
Table of Content

    18 July 2023, Volume 23 Issue 4
    XI Jinpings Important Exposition on the Community with a Shared Future for Mankind
    HU Lingyan
    2023, 23(4):  1-9. 
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    XI Jinpings important exposition on the community with a shared future for mankind contributes Chinese wisdom and Chinese plan to the question of the times about “what is wrong with the world, and what we shall do”. It provides a new interpretation space and realistic path for the development of Marxism in the 21st century in contemporary China. And this important exposition covers politics, economy, culture, ecology and other dimensions, reflecting the dialectical unity of the triple of historical logic, theory and practice. In addition, it has distinctive theoretical features of outstanding problem orientation, deep world vision, and adherence to the unity of regularity and purpose. Therefore, this paper dedicated to promote it to take root from nurturing community consciousness, reshaping the new international order, strengthening global governance cooperation, and jointly creating the belt and road construction.
    Refutation of the View That “NewSchool Theory Has Retired from the Stage of History” The Status of the Criminal NewSchool Theory
    TONG Dehua, ZHANG Yiran
    2023, 23(4):  10-22. 
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    Newschool theory emerged in Europe in the second half of the nineteenth century, and its theoretical lineage is rooted in the long history of the development of ancient criminal law, which still has unique value in criminal law theory and practice today. The view that “the newschool theory has retired from the stage of history in the field of crime theory”is questionable, as the newschool theory has not retired from the stage of history either from the perspective of crime theory or penalty theory. In the historical process of the development of criminal law theory, the oldschool theory and the newschool theory were born one after another, and there were two typical clashes between the old and the new school theory, and after the second conflicts subsided, the synthesisist view of criminal law was formed. The newschool theory is still active in the contemporary arena and has a series of important appearances, including the appearance responding tosociety in today’s riskbased, democratized, informationbased, and postmodern societies, the appearance of legislation with the early involvement of criminal law, the increase of abstract dangerous offenders and symbolic legislation, and the appearance of theory of crime in the ten major theoretical areas of conduct, negligence, the subject of crime, the result of crime, causation, substantive illegality, the nature of responsibility, the capacity for responsibility, and the theory of complicity.
    Thinking on the Integrated Development of Bus in Chongqing Metropolitan Area
    PENG Yong, ZHANG Chengxi, LIU Song
    2023, 23(4):  23-29. 
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    The construction of bus integration in Chongqing metropolitan area is an important measure to speed up the realization of regional interconnection, drive the highquality development of surrounding areas and achieve the goal of metropolitan area construction. This paper systematically combs the current situation of bus integration development in Chongqing metropolitan area, deeply analyzes the existing problems of bus integration in Chongqing metropolitan area, and puts forward the strategy of bus integration development in Chongqing metropolitan area. The development strategy makes clear the construction target of being “inclusive and equal, convenient and comfortable, safe and reliable, intensive and efficient”, and puts forward the development path of bus integration in Chongqing metropolitan area from the aspects of coordination mechanism, development planning, operating subject, financial subsidy, fare mechanism and so on.
    Research on the Impact of Rail Transit on Urban Spatial Pattern Taking Xuzhou City
    HONG Xiaochun1,2, JI Xiang2
    2023, 23(4):  30-35. 
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    The interaction mechanism between traffic and urban spatial pattern is an important theoretical basis for promoting social progress, economic development and cultural prosperity.This paper summarizes the influence mechanism of rail transit construction on the spatial pattern of the city. Taking Xuzhou, based on the analysis of the spatialtemporal evolution of the spatial pattern, it compares the changes of the spatial pattern before and after the current stage of rail transit construction and summarizes the influence mechanism of rail transit construction on the spatial pattern of Xuzhou.Based on the future rail transit planning of Xuzhou, this paper analyzes its influence on the development of Xuzhous urban spatial pattern, and looks into the development trend of Xuzhous spatial pattern and its effect on regional development.
    Quantitative Analysis on the Policy Text of Rural Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Industry Integration
    XU Kexiang, LIU Beibei
    2023, 23(4):  36-45. 
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    Rural revitalization must focus on the integrated development of rural primary, secondary and tertiary industries. Based on the perspective of policy tools, this paper uses bibliometrics and content analysis to encode and analyze 88 rural primary, secondary and tertiary industry integration policy texts issued by various institutions of the State Council, provincial governments and other institutions. The results show that there are differences in the proportion of policy tools used; the fit between policy objectives and policy tools needs improving; the policy theme words are clustered. Based on this, it is recommended to optimize the use of policy tools structure; enhance the adaptability of policy objectives and policy tools, and improve the policy objective system; promote the construction of policy tool evaluation system and improve the scientificity.
    Study on the Willingness and Influencing Factors of Rural Elderly on Institutional Endowment Based on the Data of S County Survey
    LU Chenghui, WANG Tianyu
    2023, 23(4):  46-56. 
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    In the context of challenges to the traditional homebased elderly care in rural areas, the paper selected S county as the research object, and obtained micro data through household surveys. Using Spearman correlation coefficient model and logistic regression model, the paper makes an indepth analysis of the individual situation, family situation, neighborhood relations, institutional elderly care cognition, institutional elderly care willingness and other issues of the elderly. The paper found that at present, there is a large demand space for rural institutional pension, but the level of rural institutional pension cannot meet the basic pension needs of rural elderly, which greatly inhibits the enthusiasm of rural elderly to choose institutional pension. The paper believes that the social forces can be mobilized to promote the highquality development of rural institutional pension in addition to enhancing the rural elderly to “provide for themselves” and “provide for their children”, which is the key way to solve the good pension needs of rural elderly in the new era.
    David Hermans Study on “Intentionality”
    SONG Jie
    2023, 23(4):  57-68. 
