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    20 July 2021, Volume 21 Issue 4
    Several Understandings that Must Be Clarified in Correctly Grasping the Partys “Political Leadership”
    CHEN Jie
    2021, 21(4):  1-6. 
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    To enhance the partys political leadership, we must first correctly grasp the concept of “political leadership”. However, there are some misunderstandings about this concept in society and academia. This paper tries to clarify these misunderstandings, pointing out that political leadership is the unique ability of the Communist Party of China, not that of all political parties; the political leadership of the Communist Party of China is an advanced authority, not what Max Weber calls “Karismatype” authority; the political leadership of the Communist Party of China is closely related to its governing ability, but there are important differences between them.
    Virtue Ethical Quality Benefits Its Possessor
    MAO Huawei
    2021, 21(4):  7-12. 
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    In peoples ethical practice, it has become the focus of academic circles whether virtue ethical quality is beneficial or detrimental to its owner.Through their arguments, it can be seen that virtue ethical quality can not only provide the owner with the criterion to judge the ethical behavior, but also provide the motivation for the owner to make the ethical behavior, especially in the actual ethical life.Virtue ethical quality can help the owner to achieve a happy life. Therefore, the moral character of virtue benefits its possessor.
    Rational Regeneration Path of Government Trust in Virtual Community Under the Outbreak of Major Epidemic --An Analysis of the Situation of Peoples “Confrontational” Discourse
    ZHANG Xiaoling
    2021, 21(4):  13-23. 
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    Government trust is a barometer of national governance efficiency, a bond between the people and the government, and plays a role of political stabilizer. In the era of Internet where everyone holds “microphone”, the “confrontational” discourse of “clamor” in the virtual space of microblog, wechat, forum, etc. dispels and reconstructs the government trust in the form of query, doubt, criticism, etc., which has an important impact on the whole political ecology.Therefore, it is necessary to analyze the manifestation of “confrontational” discourse of virtual community under the epidemic situation, treat “confrontational” discourse dialectically, neither deny nor allow it to grow savagely. From the perspective of “consensus, co construction, CO governance, symbiosis” rational analysis, the path of “government self shaping, public selfdiscipline, media selfcontrol” multiagent joint force regeneration of virtual community government trust is explored.
    Practicing Six Requirements to Be the New Era Ideological and Political Teachers
    LI Haifeng
    2021, 21(4):  24-29. 
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    Ideological and political teachers in the new era should practice the six requirements. The first is politically strong, which means teachers should be the guardians of the ideological front who can make ideological and political courses adhere to the political nature. The second is deep feeling, meaning that teachers have deep feelings of home and country to make ideological and political class affinity. The third is new thought, namely, teachers learn and apply materialist dialectics to make class thoughtful. The fourth is broader vision to make class theoretical with extensive knowledge. The fifth is strictness in the autonomy that can insist on the four unification to make the class infectious. The sixth is shining personality charm, which makes the ideological and political course attractive.
    Evolution of CPIT International Transportation Corridor Based on the Spacetime Theory of Transportation
    HUANG Chengfeng, CHEN Zhili
    2021, 21(4):  30-37. 
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    In response to the strategic concept of “Belt and Road”, CPIT International Transportation Corridor (ChinaPakistanIranianTurkey) has been planned and constructed. The existing research on the construction and feasibility of the channel has a prototype, which is necessary to systematical arrangement of the channel to further complete the planning. This paper summarizes the spacetime structure and ability structure of the international corridor among China, Pakistan, Iran and Turkey, sorted out the historical stage and capacity development of the channel. Finally, the conclusion is drawn that in terms of transportation capacity, the continuous planning and construction of the CPIT International Transportation Corridor is a livelihood project benefiting China, Pakistan, Iran, Turkey and the surrounding countries along the corridor as well as European countries.
    The Impact of the “Belt and Road” Initiative on Chinas Highway and Railway Freight Transport Pattern
    QIAO Penghui, YANG Jie
    2021, 21(4):  38-44. 
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    In order to clarify the impact of the “Belt and Road” initiative on Chinas road and railway transportation patterns, this paper uses the Lorenz curve and the Gini coefficient, based on the road and railway freight transportation data of Chinas 31 provinces (municipalities) in 2013 and 2018, respectively. Regional population, economic development level, road and railway operating mileage are the evaluation objects for research. The study found that the “Belt and Road” initiative has a smaller impact on road transportation than on the railway transportation pattern.
