›› 2014, Vol. 14 ›› Issue (2): 84-87.

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Further Investigation into the Reason of the German Defeat in the “Battle of Britain”

ZHAO Minjun   

  1. (Wuxi Higher Vocational School of Tourism and Commerce,Wuxi,Jiangsu 214045,China)
  • Received:2013-09-18 Online:2014-04-30 Published:2016-04-06



  1. 无锡旅游商贸高等职业技术学校,江苏 无锡 214045
  • 作者简介:赵敏俊,男,江苏无锡人,无锡旅游商贸高等职业技术学校讲师,教育硕士。

Abstract: In the early days of World War II,the “Battle of Britain” was the first major setbacks Nazi Germany had encountered during the war of aggression. The battle also foreshadowed the futures two-line battle. But the German could not overcome the British Isles during their golden age,which always makes people feel puzzled. Public opinions are divergent. The main factors of the German defeat through Hitlers abnormal words and deeds in the “Battle of Britain” are revealed.

Key words: “Battle of Britain”, Hitler, racial superiority

摘要: 二战初期的“英国战役”是纳粹德国侵略战争中遇到的第一次重大挫折,给今后遭遇的两线作战埋下了伏笔。二战初期,处于鼎盛时期的德军无法攻克英伦三岛,始终让世人感到疑惑,其原因历来众说纷纭。通过对希特勒在“英国战役”中的反常言行来揭示德军失利的主要因素。

关键词: “英国战役”, 希特勒, 种族优越论