
Table of Content

    28 February 2015, Volume 15 Issue 1
    On the Lessons and Implications Dealing with the PartyMasses Relationship in the 1957 Rectification Campaign
    PENG Sheng, LAI Zhaomei
    2015, 15(1):  1-4. 
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    The 1957 Rectification Campaign started from the purpose of improving the partymasses relationship. While it did not obtain the effect of improvement, instead it impaired the partymasses relationship, and left a bitter lesson on the history of dealing with the partymasses relationship. Therefore, in the new historical period, we should not only keep in close touch with the masses, but also prevent mass movements to deal with the partymasses relationship, and build a healthy partymasses interactive mode. Meanwhile we should establish and improve the partys supervision mechanism, and build a harmonious relationship between the party and the masses.
    On Traditional Negative Culture Obstructing to Modern Integrity Ideas and Resolution Strategies
    HOU Baolong, WANG Fangyou
    2015, 15(1):  5-8. 
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    The modern integrity ideas are the premises of the integrity culture, and they are made of nine consciousnesses. Their theory bases are as follows: the theory of evil human nature is their idea presupposition, authoritarian fear is the strong motivation, and the social public opinions constitute their ultimate foundation.
    Capacity of Township Government: Impairment and Reconstruction
    HAO Tao
    2015, 15(1):  9-11. 
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    As the most grassroots power organizations in rural areas in China, township government is laden with most rural administrative affairs, playing an important role in promoting economic development and social stability. However, the governance capability of township government began to weaken in recent years. The rural governance is facing severe crisis. In terms of the management concept, management system and governance body, reshaping the governance capabilities is conducive to promote the modernization of management ability.
    Simple Analysis of Law-based Government Governance --Taking “Power Lists System” as an Example
    ZHANG Zhenyang
    2015, 15(1):  12-14. 
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    It is promoted in the Third Plenum of the 18th Central Committee of the CPC that the mechanism of disclosing power lists is a major way to push on with modernization of the Chinas governing system and capabilities. When converting “management” into “governance”, it emphasizes “governance”, that is to say, “the rule of law”, which aims at guaranteeing that the people are the masters of the country, while the “list of powers” aims at restricting the intervention powers of the government on the market and the society, actually, they are different. The former one is based on constitution supremacy, and the latter is originated from streamline administration. We must bring it back to the rule of law in order to make the mechanism of disclosing power lists be an effective way for promoting governance modernization, i.e. lawbased government governance.
    Research on the Subjective Evaluation of the Impact of New Traffic Regulations Implementing for Driver Risk Awareness
    WANG Yuanyuan1, QIN Yaqin1, SUI Yingnan2, XIAO Jiang1
    2015, 15(1):  15-18. 
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    The implementation of a traffic law, aimed at regulating driving, has reduced accidents by compelling most of the drivers to obey traffic rules. The impact of new traffic regulations implementing for the driver risk awareness is explored and its differences are analyzed. The aim of the present study was to explore relationship with driver behavior, and establish drivers subjective assessment model of risk awareness. It is suggested that new traffic regulations may have effects on improving the driver risk awareness. Subjective evaluation model can be used to assess the level of driver risk awareness in the future.
    Research on Shipping Channel Security Cooperation Mechanism of Southeast Asia Area
    CHEN Feier1, ZUO Zhiwei2, FENG Gui3
    2015, 15(1):  19-23. 
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    The shipping channel of Malacca Strait is a critical path for energy transport. Stakeholders in the context of Southeast Asian shipping channel accomplish numerous security cooperation mechanism. Existing literatures explained a lot on the need for security cooperation mechanisms, effectiveness and feasibility, but its difficulty is not a comprehensive study. The Malacca Strait is taken as an example, starting from definition and connotation of shipping channel security, to describe existing security cooperation mechanisms. Constructivist theory and new institutional economics approach are applied to explore the formation of cooperative mechanisms, collective action dilemma and causes and trends of institutional change, and to promote a new security cooperation mechanism.
