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    30 April 2014, Volume 14 Issue 2
    Anthropological Turn of Western Philosophy and Marxs Pioneering Uniqueness
    LUO Fuyan,LIAO Bin
    2014, 14(2):  1-4. 
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    The development from modern western philosophy to the modern philosophy is opened up by a series of stages. One important genre is the general shift from the metaphysics to anthropology. Marx turned from the lord of this philosophy through his “true vision of the human spirit” to a philosophical theory of human development,practice theory development,materialism and eventually achieved this pioneering steering,which makes bid farewell to the traditional metaphysical philosophy of “the whole world”,turned to the human world of anthropology—philosophy. Marxist philosophy surpasses metaphysics,goes into the human world and becomes a modern philosophy.
    Misunderstandings of the Relationship Between Worldview and Cosmology and Reasonable Reconstruction
    YAO Xiaoyan
    2014, 14(2):  5-8. 
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    Since the concept of worldview was introduced from the west,the worldview and the concepts of Chinese original cosmology are theoretically misunderstood. Reasonable relationship between worldview and cosmology should be established,and the “confluence” of worldview and cosmology should be contributed,and the long estrangement state of worldview between Chinese traditional cosmologies be opened and absorb valuable components of Chinese traditional philosophy be maximized,and a new system of worldview and cosmology with Chinese characteristics should be built. The basic requirement of worldview and cosmology combination is based on Chinese reality,inheriting and carrying forward the Chinese philosophy of the basic spirit of the tradition of excellence to achieve the fusion of two kinds of philosophy spirit,cultural tradition and national soul.
    Never Fade of the Spirit of ZHANG Side and ItsEnlightenment to Improve the Work Style of the Party
    YAN Yong,WANG Lixia
    2014, 14(2):  9-11. 
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    The style of work is an important aspect of the construction of the party. The spirit of ZHANG Side is a bright banner of the party,leading generation after generation of Communists to put ones heart and soul into serving the people as the fundamental purpose,to promote the formation of the partys fine style of work. Carrying forward the spirit of ZHANG Side is the inheritance of the peoples service value concept. To effectively improve the style of work has positive significance for enhancing the flesh and blood ties with the masses of the people. To learn the spirit of ZHANG Side: first,the “instinct” to serve the people will never change; second,the “role” of serving the people will never slack; third,the service of the people “characteristics” does not relax; fourth,the purity of the service to the people will be unwavering.
    Outline of Modern Chinese History and the Training of Humanity Quality Among Science and Engineering Students
    WAN Liming
    2014, 14(2):  12-15. 
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    Outline of Modern Chinese History bears the function of ideological and political education from the perspective of history education and plays a unique role in humanity quality education of college students,such as to guide students to establish a correct outlook on life and values; to cultivate patriotic feelings and national spirit; to enhance the sense of responsibility and mission to the motherland. College students can obtain a comprehensive and healthy development. Active exploration and reform of teaching have been conducted in Tongji University.
    The Study of Taxi Industry Management Modes and Reform Roadmap in China
    TANG Reqing1,GUO Sizhen1,LIU Langtao2
    2014, 14(2):  16-20. 
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    A deep analysis of taxi industry modes in China is performed. The breakthroughs in taxi industry reforms and three phase step by step roadmap for advancing reforms were proposed considering all aspects of objective conditions and institutional mechanism requirements.
    Urban Freight Demand Survey Research --Taking Beijing as an Example
    DU Caijun1, LIU Chen2 , CHEN Jianhua1
    2014, 14(2):  21-24. 
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    In the increasingly serious situation in urban transport resources and urban traffic congestion,the development of the urban freight has risen to the height of maintaining economic stability. City comprehensive transportation planning and research focus on the passenger,urban freight survey is less. Urban freight transport facilities planning and policy development become a weak link. Through the freight demand survey practice in Beijing central districts,the overall design of the survey focusing on the survey content,survey methods and sampling methods,and the survey results of freight quantities,freight trips,space and time distribution and so on are introduced. The characteristics of organizational models,workflow and sampling frame building,provision of the freight survey experience for other cities are summarized.
    Throughput Prediction of RoRo Terminal Based on Combination Forecasting Model
    MO Yanfang1, ZHAO Yifei2
    2014, 14(2):  25-30. 
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    At present,there is less research on prediction of RORO terminal throughput. Time series forecasting method,the grey forecasting method and correlation analysis forecasting method based on the throughput data of Shanghai RoRo terminal year from 2006 to 2011 are built. It turns out that correlation analysis forecasting method is better than the other two forecasting methods. Furthermore,the optimal linear combination forecasting model is proved to have highaccuracy and suitability on prediction of RORO terminal throughput with complex factors and less historical data.
