›› 2014, Vol. 14 ›› Issue (2): 92-97.

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Philosophic Commentary of Deconstructive Architecture --Also on the Origin of Construction

HUANG Zhengrong   

  1. (Branch No. 9,Chongqing Construction Engineering Construction Company,Chongqing 400080,China)
  • Received:2013-10-21 Online:2014-04-30 Published:2016-04-06

解构主义建筑的哲学述评 ———兼论建筑的本原


  1. 重庆建工集团 九建公司,重庆 400080
  • 作者简介:黄正荣(1963-),男,四川宜宾人,重庆建工集团九建公司高级工程师,全国一级注册建造师,技术中心主任,硕士,研究方向:工程技术与项目管理、工程哲学。

Abstract: Deconstructive architecture and its design method are a constructive style based on new scientific ideas (such as complexity theory,fractal theory,selforganization theory) to generate a disruptive change in traditional and modern building. It focuses on the unity of the physical property,humanity and divinity,challenges order,stability and rigidity,advocates novelty,freedom,variety and disorder. As a construction of a new style,it aims at the rationalism of modern architecture to be critical,indepth analytical of the architectural status quo and the living world,trying to achieve the purpose of the reconstruction of a return to the original new “architecture” from the height of the art and philosophy .

Key words: building, deconstruction, deconstruction architecture, original, dwelling

摘要: 解构主义建筑是建筑理论及设计手法在源自解构主义哲学的基础上吸收新科学思想(如复杂性理论、分形理论、自组织理论等)生成的一种对传统建筑和现代建筑颠覆性改变的建筑新样式。它祈求建筑的物性、人性与神性的有机统一,挑战秩序、稳定性与僵化,崇尚新奇、自由、多元和无序。作为一种建筑新样式,解构主义建筑旨在对现代建筑的理性主义加以批判,深入剖析建筑现状与生活世界,试图从艺术与哲学的高度来达到重建一种回归本原的全新的“建筑学”之目的。

关键词: 建筑, 解构主义, 解构主义建筑, 本原, 栖居