    Research on Traffic Development Strategy of Mountainous Cities Based on Analysis of Traffic Characteristics
    LAN Lan1, WU Wei2
    2015, 15(1):  24-26. 
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    In view of shortage of space, uncoordinated development of cities and traffic, the traffic characteristics of Luzhou city is studied based on survey data of traffic flow of the city in 2012, in aspects of vehicle types, time and space distribution characteristics, road network features. Traffic development strategy of mountainous cities is then put forward to improve road network system, construct highly efficient public traffic system and achieve coordinated development of cities and traffic.
    Construction and Practice of Excellence Engineers Cultivation System about Mechanical Majors
    MA Liying1, LIANG Naixing2, CAO Yuanwen1, GUI Shaoxiong3
    2015, 15(1):  27-30. 
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    Implementing “excellence program” is the major measure for our country to engineering education power. Based on the analysis of the concepts and thoughts of “excellence program” about transportation engineering education, innovation talents training course system is built through straightening out teaching contents and integrating teaching resources. By a series of measures such as the reinforcement construction of perfect courses, strengthening the teaching material, promoting the reform of practice teaching system and the construction base, its to protect personnel training quality and establish teaching quality control system. Combining with the examples of excellence engineering training system, the results of construction and operation are explained.
    Promotion of University Engineering Teachers Competency Based on Expressway Demonstration Project
    LIU Yan, LIU Lang, GAO Jianping
    2015, 15(1):  31-33. 
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    Engineering teachers competency reflects teaching ability, engineering practice ability, research ability and environmental behavior ability. In order to improve teachers competency, based on the construction of Chongqing Raocheng Expressway Science and Technology Demonstration Project and led by the government departments, Chongqing Jiaotong University extensively participates in expressway science and technology demonstration project construction and science and technology innovation activities in the productionteachingresearch cooperation way. Based on 16 science and technology demonstration projects and the technical and managerial service demand of engineering construction, teachers have been trained and their competency has been significantly improved. The research has explored the cultivating mode of university engineering teachers competency and organization guarantee mechanism on the basis of the expressway science and technology demonstration project.
    Police Witness Protection in the AntiTerrorism Procedure
    SHU Xun
    2015, 15(1):  34-37. 
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    According to the new criminal procedure law, now the police officers can become witnesses to testify in the court about what they saw while performing their duties. But the current laws and relevant judicial interpretations dont set up the safeguard measures to protect the police officers testifying in the court. When police offices testify in the antiterrorism court, they are particularly needed to be protected by the nation and law. A study of the necessities and values of protecting the police witnesses in the antiterrorism procedure is made. Besides, after making reference to the foreign experience and combining the current situations in China, some suggestions to improve the police witness protection system in the antiterrorism procedure are also put forward.
    Legal Research on Supervision and Management of Housing Provident Fund
    ZHENG Liting, WANG Zhimei
    2015, 15(1):  38-41. 
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    Housing provident fund system is a social security system of China. There exist regulation deficiencies on housing provident fund mainly in three aspects: unclear legal status of regulatory and oversight units, low coefficient of risk prevention, legal system’s lack of maneuverability, regional income disparities, lack of metrics, regulatory difficulties. Regulators need to improve the clear legal status of the housing provident fund management institutions, weaken its administrative color, make clear the monitoring procedures, enhance its maneuverability, strengthen supervision and use of housing provident fund.
    Assessment of Local Public Expenditure Using DEA Approach: --A Case Study of Sichuan Province
    LU Zheng1, LV Peng2
    2015, 15(1):  42-45. 
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    The efficiency of public expenditure has important effect on regional social and economic development. Using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) approach, the public expenditure efficiency of 21 prefecturelevel cities in Sichuan province are measured and evaluated. Conclusions show that: the overall efficiency of public expenditure of Sichuan province is very low and embodies a downtrend in recent years. In Sichuan, the public expenditure efficiency shows differences between regions. Relatively speaking, the developed regions have higher public expenditure efficiency than less developed regions have.