    The Function and Influence of Pole in Chongqing During the AntiJapanese War Period
    YANG Jinfeng,TANG Boming,SHANG Ting
    2014, 14(2):  31-34. 
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    In 1937,the AntiJapanese War broke out allround in China. Large populations moved into Chongqing and put forward a great test to the demand and development of transportation,thus a characteristic folk vehicle of a mountainous city ─ pole gets an unprecedented opportunity to be all the rage. Undoubtedly,the analysis of the cause of its popularity in Chongqing and huge impact on the life of local residents,as well as a kind of artistic creation existing in folk culture and in works of the artists living in Chongqing has vital significance and value.
    Study on the Types of Illegal Evidence in Administrative Litigation
    TAO Lei
    2014, 14(2):  38-41. 
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    The illegal evidence exclusionary rule was first established and developed to a relatively complete system in the United States,Chinas illegal evidence exclusion rules discussion only stay in the theoretical stage in a very long time,but in 2012,Criminal Procedure Law adopted and established the rules of evidence from theory into practice,this also provides a good reference of exclusionary rule for illegal evidence in administrative litigation. Currently,the administrative procedure law is in the modification period,based on the existing legal norms,study on the types and the judgment standard of illegal evidence in administrative litigation is necessary.
    The Present Situation of Civil Service System and the Counterplan
    WANG Wanglai
    2014, 14(2):  42-45. 
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    The service is an extremely important part in litigation activities. It guarantees litigation activities smoothly carried out and the final realization of procedural justice. Currently,Civil Procedure Law of China provides seven categories of delivery system,but there exist many problems in a variety of delivery systems,especially mail service,notice service,indwelling service,electronic service and other commonly used practices which do not fit with law. It is essential to reform the service system: first,to improve the existing delivery system from the details; second,to expand the scope of the person who signed; finally,strengthening penalties for acts of circumvention service,sent from the source to reduce difficult obstacles.
    A Study on the Travel Behavior, Psychological Motivations, and Destination Image of the Tourists in Hainan Island
    HU Jing1,WU Na2,DENG Jun3
    2014, 14(2):  46-49. 
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    The questionnaire survey is applied to gather information from respondents,who are tourists in Hainan. The psychological factors are aimed to be explored and image of a tourist destination for tourists visiting Hainan international tourism island and the differences in psychological motivation and destination image by different demographic samples are perceived. The following results were presented: most tourists tour information mostly came from friends and relatives,who had visited Hainan international tourism island before. The number of tourists partners is among 2-5 people. Visitors had just a general understanding of Hainan international tourism island. On the aspects of psychological factors and destination image,its the tropical island and wilderness area that attract the tourists; there is a significantly positive correlation between psychological motivation and destination image. Some suggestions concerning tourism management for local tour businesses and organizations in Hainan international tourism island are provided.
    Research on Marine Economy & Industrial Structure Development Based on Impulse Response
    LU Ke1,2,WU Jiabao1
    2014, 14(2):  50-53. 
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    China has a rich marine resources and huge potential for development of marine economy. Marine economic development is forming a benign interaction mechanism with evolution of ocean industrial structure,but its research on inland industrial structure is still insufficient. The mechanism of marine economy and inland industrial structure evolution is discussed here,and impulse response analysis of marine economy and industrial structure evolution based on the VAR model is done. It is concluded that the development of marine economy will promote the development of secondary industry in short term,and in the long term the proportion of secondary industry will show a downward trend while the proportion of tertiary industry continuously improve. Combined with Chinese marine economic development status,policy recommendations are given.
    Discussion about Improvement of Rural Financial System Based on Settlement Business --Taking Wuhan Rural Commercial Bank as an Example
    HUANG Ying1,HUANG Xiao2,HUANG Juan1
    2014, 14(2):  54-57. 
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    In order to improve the development of rural financial system under new rural construction,the empirical research on comprehensive evaluation of settlement business about Wuhan Rural Commercial Bank was carried out. Factor analysis was used for the settlement business data after system upgrade,and through the analysis there are some results: firstly,microfinance business is the most important influence factors for the bank; secondly,the settlement business has a relatively stable growth trend. Then new rural financial system can be improved by improving the Infrastructure construction of financial institutions,developing the mutual guarantee financing system of big business,increasing the supply of payment service supply from multiple channels and so on.
