›› 2014, Vol. 14 ›› Issue (2): 67-70.

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Impacts of Economic Development on Diffusion and Development of Russian Literature in China Today

JIA Yicun   

  1. (International College,Beijing Youth Politics College,Beijing 100102,China)
  • Received:2013-08-21 Online:2014-04-30 Published:2016-04-06

论经济发展对俄罗斯文学 在当代中国传播、发展的影响


  1. 北京青年政治学院 国际学院,北京 100102
  • 作者简介:贾一村 (1987-),男,湖南长沙人,北京青年政治学院国际学院教师,文学硕士,研究方向:译介学、俄罗斯文化。

Abstract: The Russian literature has experienced a big change from its thrivingness to decline in China today. The underlying causes of such a big change are revealed based on whats happened positively in China and negatively in Russia: on the one hand,the rapid development of Chinas cultural market,the change of the Chinese peoples values,and the deformation of literal products by hi-tech after the economic development in China since the reform and opening-up,and on the other hand,the disorder of Russian publication and distribution industry,the shortage of Russian literary writings. It is pointed out that there is no cultural strength without a powerful economic base.

Key words: Russian literature diffusion, economic lever, value, culture industry

摘要: 在当代中国,俄罗斯文学的传播、发展经历了从兴盛到衰败的巨大转变。针对改革开放以来中国经济发展所产生的诸多变化,如文化产业的兴起、国人价值观的转变、文学产品的高科技“变形”趋势等,解体后的俄罗斯经济衰退所招致的一系列不良后果,如俄出版发行业混乱、文学创作出现“短路”等展开研究,深层揭示致使俄罗斯文学传播发展陷入衰退的经济原因,并指出没有强大的经济基础,绝对不会有强大的文化实力。

关键词: 俄罗斯文学传播, 经济杠杆, 价值观, 文化产业