›› 2014, Vol. 14 ›› Issue (4): 81-84.

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From Music to Literature: the Aesthetic Connotation and Evaluation Criteria of “Ya”

WU Xuemei   

  1. College of Liberal Arts,Guangxi University for Nationalities, Nanning, Guangxi 530006, China
  • Received:2013-12-11 Online:2014-08-30 Published:2016-04-06



  1. 广西民族大学 文学院,广西 南宁 530006
  • 作者简介:〖JP2〗吴雪美(1989-),女,广西崇左人,广西民族大学文学院2012级硕士研究生,研究方向:先秦两汉文学。〖JP〗

Abstract: “Ya” was born in the soil of pre-Qin culture, experiencing a long literary evolution, gradually developed into a kind of aesthetic tendency and a standard of literature evaluation. As a category of ancient Chinese literature, the aesthetic connotation of “Ya” was breed from the description of ancient music. Under the influence of specific culture, “Ya” changed from the Book of Songs cultural inheritance, literary aesthetic, creative pursuit and the development of literature itself to the field of literature evaluation, possessing rich aesthetic implication and forming a set of effective evaluation criteria to the literature of “Ya”.

Key words: “Ya”, origin, court music, aesthetic connotation, evaluation criteria

摘要: “雅”在先秦文化土壤里诞生,经历漫长的文学演变,逐渐发展成为一种审美倾向、一种文学评判标准。“雅”作为中国古代诗学美学范畴,其审美内涵从对上古音乐的描述中孕育而出,在《诗经》文化传承、文人审美与创作追求、文学自身发展规律等特定文化氛围影响下,过渡到文学评判领域,具备丰富的审美意蕴,形成一套对“雅文学”进行品评行之有效的评判标准。

关键词: “雅”, 起源, 雅乐, 审美内涵, 评判标准