show that role models of scientists can demonstrate and inspire teenagers to agree with the science, interest in science and affect their decision concerning whether they will take sciencerelated careers as their employment directions in the future.Teenagers with role models are even more convinced the importance of science and the scientist careers.So, the medium is very important for the construction of role models of scientists.
    German Immigrant Integration Policy and Its Enlightenment to China
    TANG Meng
    2021, 21(1):  39-47. 
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    This paper combs the historical development and current situation of German immigrant integration policy and analyzes the problems existing in Chinas immigrant integration policy through comparison with German immigrant integration policy. Based on this, the paper puts forward a multilevel and multidimensional immigrant integration policy system according to national conditions of China and provides suggestions to improve the immigrant integration policy in China, such as defining the integration concept, establishing a scientific system to evaluate the oversee talents and improving the residence policy.
    The Cultural Meaning of Elephants in Ancient China
    LI Anzhu
    2021, 21(1):  48-53. 
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    At present, the discussion of the elephant in the academic circle mainly focuses on the field of ecology or history, and more concerns are given to the relationship between the environmental changes and the changes of elephants, and the relationship between humans and elephants in the historical period. The cultural studies mostly discuss the cultural meaning of elephants in a certain period, but less on the overall study of the cultural implication of the ancient Chinese elephants. The elephants, having existed in ancient China, are closely related to the production and life of the ancestors, and given various symbolic meanings in the historical process. Therefore, we should pay attention to the discussion of the cultural connotation of elephants. As elephants are widely involved in human social activities, it is an effective way to explore the cultural connotation of elephants from the perspectives of politics, religion and folklore.
    Study on Inland Nodes of the “Belt and Road” International Trade in Land and Sea:A Case Study of Chongqing Inland Port
    ZHAO Guanghui
    2021, 21(1):  54-62. 
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    The new channel of international trade in land and sea is a new national strategy. It will turn the Beibu Gulf into an inland port and link the inland port as a node to achieve interconnection with the countries along the border. On the basis of choosing representative classical cases at home and abroad, this paper makes a comprehensive analysis on the motivation, main functions, operation mode, operation effect and operation guarantee of inland logistics functional areas. On this basis, the development conditions and successful experiences for the development of inland ports are summarized. Based on the background of promoting the development of the western region, adjusting the industrial structure and transforming the mode of economic development, this paper makes an analysis of the latest policy orientation and its impact on the development of the western region in China. From the point of view of economic development status and location characteristics of the western region, this paper analyses the important role and significance of the development of inland ports in Western cities. Finally, taking Chongqing, a typical city in the west, as the research object, the paper systematically studies the operation mode and development strategy of inland port, clarifies the advantages and problems of the development mode of Chongqing inland port, and gives suggestions on the safeguard measures of Chongqing inland port, so as to provide reference for other cities in the west to build inland port.
    Driving Effect Study of Chongqing Rail Transit to Urban Economic Development
    HE Jincai1, YANG Fang2
    2021, 21(1):  63-68. 
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    The construction and development of rail transit has produced many positive effects on Chongqing urban economic growth. From the perspective of direct driving effect, rail transit construction has increased the citys GDP, promoted the level of urban employment, and optimized the urban spatial structure. Judging from the indirect driving effect, largescale rail transit construction has stimulated the development of related industrial chains, formed a strong investment and consumption demand, created a large number of employment opportunities. In addition, its economic radiation effect has also promoted the citys commerce, catering industries and the development of tourism. Conversely, the development of these industries has further increased the level of urban economic growth through the investment multiplier effect.
    Selection of Holographic Samples Based on Expressway Toll Database
    MA Jian, HUANG Qiushi
    2021, 21(1):  69-78. 
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    In order to determine the sample interval that has the highest similarity to the annual highway traffic flow, and provide a reliable sample selection scheme for traffic flow analysis, a similar evaluation index system based on three dimensions of time, space and axis was established based on the oneyear highway truck toll database data in a domestic province. The Euclidean distance, the angle between the plane vector and the entropy weight method are used to calculate the dispersion between each sample and the annual data. The results show that: when considering a certain dimension alone, the results are different and cannot represent the overall characteristics. Under the similar evaluation system, the samples with the lowest dispersion are March, the eighteenth week and Monday.