    Literature Review and Prospect on Hotels Employee Turnover at Home and Abroad
    CHEN Xuejun1,2, ZHENG Xiangmin1
    2015, 15(1):  46-51. 
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    The hotel industry has been characterized as having excessive levels of turnover. Hotels employee turnover has always been a hot research topic at home and abroad academic fields. By collecting and analyzing domestic and overseas literatures of hotels employee turnover, it is found out that literatures of home and abroad mainly focused on four content fields, included influencing effects of hotels employee turnover, influencing factors of hotels employee turnover, theory model and empirical research, countermeasures and suggestions. Under the analysis of contributions and weak points of present literatures, six future research suggestions on this topic are discussed. These topics are new theory perspective research, influencing factors integration research, theory research and empirical research indigenous research on hotels employee turnover of China, new moderator research, employee segmentation research, quantitative research on influencing effects of hotels employee turnover.
    Strategy of “Acting Cute” in the Network Marketing --Taking Taobao as a Case
    GUO Fang1, ZHANG Zhiqiang2
    2015, 15(1):  52-55. 
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    “Acting Cute Marketing” is a new marketing method that applies “acting cute” to virtual space. “Acting Cute Marketing” has become a criterion because of its innovative form recently and been well received by overseas netizens especially in virtual space. Taking Taobao as a case, making “cute point” needs to focus on shop designs, creation of copywriting, customer service and aftersales that makes “cute” throughout each aspect in Taobao stores. Multiplatform integrated marketing is a key to extending Taobaos “Acting Cute Marketing” in such social media marketing atmosphere. However, we should also see it just as a means and “Acting Cute Marketing” has definite range of applying which marketing is biased towards young market and doesnt apply to every goods or brand.
    On the Effective Supervision over Insurance Agency
    ZOU Yin
    2015, 15(1):  56-59. 
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    Though there exists strong momentum of development in both the main body of business, business scale and service areas of Chinas insurance agency, there are still such problems as illegal arbitrage, fraud and other malpractices behind the rapid growth, due to the late start, weak foundation and nonstandard market development. As a matter of fact, the reason for that mainly lies in weak supervision. The studies find that the main factors affecting the effective supervision over insurance agency effectiveness are regulatory failures, regulatory model defects, regulatory information asymmetry and imperfect regulations. Therefore, its suggested that in order to promote efficiency of supervision, further standardize the market and restrain the illegal acts related to fraud of insurance agency, we should build supervision mechanism of incentive and constraint, realize the regulation and development, improve optimize the regulation means, implement coordinated regulation and promote the innovation in regulation.
    On the Nature Man in East of Eden
    ZHANG Shujuan
    2015, 15(1):  60-63. 
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    By East of Eden, John Steinbeck discusses the mannature ecological relationship. Adam violates the law of nature and thus suffers natures harsh retribution, which reflects his anthropocentric view. Samuel, the Nature Man, cherishes every inch of land, devotes love and care to nature, and he reaps reward of nature, which forms his ecological ethics. From Adams spiritual tragedy and Samuels optimism and inner wholeness, Steinbeck presents his ecological idea: human beings should respect and love nature just as Samuel does. Only in this way will the harmonious coexistence between human and nature, man and society, and man and man be realized in the near future.
    Looking into SHEN Congwens Creation Mentality in the 1940s from Seven Color Nightmare
    GAO Xiaorui
    2015, 15(1):  64-67. 
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    Since the new period, the studies of SHEN Congwen are mostly focused on his novel creation. For his prose creation, the researchers paid more attention to his Xiangxing Sanji and ignored his works created in the 1940s. Through studying, it is found that the abstract prose is closely related to his state of mind, which can be seen as his holding and asking the meaning of life in the painful, lonely, depressing world. Seven Color Nightmare is taken as an example to discuss SHEN Congwens creative spirit in the 1940s.
