›› 2014, Vol. 14 ›› Issue (2): 125-129.

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A Comparative Study of Lexical Bundles in Business Registers

YOU Jingan   

  1. (Jinshan College, Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University, Fuzhou, Fujian 350002, China)
  • Received:2013-07-30 Online:2014-04-30 Published:2016-04-06



  1. 福建农林大学 金山学院,福建 福州 350002
  • 作者简介:游金干,男,福建福清人,福建农林大学金山学院助教,广东外语外贸大学硕士研究生,研究方向:语料库语言学、应用语言学。

Abstract: The differences in the use of lexical bundles across business registers through a corpusdriven approach are investigated. Findings are as follows: (1)Lexical bundles in such registers as business academic papers, news and reports are mostly composed of nouns, but the counterparts in business letters mainly consist of verbs and pronouns. (2)In terms of the structures of lexical bundles, they tend to fall into the category of NP/PPbased bundles in business academic papers, news and reports, while business letters frequently employ VPbased bundles and Dependent clause bundles. (3) Lexical bundles in business academic papers, news and reports mainly serve the referential function, in sharp contrast to those in business letters, which are usually employed to express stance. In addition, there is a wide gap between these registers in the use of specific lexical bundles.

Key words: business discourse, lexical bundle, register, structure, function

摘要: 运用语料库驱动的方法考察不同语域的商务语篇在词束使用上的差异。研究显示:商务论文、新闻和报告中的词束主要由名词构成,商务信函中的词束则多由动词和代词构成;商务论文、新闻和报告中的词束主要是名词/介词短语型结构,商务信函中则多为动词短语型、从句型结构;商务论文、新闻和报告中的词束主要起指示作用,而商务信函中的词束则多用于立场表达。此外,各语域在具体的词束选择上也迥然不同。

关键词: 商务语篇, 词束, 语域, 结构, 功能