    Research on Corporate Crisis Management from the Perspective of Corporate Social Responsibility
    CHEN Yulei1,LI Jiansheng2
    2014, 14(2):  58-61. 
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    The concepts of corporate social responsibility(CSR)and the negative effects of the lack of social responsibility are reviewed,and then the relationship between CSR and crisis combine with the roots of corporate crisis are further studied. By analyzing product quality,strategic management and public relations,it is concluded that lack of awareness of CSR is one of the root cause of the enterprise crisis. Finally it is summarized that crisis caused by the lack of social responsibility must be remedied by the social responsibility,and some feasible suggestions to corporate crisis management based on CSR are proposed.
    Study on “Return” in Jewish American Literature
    ZHANG Jianping
    2014, 14(2):  62-66. 
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    Works of the first generation writers are labeled as “Recording History of Jewish American Alienation”; while the second ones are known for the theme of “assimilation”. With the growingup of the third generation writers in the end of seventeenth last century,they openly and bravely cry for the return to the Jewish traditions. Under the background of globalization,Diaspora study is developing with new trends. As one of the biggest Diaspora group,the literature of Jewish American also changes accordingly.
    Impacts of Economic Development on Diffusion and Development of Russian Literature in China Today
    JIA Yicun
    2014, 14(2):  67-70. 
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    The Russian literature has experienced a big change from its thrivingness to decline in China today. The underlying causes of such a big change are revealed based on whats happened positively in China and negatively in Russia: on the one hand,the rapid development of Chinas cultural market,the change of the Chinese peoples values,and the deformation of literal products by hi-tech after the economic development in China since the reform and opening-up,and on the other hand,the disorder of Russian publication and distribution industry,the shortage of Russian literary writings. It is pointed out that there is no cultural strength without a powerful economic base.
    On the Sources of American Transcendentalism
    ZHU Yuying
    2014, 14(2):  71-73. 
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    American Transcendentalism,which flourished in the 1830s and 1840s in the United States under the influence of European Romanticism,is generally considered as one of the most significant philosophical and literary movement in America. Drawing on unitarianism,German idealism,and Puritanism,Ralph Emerson and some other transcendentalists,redefines individual,nature,and God,and the relationship between them as well,thus pushing American Romanticism to its summit.
    A Plea to the Clown Touchstone in As You Like It
    JIANG Ling
    2014, 14(2):  74-76. 
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    William Shakespeare creates several well-known characters. Touchstone,a clown in As You Like It is focused on. Considering his relationship with Audrey,his talk with Jacques and Collins,he is more than a jester,but has other peculiarities. Through analyzing their talks,Touchstones specialty as a clown is explored. Furthermore,peoples common requirements in Renaissance period,including peoples eagerness to express frankly,pursuits for personal rights,such as freedom and equality,and recognition for social identity,are revealed.
    Reinvention of WANG Mians Image in The Scholars and Its Significance
    PANG Jie
    2014, 14(2):  77-79. 
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    In The Scholars,WANG Mian is used as the hidden meaning by WU Jingzi. After inheriting and changing the features of WANG Mian,he becomes a Confucian with WeiJin style and also pays attention to the practical knowledge. The reinvention of WANG Mians image has important implications for narrating the story and expressing the theme.
    On Confucian Thoughts and Politics in the Preqin Period
    XUE Junwu
    2014, 14(2):  80-83. 
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    In the early Qin period,schools of thoughts thrived,and intellectuals began to form the different factions,thinking of saving the world. Factions contend in fragrance and fascination,having the same historical mission of restoring the normal social order and continuously exploring it. Parties not only designed some ideal states for Confucianism,but also put forward a set of unique statecraft. Confucian statecraft refers to the Confucian advocated governing the country in the plan and strategy,which is the essence of the feudal countrys strategy. Confucian ruling thought produced in the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period,founded by Confucius,through the development of Mencius,Xunzi crest. Confucius adhered to the “rule by propriety” and advocated “wide fierceness and economy”; Mencius advocated “benevolent governance” and “push grace to the people; Xunzi advocated the combination of “rites” and “law”. Their ruling thoughts basically reflect the thoughts of the preqin Confucian governance. Confucian ruling concepts play a leading role in Chinas feudal society.
    Further Investigation into the Reason of the German Defeat in the “Battle of Britain”
    ZHAO Minjun
    2014, 14(2):  84-87. 
