›› 2021, Vol. 21 ›› Issue (2): 95-99.

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Warm Rivers --On the Aesthetic Essence of ZHANG Erguns Poems

LI Yanyun,ZANG Xinhua   

  1. College of Literature,Shanxi Datong University,Datong,Shanxi 037009,China
  • Received:2019-11-28 Online:2021-03-20 Published:2021-04-02

煦暖的江河 ——论张二棍诗歌的美学风貌


  1. 山西大同大学 文学院,山西 大同 037009
  • 作者简介:李艳云(1979—),女,山西大同大学文学院讲师,硕士,研究方向:文艺美学、文艺理论与批评;臧新华(1976—),女,山西大同大学文学讲师,硕士,研究方向:比较文学、文艺理论与批评。
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: ZHANG Eegun is an outstanding poet in Shanxi province,who has been active in the field of Chinese poetry in recent years. His works are introverted,clean and compassionate,with special aesthetic meaning and value. ZHANGs poems are mostly unfolded from the bottom perspective,with simple language and simplicity. His works are permeated with the poets examination of this being in the world and his deep understanding and compassion for life. The aesthetic pursuit of his works is embodied in the following aspects: One is the beauty of compassion of “being alive” and “surpassing” in value dimension; the second is the beauty of “tension” in rhetoric strategy and compassion; the third is the beauty of simplicity and forceful simplification in aesthetic style.

Key words: aesthetic spirit, compassion, tension, simplification

摘要: 张二棍是近几年活跃在中国诗坛的山西优秀诗人,其作品内敛、干净、悲悯,具有特殊的审美意蕴和审美价值。张二棍诗歌多从底层视角展开,语言简洁、质朴,作品渗透着作家对“此在”现世的审视以及对生命深情的理解与悲悯。其作品美学风貌具体表现为:价值向度上“在世”与“超越”的悲悯之美,修辞策略上冷郁叙述与悲悯情怀的“张力”之美,美学风格上质朴、有力的精简之美。

关键词: 美学精神, 悲悯, 张力, 精简