    Manifestation of Conceit of Everyday Life --On Discourse Features of the Prose in Tiandi
    MAN Jian
    2015, 15(1):  68-71. 
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    In the particular context of the occupied area during Anti-Japanese War period in the 1940s, catering Shanghai peoples needs for cultural consumption, the essays published in the magazine Tiandi mainly concern the universal themes of human being, such as the natural instincts and essential needs of men, exploring the significance of daily life, affirming the value of daily life, thus representing daily life through the writing techniques of reference, collage, defamiliarization, making the solemn and witty tied together, comparison of the elegant and the popular, etc. A strange and interesting speech style is created and a unique discourse of modern metropolis in the particular context is formed.
    Gloomy and Melancholy Feeling in SHEN Yixius Ci Poetry
    SUN Ming
    2015, 15(1):  72-75. 
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    SHEN Yixiu was an excellent feminine Cipoet in late Ming Dynasty. Her Cipoetry was lucid and elegant, gentle and melancholy, which was very nebulous in describing the pain of missing husband and miserable life. Her Ci is unique and becomes the representative of boudoir repining Ci at the end of Ming Dynasty.
    The “Fengshen” of SHEN Quanqis Poetry
    YUE Dehu
    2015, 15(1):  76-79. 
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    SHEN Quanqis poetry has always been praised for the contribution, but its “Fengshen” is seldom mentioned. His poems “Fengshen” is discussed from the language and images. Literature and history are mutually proved. His free choice of words, syntactic erudite, flexible composition, preciseness give readers infinite imagination, Even Li Bai and Du Fu and many other following generations learned a lot from him.
    Saul Bellows Ecology View --Revelation of Deans December
    JI Xiaohong, LI Zhengwen
    2015, 15(1):  80-82. 
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    Saul Bellow voices his sound ecological criticism in his novels which displays his strong sense of urgency towards human environment and his harmonious ecological view. His novel Deans December is an excellent example. The novel presents not only the alienation between man and nature, but also the profound alienation human being themselves in their confrontation and antagonism with nature. In the novel, Bellow calls for the establishment of a harmonious relationship between men and nature which helps to fundamentally change the natural and social environment, so that the relation between men and nature, men and society will enter into the track of healthy development, thus men can ultimately realize the “romantic return” to nature as well as the beautiful encounter between men and nature.
    Analysis of the Animal Images of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban --Based on “FigureGround” Theory
    TANG Hangu, LI Jinmei
    2015, 15(1):  83-85. 
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    The spread and prevalence of Harry Porter novels in the world has formed a kind of cultural phenomenon. The “figureground” theory produced from the psychology can not only be used for the interpretation of language, but also be used for cognitive interpretation of literary works. Based on “figure ground” theory, the animal images of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban are analyzed and the narrative craftsmanship of the novel is illustrated.
    Inheritance and Transformation:Study on the AntiCorruption Culture of PreQin Confucianism
    ZHANG Fei, SONG Qin
    2015, 15(1):  86-89. 
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    The anticorruption ideology of PreQin Confucianism is the ideological heritage and valuable sources of Chinas traditional culture. The anticorruption strategy is the combination of the external system of rite and inner moral selfdiscipline, prompting a governance mode of the officials clean politics. Anticorruption ideology is the logical starting of Confucianism and the ultimate goal. Its main contents include: Anticorruption is the essence of politics; The ritual is clean politics security; Morality is the basis of honest politics; The law is anticorruption politics guarantee; Education is the way of anticorruption politics. In the anticorruption has a long way to go today, how to “inherit”, “transform” Confucian traditional thoughts and experience to construction of a clean and honest administration has important transformation value and enlightenment significance.
    Early European Colonial Activities with the Rise and Fall of the Kingdom of Ashanti --A Historical Perspective on Effects of Early Colonialism to West African Indigenous Civilizations
    AI Junshu
    2015, 15(1):  90-95. 
