›› 2015, Vol. 15 ›› Issue (2): 89-91.

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Expressing Classics about Mothers Love --Comparison between Meng Jiaos “Song of the Roaming Son” and Huang Zhongzes “To Bid Mother Farewell ”

LIU Wan   

  1. (Chinese Faculty, Anhui University, Hefei 230000,China)
  • Received:2014-08-17 Online:2015-04-30 Published:2015-04-30

母爱的经典 ——比较孟郊《游子吟》和黄仲则《别老母》


  1. 安徽大学 文学院,合肥 230000
  • 作者简介:刘婉(1990-),女,安徽六安人,安徽大学文学院硕士研究生,研究方向:古代文学。

Abstract: Meng Jiaos “Song of the Roaming Son” and Huang Zhongze “To Bid Mother Farewell ” are classics of leaving mothers complex. Both classic poems through the real parting scene show love between mother and son, at the same time express the pure heart of mothers love and the wanderers inability to after such a long separation. Two personal encounters have consistency but the lyric means are different. Combining both the age backgrounds, the gap can be found. In the process of comparison, the Chinese ethnic peoples inheriting and carrying forward the traditional filial piety culture is explored.

Key words: Meng Jiao, “Song of the Roaming Son”, Huang Zhongze, “To Bid Mother Farewell”, motherly love

摘要: 孟郊《游子吟》和黄仲则《别老母》都是抒写别母情结的经典。两首经典诗歌通过离别时的真实情景展现母子情,同时抒发久别在外的游子对母爱无法回报的赤子之心。二者的个人遭遇具有一致性,但抒情方式别有天地;结合二者所处的时代背景,可以发现其中的差距。在比较的过程中,探究当代中华民族对传统孝文化的继承和弘扬。

关键词: 孟郊, 《游子吟》, 黄仲则, 《别老母》, 母爱