›› 2015, Vol. 15 ›› Issue (1): 34-37.

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Police Witness Protection in the AntiTerrorism Procedure

SHU Xun   

  1. Peoples Public Security University of China, Beijing 100038, China
  • Received:2014-03-01 Online:2015-02-28 Published:2015-02-28



  1. 中国人民公安大学,北京 100038
  • 作者简介:舒勋(1990-),男,四川人,中国人民公安大学硕士研究生,研究方向:刑事诉讼法。

Abstract: According to the new criminal procedure law, now the police officers can become witnesses to testify in the court about what they saw while performing their duties. But the current laws and relevant judicial interpretations dont set up the safeguard measures to protect the police officers testifying in the court. When police offices testify in the antiterrorism court, they are particularly needed to be protected by the nation and law. A study of the necessities and values of protecting the police witnesses in the antiterrorism procedure is made. Besides, after making reference to the foreign experience and combining the current situations in China, some suggestions to improve the police witness protection system in the antiterrorism procedure are also put forward.

Key words: antiterrorism, police officers testify, police witness protection

摘要: :新刑诉法规定了人民警察在执行职务时目击犯罪的情况可以作为证人出庭作证,但是法律和相关司法解释并未对警察出庭作证的保护措施作出规定。当警察在反恐诉讼中出庭作证时,尤为需要获得国家和法律的保护。探讨在反恐诉讼中保护警察证人的必要性和价值理念等问题,借鉴外国经验,结合我国实际情况,提出了完善我国反恐诉讼警察证人保护机制的构想。

关键词: 反恐诉讼, 警察作证, 警察证人保护