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    The early European colonial activities contacted extensively to the development of West African indigenous civilizations in Modern Era from 15th to 19th century. The rise of Ashanti Kingdom was a process with joint interactions by many aspects, gradations and factors, included changes of national forms, economic structure, political systems and military. These had been promoted in various degrees by transatlantic trade. However, Ashanti Kingdom could not get rid of the fate and became a colony in late 19th century. Visibly external factors could produce a promotion to the development of West African indigenous civilizations in particular period, but could not take the development of West African indigenous civilizations out from a chronic isolated or slow model fundamentally.
    Implementation of “Little Mister System” to Promote National Culture Inheritance
    FAN Yanjun
    2015, 15(1):  96-98. 
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    At the beginning of the twentieth century, in order to promote public education,Mr. TAO Xingzhi put forward “little mister system” creatively. In the implementation of “little mister system”, we must insist on it on and off campus at the same time, in the faces of all the persons, whether children or adults, and to use all available time to spread cultural knowledge. It is inseparable from the government, school especially for teachers support and help. “little mister system” provides a new mode of inheritance for the national cultural heritage.
    Research on Shandong Film and Television Industry in the Context of Creative Industry
    LV Xiaoxiao
    2015, 15(1):  99-103. 
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    The wave of creative industry brings opportunities and challenges for Shandong film and television industry, which has broad prospects for development brought by the supporting policies, system reform and content innovation. It is also faced with the challenges from themselves and also from the domestic and overseas counterparts. Only through continuous innovation in the concept, system and content, can Shandong film and television industry remain invincible in the competition. As the core factor, Lu Drama should realize the constant innovation and greatleapforward development; as the financial security, the investment and financing channels need to be expanded, and the system needs to be perfected; as the focus in the future, the postfilm industry has a more urgent need to reference and innovation.
    Visual Expression of Huizhou Prints from Fang Ink Spectrum
    WEN Jing1, JIANG Baofeng2
    2015, 15(1):  104-107. 
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    Fang Ink Spectrum is one example of Huizhou printmaking. Looking into the visual expression from Fang Ink Spectrums artistic features is a method to see classic works. While analyzing Huizhou visual expression, the impact factors in the development of printmaking in the Huizhou merchants, cultural emblem, Huizhou local painter, Huizhou carving industrys representatives are introduced therein, and the birth background of Fang Ink Spectrum is also explored, and then analyzed and summarized, which can become the support and schema aesthetic basis for contemporary visual artists.
    Theory Origin and the Enlightenment on Life Education
    YAN Weihong, KONG Zhixue
    2015, 15(1):  108-111. 
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    Life education for students has become an important subject of school education. Many ideas on life in the history of both China and the West provide a reference space for our understanding of life and improve our life construction and also made a basis for life education, research and practice. We should sort out the life thoughts in both Chinas traditional culture and in the Western philosophy. We can draw reasonable ingredients to provide guidance for todays education.
    Study on the Mechanisms of Tertiary Vocational Education Investment in China
    WANG Qi
    2015, 15(1):  112-114. 
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    Education is of fundamental importance to the fulfillment of our great long-range mission. In recent years, with our socialist market economy system innovated, tertiary vocational education develops quickly as an important force of national economy. Governments investments on vocational schools have been increasing, having the aim, which means that fiscal expenditure of education should account for 4% of GDP achieved. At the same time, the disadvantages still exist. Based on analyzing the current situation and the statistics of Chinas investment on tertiary vocational education, the innovation methods on the systems and mechanisms of tertiary-vocational-education investment are researched.
    Status and Strategies of Colleges of Using Microblog for Ideological and Political Education Work --Taking Zhejiang Provinces Twelve “College Blogs” as an Example
    WU Lingling
    2015, 15(1):  115-118. 
