Journal of Chongqing Jiaotong University Social Sciences Edition ›› 2021, Vol. 21 ›› Issue (4): 13-23.

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Rational Regeneration Path of Government Trust in Virtual Community Under the Outbreak of Major Epidemic --An Analysis of the Situation of Peoples “Confrontational” Discourse

ZHANG Xiaoling   

  1. Chongqing University of Science & Technology, Chongqing 401331, China
  • Received:2020-07-24 Online:2021-07-20 Published:2021-08-12

突发重大疫情下虚拟社群政府信任的理性再生路径 ——基于民众“对抗式”话语情境分析


  1. 重庆科技学院,重庆 401331
  • 作者简介:张小玲(1981—),重庆科技学院副教授,博士,新加坡南洋理工大学访问学者,研究方向:法理学和社会法治。
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: Government trust is a barometer of national governance efficiency, a bond between the people and the government, and plays a role of political stabilizer. In the era of Internet where everyone holds “microphone”, the “confrontational” discourse of “clamor” in the virtual space of microblog, wechat, forum, etc. dispels and reconstructs the government trust in the form of query, doubt, criticism, etc., which has an important impact on the whole political ecology.Therefore, it is necessary to analyze the manifestation of “confrontational” discourse of virtual community under the epidemic situation, treat “confrontational” discourse dialectically, neither deny nor allow it to grow savagely. From the perspective of “consensus, co construction, CO governance, symbiosis” rational analysis, the path of “government self shaping, public selfdiscipline, media selfcontrol” multiagent joint force regeneration of virtual community government trust is explored.

Key words: virtual community, government trust, “confrontational” discourse

摘要: 政府信任是国家治理效能的晴雨表,是民众与政府之间关系的黏合剂,发挥着政治稳定器的作用。在人人持有“麦克风”的互联网时代,“喧嚣”在微博、微信、论坛等网络虚拟空间的“对抗式”话语,以质疑、怀疑、批评等形式消解与重构政府信任,对整个政治生态产生着不可忽略的影响。分析疫情之下虚拟社群“对抗式”话语的表现形式,辩证对待“对抗式”话语,既不一律否定,也不任其野蛮生长,在“共识、共建、共治、共生”理性分析的视角下,探寻虚拟社群政府信任的“政府自塑、民众自律、媒介自控”多元主体合力再生路径。

关键词: 虚拟社群, 政府信任, “对抗式”话语