    The Marxist Dialectical Principles in the Shaping of Shakespearean Characters
    LUO Yimin, WANG Xi
    2021, 21(1):  80-87. 
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    The theory of universality of human nature inspired by the widely eulogized in the NeoClassical Age was not only the requirements of the times, but also the big gust of special traits of the shaping of the Shakespearean characters. His characters are frequently filled with conflicts and are represented in its duality, which piles up a wonderful view sight of his dramatic art among which are such as Hamlet, Othello, Macbeth, Shylock, Prince Hal and Sir John Falstaff. The paper purports to probe into the dual or multitudinous aspects of character via the dialectical principles of Marxist theories. Besides, by view of the Freudian PsychicZone Division theory, it is obvious that everybody in himself has included the good of the Superego guarded by the angelic morality principle, the bad of the Id by the pleasure principle and the waving vicissitudes in between. Thus the Freudian parallelistic semblances of the vivid dialecticality demonstrated by the specificality and universality which suggests conflicts between them that the Shakespearean art suits the working Marxist dialectical theories.
    Death of the Witches: What is Wrong with Juliets Incantation
    SHI Jingxuan1,2
    2021, 21(1):  88-95. 
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    Onomancy is a significant technique in the Theurgical Literature. Mercutio and Juliet separately made their incantations with Romeos name called in order to alter the destination of the doomed stracrost lovers, but both failed. The problem within Juliets necromancy is the confliction of what a Renaissance man will be after his identity had been sabotaged. That is what Shakespeare paid efforts to consider in almost all his tragedies.
    On the Spiritual Disparity between Henry Ⅵ and Richard Ⅲ as Christian Kings
    ZHANG Xuemei, JIANG Qian
    2021, 21(1):  96-103. 
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    As the heroes of Henry VI and Richard III of Shakespeares first tetralogy, both kings are selfclaimed Christians who are heard calling upon God frequently. However, there exists a striking contrast in essence between their Christian beliefs in that Henry VI often shows up as a saintly fool while Richard III is portrayed as a total tyrant with a fake faith. Based on an interpretation of the spiritual world of two characters, the paper carries out an indepth analysis of the nature of their faith, namely, the firmness and hypocrisy, and disillusionment and hesitation revealed respectively. Therefore, the playwrights own Christian inclination, especially that which he adhered to at the beginning of his dramatic career, is summarized to suggest its possible disagreement with the doctrines of the Church of England under the influence of LutheranismCalvinism.
    A Study on Pragmatic Orientation of Modal Verbs in English Translation of Honglou Meng --A Case Study of Two English Versions by Howkes and Yang
    GU Feng
    2021, 21(1):  104-110. 
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    The study on modal verbs has been a topic of heated discussion in linguistics at home and abroad. Many studies on translation of Honglou Meng have been conducted in recent years, but few have been carried out from a pragmatic perspective of modal verbs. Firstly, this paper analyzes the domestic studies, together with the modal values and pragmatic orientation of modal verbs, using a corpus-based descriptive approach to show the distribution of modal verbs in Hawkes and Yangs English versions. Secondly, this paper exemplifies the pragmatic orientation of modal verbs in the two English versions in terms of epistemic, dynamic and deontic modalities, pointing out the necessity to consider what pragmatic orientation can be adopted to construct the identity relationship between the given subject and the other person.
    Ideological and Political Education of Integrated English --Under the Background of Chinese New Liberal Arts Construction
    LIN Zhong, WANG Meijiao
    2021, 21(1):  111-116. 
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    Against the background of the construction of new liberal arts, the advocating of ideological and political education (IAPE)through all curricula ushered in a new era for English teaching. Based on the analysis of the necessity and feasibility of teaching reform of IAPE in the course of “Integrated English”, this paper uses the method of case analysis to discusses the selection or integration of IAPE elements and the practice strategies in teaching. The study found that the implementation of IAPE in “Integrated English” can be carried out from three aspects: the syllabus, the content of textbooks and the quality of teachers. At the same time, this paper proposes three practice strategies in teaching: classroom teaching steps, curriculum evaluation and feedback and extracurricular education.