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    In the early days of World War II,the “Battle of Britain” was the first major setbacks Nazi Germany had encountered during the war of aggression. The battle also foreshadowed the futures two-line battle. But the German could not overcome the British Isles during their golden age,which always makes people feel puzzled. Public opinions are divergent. The main factors of the German defeat through Hitlers abnormal words and deeds in the “Battle of Britain” are revealed.
    Historical Process of Intangible Cultural Heritage Protection in China
    CHEN Shujuan
    2014, 14(2):  88-91. 
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    China has abundant intangible cultural heritage. China has accumulated rich experience in the protection of cultural heritage in collection,collation,inheritance,protection of folk intangible cultural heritage. The process of protection in China can be divided into three stages in terms of time,including before twentieth century,the twentieth century and early twentyfirst century. It is from unconscious and single protection to conscious and systematic one. At present,China has initially formed an integrated protection system of the intangible cultural heritage.
    Philosophic Commentary of Deconstructive Architecture --Also on the Origin of Construction
    HUANG Zhengrong
    2014, 14(2):  92-97. 
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    Deconstructive architecture and its design method are a constructive style based on new scientific ideas (such as complexity theory,fractal theory,selforganization theory) to generate a disruptive change in traditional and modern building. It focuses on the unity of the physical property,humanity and divinity,challenges order,stability and rigidity,advocates novelty,freedom,variety and disorder. As a construction of a new style,it aims at the rationalism of modern architecture to be critical,indepth analytical of the architectural status quo and the living world,trying to achieve the purpose of the reconstruction of a return to the original new “architecture” from the height of the art and philosophy .
    Empirical Research of Vietnamese Market Value Evaluation in Guangxi Jing Nationality Region
    CHEN Shilei
    2014, 14(2):  98-102. 
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    Based on the investigation in the main three Vietnamese training schools in Jing nationality region of Guangxi,a quantitative analysis of how language market value plays an important role in local “Vietnamese Fever” phenomenon is demonstrated by using SPSS18.0. Factor analysis shows there are three kinds of language market value in Jing nationality region,namely,practical evaluation,emotional attitude evaluation and language benefit evaluation. The research also displays the differences of language market value evaluation among nationality and gender groups,further showing how language market value evaluation is manipulated from language economic,ethno psychological and geographical perspectives.
    Positive Research on the Factors That Affect the Desire of Undergraduates to Be a Candidate of Little Village Official in Lessdeveloped Regions --Taking Jiangxi as an Example
    ZHU Zhenya1,WANG Yangchun2
    2014, 14(2):  103-107. 
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    The influencing factors that affect the desire of undergraduates to be a candidate of little village official in lessdeveloped regions (taking Jiangxi province as case) are empirically analyzed by Logistic model. The results show that the desire of registering for examination of little village official are strikingly affected by ones concepts of little village officials policy,family address,situation of family economy and parents attitude,whether one is local,preference of becoming a government official,spirit of bearing hardships and emotion of countryside,degree of satisfaction with post setting of little village official in Jiangxi and degree of satisfaction with the economic treatment of little village official in Jiangxi. A stress model that simulates the influence which decides the desire of undergraduates to be a candidate of little village official in lessdeveloped regions basing on the above results is constructed.
    Investigation and Countermeasure Research Integrity Education of College Students in Chongqing
    LI Baodi, PANG Hefeng
    2014, 14(2):  108-110. 
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    University education is for students carrying out a clean build of punishing and preventing corruption, strengthen ideological and political education of important strategic initiatives. Chongqing is an economic and financial center of Yangtze River region, the only municipality in southwest China, has an important strategic position and role in promoting the modernization of the state and society, so research in the area of clean education of college students nationwide has reference. Chongqing universities should be adapted to local conditions, the integrity of ideological and political education into educational reform among college students and integration of all resources. The training of young students concept and awareness of honesty should be combined with education management routine organically … through a variety of ways and means to improve the existing education system of college students probity, honesty and education, promoting the college to achieve tangible results.
    Discussion of Universities Scientific Research Project Budget Execution Problem
    LV Xuemei
    2014, 14(2):  111-114. 
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    There is a substantial increase in scientific research funds with the nations support to universities. However,more and more problems occur during the process of funds use. Problems are listed and reasons are analyzed. According to the related issues,some suggestions with reference to foreign experience are offered.
    An Attitudinal Analysis of Trendy Welcome Slogans for Freshmen Approached from the Appraisal Theory
    QIU Jin
    2014, 14(2):  115-117. 
