›› 2016, Vol. 16 ›› Issue (4): 128-133.

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An Adaptation Theoretic Approach to Poetic Criticism --From the Literary Adaptability of the English Poem “When You Are Old”

XIAO Chunyan   

  1. (Basic Subject Department, Shaanxi Polytechnic Institute, Xianyang, Shaanxi 712000, China)
  • Received:2016-03-07 Revised:2016-04-14 Online:2016-08-01 Published:2016-09-02

语用顺应论:一个诗歌评析的新视角 ——从英诗《When You Are Old》的文学顺应性谈起


  1. 陕西工业职业技术学院 基础部, 陕西 咸阳 712000
  • 作者简介:肖春艳(1977—),女,陕西安康人,陕西工业职业技术学院副教授,文学硕士,英国剑桥大学访问学者,研究方向:西方文论、英美文学。
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: Poetry is created along with linguistic communication as well as choices between a poet and his / her implied reader, which enables adaptation theory to possibly access to poetic criticism. Creating a poem is a process in which the poet makes linguistic choices and chooses the literary strategies in the cognitively environments formed continuously in the communication between the poem and the implied reader. The poets choices are usually based on the cognitive level of the implied readers and satisfied with the aesthetic appeal of the implied readers. It is the poets choices in linguistics and literary strategies that endure him with the literary adaptation which makes poetry distinguish from common language. If the process to create a poem is focused on, the literary adaptation of the poem will be traced by analyzing contextual correlates of adaptability; language structure of adaptability as well as the salience of adaptation embodying the poets choosing various literary strategies, so as to attempt to explore an adaptation theoretic approach to poetic criticism

Key words: adaptation theory, literary adaptation, implied reader, contextual correlates of adaptability, language structure of adaptability, the salience of adaptation

摘要: 诗歌生成过程所发生的语言选择与交流使诗歌批评对语用顺应论得以敞开,即诗歌生成是诗人与隐含读者进行交际,在不断形成的动态认知语境中关照隐含读者的认知水平与审美诉求,进行语言及文学策略选择的过程,而诗人语言与文学策略的选择使诗歌携带了文学顺应性 。若从文本逆向审视诗歌生成,通过分析诗歌的语境顺应、语言结构顺应以及以文学策略为载体的顺应意识度,便可实现对诗歌文学顺应性的讨流。

关键词: 顺应论, 文学顺应性, 潜在读者, 语境顺应, 语言结构顺应, 文学策略