    Dynamic Pricing Analysis of Highspeed Railway Passenger Tickets: Based on the Perspective of Aviation Competition
    LI Hao, QIN Hong
    2021, 21(4):  45-52. 
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    The fixed pricing method of highspeed rail is a factor that restricts higher profits. In the face of the dynamic pricing mechanism of aviation, the scientific and reasonable pricing strategy of highspeed rail is the key to solving its lack of profit. Therefore, under the current mechanism, the article constructs a Hotelling model, analyzes the scope and revenue of highspeed rail static pricing and aviation dynamic pricing, highspeed rail dynamic pricing and aviation dynamic pricing, and compares the benefits of highspeed rail static pricing and dynamic pricing. The research results show that the implementation of dynamic pricing of highspeed rail can bring about an increase in revenue.
    Discussion on the Improvement of Humanized Service Level of Urban Rail Transit Stations
    LI Tangdi
    2021, 21(4):  53-57. 
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    It is of great significance to improve the humanized service level of rail transit stations for enhancing the attraction of rail transit. In view of four special situations and special group, and combined with the typical problems existing in the humanized service of railway stations in Chongqing main urban area, this paper puts forward relevant improvement suggestions from the perspective of national friendly and improving the fault tolerance ability of various facilities. These four special situations refer to the following: passengers travel in bad weather, change travel direction after swiping card out of station, go to toilet after swiping card out of station, and recharge ticket before swiping card out of station. The research of this paper enriches the methods and means of improving the humanized service level of railway stations.
    Review and Prospect on the Research of Chongqing Development Based on the Background of the “Belt and Road”
    SHEN Zhenping1,2
    2021, 21(4):  58-64. 
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    “Belt and Road” is an important practice in the context of building a global community of shared future and development in the new era. With the help of scientific literature measurement, social network, knowledge map analysis and other methods and tools, this paper reviews and sorts out the research results of Chongqing based on the background of the “Belt and Road”opportunity in the existing academia. The researchers, publishing units and journals in this field have obvious regional characteristics. There is a lack of interregional cooperative academic research in this field. The existing academic research results in this field can be summarized as a core knowledge group, two related knowledge groups and an independent knowledge group.
    Construction of Financing System for Pension Real Estate --From the Perspective of Industrial Chain
    CHEN Yin
    2021, 21(4):  65-71. 
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    At present, the imperfect financing system, the incomplete industrial chain and the excessive dependence on bank loans lead to shortage of funds. From the point of pension real estate industrial chain, the paper analyzes the mechanism of financial support to alleviate fund problem of the pension real estate, and demonstrates its feasibility. It is proposed to build a multilevel financial support system and financing service system in the way of pension real estate industrial chain, and promote the role of financial support in different stages of pension real estate projects to promote the abutment of financial resources and pension resources.It summaries the function of enterprises in the industrial chain, and puts forward the strategies to promote operation of financing system.
    Research on the Entrepreneurial Process from the Perspective of Entrepreneurial Capital
    YIN Jianfeng1,2
    2021, 21(4):  72-79. 
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    Based on the perspective of entrepreneur capital, this paper analyses entrepreneurs entrepreneurship process. Through case studies, it is found that:Entrepreneurs initial entrepreneurship process is a process of identifying opportunities, identifying organizational identity and constructing capacity;The circular practice of opportunity identification, organization identification and capacity construction contributes to the continuous accumulation of entrepreneur capital;The continuous accumulation of entrepreneur capital helps to identify new opportunities, reconstruct organizational identity and construct new capabilities, so as to continuously seize new opportunities and promote the sustainable growth of enterprises.
    The Context of Chinese Comedy Films with Latent Development (1922-1959)
    CAI Dongliang
    2021, 21(4):  80-88. 