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    Appraisal theory,developed from the study of interpersonal meaning in functional grammar,involves the attitude,affects and values of the speaker as well as the interpretation of them from the listeners. The subsystem of attitude to the discourse analysis of the trendy welcome slogans for freshmen in the recent two years is applied. The necessity and the positive impact of this phenomenon are found out. And the deepseated meaning of the slogans is revealed.
    On LIN Yutangs Cultural Identity and Translation Behavior:A Case Study of His Translation of Six Chapters of a Floating Life
    LIU Hua
    2014, 14(2):  118-120. 
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    LIN Yutang was an outstanding Chinese translator in the twentieth century. By introducing the study of cultural identity,the construction of LIN Yutangs cultural identity is analyzed in this paper. Its influence on his translation motivation and translation strategies is explored with a case study of his translation of Six Chapters of a Floating Life. It is pointed out that the study of cultural identity helps appraise LIN Yutang and his translation from a new perspective.
    A CognitivePragmatic Approach to Metaphoric Reference
    WEI Xiaolu, WANG Hongling
    2014, 14(2):  121-124. 
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    The dynamic nature of referential language results from the interaction between human cognition and the dynamic objective world, reflecting the cognitive features of human language. Metaphoric reference, a prominent representative of the dynamic human language, can make the language in a discourse concise, fluent and coherent. A cognitivepragmatic approach to metaphoric reference provides methods and ways of understanding the indications of language symbols.
    A Comparative Study of Lexical Bundles in Business Registers
    YOU Jingan
    2014, 14(2):  125-129. 
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    The differences in the use of lexical bundles across business registers through a corpusdriven approach are investigated. Findings are as follows: (1)Lexical bundles in such registers as business academic papers, news and reports are mostly composed of nouns, but the counterparts in business letters mainly consist of verbs and pronouns. (2)In terms of the structures of lexical bundles, they tend to fall into the category of NP/PPbased bundles in business academic papers, news and reports, while business letters frequently employ VPbased bundles and Dependent clause bundles. (3) Lexical bundles in business academic papers, news and reports mainly serve the referential function, in sharp contrast to those in business letters, which are usually employed to express stance. In addition, there is a wide gap between these registers in the use of specific lexical bundles.
    Heavymarked Scripts in Ancient Chinese Poetry and Their Translation
    ZOU Xingju
    2014, 14(2):  130-133. 
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    From the perspectives of the CMT and the script theory, the heavymarked scripts in the ancient Chinese poetry can be divided into the three categories, i.e., the heavymarked scripts shared between the source (Chinese) language and the target (English) language, the heavymarked scripts unique to the source language culture, the heavymarked scripts created by the poems. And their translation strategies include translating the scripts in the source domain and retaining or manifesting the blankness of the scripts in the target domain, changing the scripts in the source domain and manifesting the blankness of the scripts in the target domain, manifesting the scripts in the source domain and the blankness of the scripts in the target domain.
    Deviation and the Image of Grannie Liu --A Study on Hawkes Translation of Grannie Lius Language
    HUANG Chunmei
    2014, 14(2):  134-137. 
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    In translating the language of Grannie Liu in The Story of the Stone, Hawkes purposefully made use of dialectal deviations, deviations of historical period and grammatical deviations to depict an old woman who looks vulgar and rustic, and such an image is basically identical to that of the original novel. This indicates that the translators manipulation in details is reasonable and may give some enlightment to the translation and popularization of Chinese novels.
    Application of Cultural Equivalence Principle in Trademark Translation
    WANG Yuliang, REN Jie
    2014, 14(2):  138-140. 
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    As the name card of a product, trademark plays an important role in marketing. It is the core part of commodity culture and the powerful weapon for enterprises to compete in international competition. Meanwhile, trademark is a special linguistic sign. Trademark translation is the process from decoding to coding and the process of recreating and further processing. From the crossculture perspective, it is a kind of linguistic communication activity. In the practice of trademark translation, translators should take full consideration of language recognition, cultural gaps and crosscultural factors. According to cultural equivalence principle, they should adopt appropriate methods and strategies to convey the original cultural meanings and images to the largest extent.
    A Comprehensive Study on “Liang +NP+VP” Construction
    GUO Yanhong
    2014, 14(2):  141-144. 
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    “Liang +NP+VP” is a typical construction frequently used in oral Chinese. The syntactic features of “Liang +NP+VP” construction are analyzed, and the constructional meaning and discourse function from semantic and pragmatic perspectives are explored. Based on cognitive construction grammar, it explains the generation mechanism of this construction and holds that the constructional meaning of “Liang +NP+VP” stems from the interaction between construction coercion and lexical coercion.