重庆交通大学学报(社会科学版) ›› 2023, Vol. 23 ›› Issue (1): 97-105.

• 文学艺术 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 西华大学 文学与新闻传播学院,成都 610039
  • 收稿日期:2022-01-18 修回日期:2022-02-26 出版日期:2023-02-10 发布日期:2023-02-11
  • 作者简介:吴嘉璐,女,西华大学文学与新闻传播学院讲师,文学博士。

On SU Shis Inheritance and Change of BAI Juyis Tea Poems

WU Jialu   

  1. School of Literature, Journalism & Communication, Xihua University, Chengdu 610039, China
  • Received:2022-01-18 Revised:2022-02-26 Online:2023-02-10 Published:2023-02-11

摘要: 同样经历贬谪、从挫折中寻求超脱之道、追求素朴闲适的生活,苏轼将白居易视作自己的精神导师之一。白、苏二人都爱茶,苏之咏茶诗继承了白诗的表现内容及艺术特色。苏接受白将茶与酒并言比较的写法,认为茶是闲适生活的象征,并改造白种植松树及其他植物的诗作为种茶诗,表现自己的政治追求。相较白诗,苏之咏茶诗丰富了茶作为文学意象的艺术内涵:突出咏茶诗的动态性,用更细致的语言绘茶,将茶与诗人自我的关系紧密化。

关键词: 苏轼, 白居易, 咏茶诗, 承变

Abstract: Due to the same experience of relegation, seeking a way to escape from setbacks and pursuing a simple and comfortable life, SU Shi regarded BAI Juyi as one of his spiritual mentors. Both BAI and SU loved tea. SUs tea poems inherited the expression content and artistic characteristics of BAIs. SU accepted BAIs method of comparing tea with wine, believing that tea was a symbol of leisure life, and transforming BAIs poems of planting pine and other plants as a kind of tea poems to express his political pursuit. Compared with BAIs poems, SUs tea poems enriched the artistic connotation of tea as a literary image, highlighting the dynamics of tea poems, painting tea with more detailed language, and tightening the relationship between tea and a poets self.

Key words: SU Shi, BAI Juyi, tea poems, inheritance and change