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    The microblog is an important window to carry out ideological and political education, and is also an important platform for college students to participate in the political and ideological education activities. Through the investigation of twelve universities in Zhejiang province, the official microblog, it is found that the use of microblog to carry out ideological and political education has made some achievements, but there are also some problems in the development, the innovation of the ideological and political education must actively carry out information management on the Weibo, strengthen the interaction with the students, and construct a microblog management team, promote the microblog to play a more active role in raising the level of Ideological and political education of college students.
    Effectiveness of University Crisis Management Measures and Countermeasures
    XU Wenjun
    2015, 15(1):  119-122. 
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    Ecological changes brought about science communication media, so that a universitys crisis management produce new opportunities. Epidemic crisis in universities is taken as a case study of college empirical validity of crisis management measures. A binary discrete choice model built to predict the effectiveness of the measures based on the scores based on the regression results show that measures to deal with the crisis of universities should be focused on the implementation of the object at different times of crisis. More women than men favoring the crisis will promote the image of the university. After the crisis recovery measures and crisis response measures have a significant impact on the colleges s role in promoting the image of the crisis, and the impact of preventive measures before the crisis was not significant.
    Literature Review of the Studies of Spoken English in the Past 55 Years in China
    ZHAN Suxian, SUN Yan
    2015, 15(1):  123-126. 
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    The studies of spoken English published in 10 core academic journals of linguistics and applied linguistics from CNK are reviewed. Moreover, a statistical analysis of 283 articles published in these journals in terms of the numbers of published studies, research methods and study focus is provided. Based on the analysis, the current situation and characteristics of studies of spoken English in China are discussed and the directions for future studies in the area of spoken English in China are pointed out.
    An Analysis of Multimodal Metaphor and Frame of Teacher Talk --Based on SFLEP National College English Contest
    QIU Yingying1, WANG Shaohua2
    2015, 15(1):  127-131. 
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    On the basis of multimodal metaphor theory and frame theory, six teaching video clips on the same subject are selected as data from SFLEP National College English Teaching Contest. 3 multimodal metaphors in teacher talk are summarized, and different frames behind metaphor are contrasted. It is revealed that multimodal metaphor theory and frame in teacher talk reflect teachers different educational philosophy. Due to different teaching methodologies and objectives, on the same subject teachers choose different multimodal metaphors and frames which account for to what extent the teaching contents gain acceptance with the students. Because of different modes, teachers foreground different aspects of the same frame and teaching metaphor.
    Comparing the Parallel Texts of English and Chinese Museum Collection Commentaries and Its Implications
    XIE Ke
    2015, 15(1):  132-136. 
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    Based on the model of comparing parallel texts, the differences of English and Chinese museum collection commentaries are analyzed in the content and approach of expression. Then, some significant implications for the translation of Chinese museum collection commentaries are revealed , that is, some flexible translation strategies should be adopted, such as compiling and rewriting. The translation of Chinese museum collection commentaries based on comparing parallel texts takes the readers of target language and the acceptance of the translation into full consideration and it will exert a very significant influence on the acceptance and successful intercultural communication of the translation in the targetlanguage culture.
    Applying Interpretive Theory to Deconstruct the Phenomenon of Unconscious CodeSwitching in Interpreting
    GAO Bo1, WU Xiaolong2
    2015, 15(1):  137-139. 
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    The phenomenon of unconscious codeswitching in interpreting is analyzed and the approach to avoid this phenomenon by means of applying the interpretive theory is suggested.
    Creativity of Translators: Imitation and Transformation in Cognition
    WEI Haibo
    2015, 15(1):  140-144. 
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    Creativity of the translators plays a vital role in translation. To illustrate creativity of the translators, cognitive linguistics theories provide a new perspective. Based on the framework of the theory of construal, from five aspects it is suggested that creativity of the translators lies in the translators effort to change the ways of expression in the original texts in order to conform to the ideas of the original texts. It is demonstrated with the examples in Chinese-English translation to explore the way and the approaches to creativity of the translators.