›› 2014, Vol. 14 ›› Issue (6): 36-39.

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Temptation Investigation in Drug Trafficking Cases in the View of New Criminal Procedure Law

LI Yonghang   

  1. (Peoples Procuratorate of Jiangbei District, Chongqing 400025, China)
  • Received:2014-04-24 Online:2014-12-31 Published:2016-04-06



  1. 重庆市江北区人民检察院,重庆 400025
  • 作者简介:李永航(1987-),男,河南周口人,重庆市江北区人民检察院法律政策研究室助理检察员,法学硕士,研究方向:刑事诉讼法学、证据法学。

Abstract: The provisions that shall not induce others to crime have two meanings. Firstly, it shall not make a person who has no criminal intent as the object of temptation investigation. Secondly, the strength of the temptation investigation shall not exceed the limits of necessity. Namely, it shall not induce a person who has no criminal intent to generate criminal intent. After the implementation of the new criminal procedure law, there are three main problems in the temptation investigation in drug trafficking cases. As to the investigation procedure, the temptation investigation lacks effective prior supervision. As to the investigation object, the objects of the temptation investigation are arbitrary. As to the strength of the investigation, there exists criminal allurement sometimes. It is imperative to strengthen the supervision of temptation investigation, and to establish the appropriate mechanisms for relief and responsibility.

Key words: temptation investigation, criminal allurement, purchasing drug, legal regulation

摘要: “不得诱使他人犯罪”包括两层含义:一是不得将没有犯罪意图的人作为诱惑侦查的对象;二是诱惑侦查的强度不得超过必要的限度,即不能诱使没有犯罪意图的人产生犯罪意图。新刑诉法实施以后,贩卖毒品案件中诱惑侦查的运用主要存在三个方面的问题:在侦查程序上,诱惑侦查缺乏有效的事前监督;在侦查对象上,诱惑侦查的对象具有任意性;在侦查强度上,不乏“犯意引诱”的情形。加强对诱惑侦查的监督、建立相应的救济机制和追责机制已成为当务之急。

关键词: 诱惑侦查, 犯意引诱, 代购毒品, 法律规制