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    Based on the ideas of antiintentionalism in AngloAmerican new criticism, structuralism and poststructuralism, David Herman further considers the problem of intentionality and emphasizes the importance of taking an intentional stance in the process of narrative communication. In order to construct the theory of intentionality, Herman proposes a twopart approach so that he can examine the nexus between narrative and intentionality along two different but related dimensions. In his opinion, on one hand, stories are grounded in intentional systems, that is, worlding the story; on the other hand, intentional systems are grounded in stories, that is, storying the world. In addition, He discusses the intentionality in narrative contexts, pointing out that intentionality is grounded in human structures of knowhow. Hermans elaboration of intentionality is original, informative and logical, which not only enriches the connotation of narrative theory, but also provides new theoretical foundations for interdisciplinary narrative research.
    Warning, Reflection and Aspiration The Crisis Narrative of Klara and the Sun in the Posthuman Context
    WANG Juan
    2023, 23(4):  69-76. 
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    The crisis narrative in Kazuo Ishiguros latest novel, Klara and the Sun, is not confined to the stereotyped criticism of techtopia. As an impersonal force, technology once threatened Josies life, yet it also managed to bring her through and supported her recovery. In the transfer of crises and opportunities, the author tries to step over the crisis itself, calmly reexamine and reflect on the potential risks such as physical embodiment, emotional replacement, and value alienation during the transitional process from human to posthuman society. In addition to timely prewarning, Kazuo Ishiguro also actively seeks the ways to overcome difficulties and eliminate dangers. The allegory of Klara and the Sun shows Kazuo Ishiguros cultural aspiration that we should promote the coexistence and integration between technology and nature, safeguard life safety, and remould the moral values on the trend of material turn.
    On the Poetics of Chronotope in Vampilovs Duck Hunting
    LIU Leilei1, WU Shengyan2
    2023, 23(4):  77-83. 
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    In his masterpiece Duck Hunting, the contemporary Soviet playwright Alexander Vampilov tries to construct a chronotope in which time and space present linear and circular dimensions alternately. This chronotope is constructed by the interaction between the main characters present actions and his memories to be an organic and deconstructed by rituals such as funeral, house warming and duck hunting. In the process of construction and deconstruction, Vampilov reveals the ambiguous and contradictory personality of the characters as the core image of chronotope, and puts forward the ardent hope of “action” for these intellectuals, who inherit the image of the “superfluous man” of traditional Russian literature.
    Spatial Poetics and Reflections on the Times in Theodor Fontanes Der Stechlin
    WANG Qiuyue
    2023, 23(4):  84-90. 
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    The famous German realist writer Fontanes Der Stechlin is a novel dealing with issues of tradition and modernity, new and old. This novel consciously highlights the contrast between the conservative aristocracy and the openminded aristocracy through subtly conceived spatial construction, and the author conveys his own attitude through comicstyle characterization of the former, that is, the aristocracy coming from the traditional society should be open and calm in the face of social development and changes of the times, given the unstoppable trend of the history. On the other hand, tradition and modernity, nature and industry are organically intertwined, both in the countryside of Stechlin and in the metropolis of Berlin. Tradition should accept advancement within the tolerable range and new things replace tradition only when necessary. The correct attitude towards historical development lies in the golden mean of harmonious coexistence of old and new things.
    A DiscourseHistorical Approach to Media Portrayal of Huaweis Corporate Image in The Wall Street Journal
    ZHANG Peng1, HOU Fuli2
    2023, 23(4):  91-103. 
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    This paper investigates how The Wall Street Journal, the US mainstream news media, portrays Huaweis corporate image. By adopting Ruth Wodaks DiscourseHistorical Approach (DHA) as the major theory and Van Leeuwens theory of representing social actors as the supplementary one, the paper analyzes the news reports from 2016 to 2021. The results indicate that ⅰ) theres a diachronic change in the news topics, from generally positive ones to generally negative ones; ⅱ) in the news discourse, “ingroups” and “outgroups” are distinguished to create tension between “Us” and “Them”; ⅲ) The Wall Street Journal uses different discursive strategies to portray Huawei as “emerging tech giant” “radical competitor” “stateowned/controlled company” “big threat”. The paper criticizes the alternative understandings of China and the Chinese company from the US mainstream news media and public opinions. The results also indicate that it is significant for a country and a company to focus on the “otherportrayal” of their images while maintaining positive “selfportrayal” of their images.
    A Study of the Readability of English Version of Museum Introduction Texts from China and Englishspeaking Countries
    WANG Lin, SHI Hongyan
    2023, 23(4):  104-112. 
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    Museums are a microcosm of a countrys history and culture, and museum websites are of vital significance to disseminate regional and national cultures to the outside world. Based on a selfconstructed corpus of English translations of 36 museum website texts in China and a reference corpus of 36 museum website texts in English from the United States, the United Kingdom and Australia, where English is the native language, this study aims to explore the readability of Chinese and English museum introduction texts with the help of CohMetrix 3.0 and R from three dimensions: descriptive variables, readability principal component analysis and readability, and compare the similarities and differences between the translated Chinese museum texts and the original museum texts from three Englishspeaking countries. The study finds: 1)both corpora tend to use specific vocabularies and mediumlength sentences; 2)both corpora exhibit formal stylistic features; and 3)both corpora have a certain degree of difficulty. Statistical significance tests and analyses of the measures reveal: 1)Chinese museum texts are less evenly distributed in terms of sentence length than the original language; and 2)museums in Englishspeaking countries place more emphasis on reader engagement and interaction with their readers than do Chinese museums. The reasons for these differences can be summarised as follows: translation strategies, layout and thinking pattern. On this basis, this study proposes three suggestions for improving the quality of translation and writing of Chinese museum introduction texts.