›› 2014, Vol. 14 ›› Issue (6): 13-15.

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Life: the Humanistic Dimensions of Socialist Core Values Education in Colleges and Universities

WANG Yuping   

  1. (Department of Ideological and Political Education, Anhui Science and Technology University, Bengbu, Anhui 233100, China)
  • Received:2014-04-01 Online:2014-12-31 Published:2016-04-06



  1. 安徽科技学院 思政部,安徽 蚌埠 233100
  • 作者简介:王玉平(1974-),女,安徽桐城人,安徽科技学院思政部副教授,研究方向:高校思想政治理论。
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: University students life is not only the reality in the field of socialist core values education but also is the ultimate end-result of the socialist core values education in colleges and universities. The education way of university students life which is based on the university socialism core values, should respect education main body and the particularity of values education activities, in the education idea, education content, education activities level back to real life, so as to realize the goal of values education in colleges and universities, promote the healthy growth of college students.

Key words: socialist core values education, life, humanistic dimensions

摘要: 大学生的生活既是高校社会主义核心价值观教育的现实场域,也是高校社会主义核心价值观教育的最终归宿。以大学生的生活作为高校社会主义核心价值观的教育路径,应该尊重教育主体和价值观教育活动的特殊性,在教育理念、教育内容、教育活动等层面回归现实生活,从而实现高校价值观教育目标,促进大学生健康成长。

关键词: 社会主义核心价值观教育, 生活化, 人本向度