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    Comedy effect is divided into “obvious potential”, which is judged by four aspects: deep antagonistic structure, exaggeration, transcendent spirit and taboo rebellion. There are two reasons to summarize the development vein of Chinese comedy films by “revealing potential”. First, the development of Chinese comedy is not all the way ahead, but in a special time “hidden”. Secondly, Chinese comedy films guide laughter with “hidden” or “visible” gestures. In the 1920s and the 1930s, due to the special historical background, laughter could only be hidden from the face. And in the 1950s, laughter was put in front of the stage and emphasized. Under different ideologies, “laughter” has always been endowed with various implicit or explicit, complex or pure meanings.
    LU Xuns Questioning and Surpassing of Enlightenment
    QI Yi1, HAN Minggang2
    2021, 21(4):  89-94. 
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    LU Xun developed his enlightenment thoughts with “national character transformation” as the core with the context of enlightenment in the late Qing Dynasty and the early period of Republic of China. And its internal logic is the political philosophical approach of Confucianism to transform “individual” and then to transform the “state”. LU Xuns profundity and modern significance is not reflected in his enlightenment thoughts, but in his questioning and surpassing of enlightenment. To understand LU Xun, we must understand the cultural origin and thinking logic of LU Xuns enlightenment thought, put emphasis on LU Xuns reflection, questioning and surpassing of the enlightenment thought, and highly value the transformation of LU Xuns thought. LU Xuns reflection, questioning and surpassing of enlightenment are not only the keys to accurately understanding LU Xuns works, but also deeply inspiring thinking about the process of Chinas modernization.
    Seclusion and Expansion: Emily Dickinsons Four Spaces
    CHEN Caiyi
    2021, 21(4):  95-99. 
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    In her life, Emily Dickinson totally wrote about 1800 poems and left more than 1400 letters. Except a short time of leaving her fathers house for study, travel and the treatment of illness, she just stayed at her fathers house. And in her last 20 years of life, she even didnt get out of it, thats why was was known as being seclusive. Though she seclusive at home,protecting herself in her home space, she tried to expand her spiritual spaces. On the one hand, after doing the house chores, taking care of parents, gardening, she got communication space by reading newspapers, magazines and books. Ont the other hand, she got the poetic space of freedom by writing poems. Emily was not truly seclusive because of her bodily seclusion. In fact, while staying in a limited, undisturbed practical space, she expanded her spiritual spaces and naturally made herself a great poet.
    The Research Overview of ChineseAmerican Womens Writing
    SHENG Zhouli
    2021, 21(4):  100-107. 
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    Recently, indepth analysis and thorough research have been made on the Chinese Americans family stories, the major theme of ChineseAmerican womens fictions, which mainly focus on the issues of ethnicity and womens right from the following four perspectives: cultural identity, gender issue, autobiographic writing, and ethnic memory. However, from the perspective of life writing, the researchers may reexamine the ChineseAmerican womens fictions with an understanding of the individual living experience of Chinese Americans in a crossnational context, together with the theory of placemaking. Differences lie in reflections on the sense of history and local place in the dialectic relation between the ChineseAmerican history, memory and their living space, which is probably the expansion direction for the present study of family narrative in ChineseAmerican womens writing.
    Translation Narratives of Macartneys Journal to China over a Century
    LIU Li
    2021, 21(4):  108-114. 
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    Lord Macartneys journal to China was initially translated into Chinese and named Qianlong Yingshi Jinjianji by Liu Bannong in 1916. Over a century, there emerged another Chinese version by Gao Boyu and several modern editions based on Lius translation. The translation and introduction of Macartney's journal in/to China well illustrates how a text has transformed from a private narrative into a disciplinary narrative through translation, retranslation and revisions. This study is hopefully to cast some light on the translation and reception of historical documents.
    The Effect of the Order of English Complex Sentences on the Chinese Lexical Representations of CauseEffect Concepts in EnglishChinese Translation
    YANG Tengji
    2021, 21(4):  115-120. 
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    This paper examines the effect of the order of English causeeffect complex sentences on the Chinese lexical representations of causeeffect concepts in the task of EnglishChinese translation. The results show that the order of the English causeeffect complex sentences has a significant effect on the order of the Chinese correspondents, causality connective patterns and on the choice of different connective words in Chinese translation. Therefore, the causeeffect complex sentence order, the causality connective pattern and connective words are working together to represent causeeffect concepts in Chinese complex sentences, in the process of which “the principle of temporal sequence”, the profiling and subjectivity are important cognitive mechanisms.