Journal of Chongqing Jiaotong University Social Sciences Edition ›› 2023, Vol. 23 ›› Issue (4): 10-22.

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Refutation of the View That “NewSchool Theory Has Retired from the Stage of History” The Status of the Criminal NewSchool Theory

TONG Dehua, ZHANG Yiran   

  1. Criminal Justice School, Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, Wuhan 430073, China
  • Received:2022-09-21 Revised:2022-11-01 Online:2023-07-18 Published:2023-07-18

“新派已经退出历史舞台”之驳论 ——兼论刑法新派理论的地位


  1. 中南财经政法大学 刑事司法学院,武汉 430073
  • 作者简介:童德华,男,中南财经政法大学刑事司法学院教授,博士,博士生导师;张奕然(通信作者),女,中南财经政法大学刑事司法学院硕士研究生。
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: Newschool theory emerged in Europe in the second half of the nineteenth century, and its theoretical lineage is rooted in the long history of the development of ancient criminal law, which still has unique value in criminal law theory and practice today. The view that “the newschool theory has retired from the stage of history in the field of crime theory”is questionable, as the newschool theory has not retired from the stage of history either from the perspective of crime theory or penalty theory. In the historical process of the development of criminal law theory, the oldschool theory and the newschool theory were born one after another, and there were two typical clashes between the old and the new school theory, and after the second conflicts subsided, the synthesisist view of criminal law was formed. The newschool theory is still active in the contemporary arena and has a series of important appearances, including the appearance responding tosociety in today’s riskbased, democratized, informationbased, and postmodern societies, the appearance of legislation with the early involvement of criminal law, the increase of abstract dangerous offenders and symbolic legislation, and the appearance of theory of crime in the ten major theoretical areas of conduct, negligence, the subject of crime, the result of crime, causation, substantive illegality, the nature of responsibility, the capacity for responsibility, and the theory of complicity.

Key words: newschool theory; oldschool theory; subjectivism; objectivism; criminology

摘要: 新派理论产生于19世纪后半期的欧洲,其理论脉络根植于漫长的古代刑法发展历史,直至今天的刑法理论与实践中仍然具有独特的价值。“新派已经在犯罪论领域退出历史舞台”的观点值得商榷,新派无论是从犯罪论抑或刑罚论的角度上讲,都没有退出历史舞台。在刑法理论发展的历史进程中,旧派、新派理论先后诞生,并产生过两次典型的新旧派理论冲突,第二次学派之争平息后,综合主义刑法观形成。新派理论仍然活跃在当代舞台,具有一系列重要表象:在如今风险化社会、民主化社会、信息化社会以及后现代社会背景的需求呼唤下呈现出的理论表象;刑法介入早期化、抽象危险犯增多与象征性立法增多的立法表象;主观主义贯穿行为、过失、犯罪主体、犯罪结果、因果关系、实质违法性、责任本质、责任能力、共犯理论等理论领域的犯罪论表象。

关键词: 新派;旧派;主观主义;客观主义;犯罪论